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donkey77 03-19-2015 11:27 PM

brown jelly disease
anybody have before i heard Lugol's solution cures it i think i have it

reefwars 03-20-2015 03:02 AM

You can dip in furan2 as well , be careful not to spread it around the tank though when you remove the coral for dip , I use a small siphon hose to remove and siphon any mucus and then gently remove the coral trying not to disturb it. It can spread to weakened corals if allowed to.

nerdz 03-20-2015 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 941586)
You can dip in furan2 as well , be careful not to spread it around the tank though when you remove the coral for dip , I use a small siphon hose to remove and siphon any mucus and then gently remove the coral trying not to disturb it. It can spread to weakened corals if allowed to.

Good advice. Some people use peroxide dip too. Kills bateria and floats thd jelly off the coral

albert_dao 03-20-2015 04:29 AM

I rinse under the tap with lukewarm water first to flush out any dead tissue/brown stuffs. Then peroxide.

jason604 03-20-2015 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by albert_dao (Post 941601)
I rinse under the tap with lukewarm water first to flush out any dead tissue/brown stuffs. Then peroxide.

isnt fresh water on corals bad?

albert_dao 03-20-2015 05:11 AM

Maybe... But I've probably rinsed thousands of corals over the past few years to great success.

donkey77 03-20-2015 12:01 PM

i have to many corals in my tank, can i does the whole tank

reefwars 03-20-2015 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by donkey77 (Post 941635)
i have to many corals in my tank, can i does the whole tank

Personally I wouldn't , what's being affected?

brittanyk 03-20-2015 05:40 PM

I'm battling this right now, what's the peroxide solution ratios please?
Can ehole coral be dipped or just affected head?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

donkey77 03-21-2015 05:09 PM

birdnest zoa blastos

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