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Proteus 03-03-2015 04:31 PM

Building new sump need suggestions
For my baffles on sump do you prefer

Over under over... This will give better surfactant removal from middle chamber to be cycles through system again

Under over under.... This gives more area for micro bubble elimination

lockrookie 03-03-2015 04:46 PM

I usually do the over under over most sumps are built this way so that you get the hieght you want/ need for each chamber. And doesn't effect micro bubbles at least it hasn't in my cases. Mind you I sometimes skip the last over until the last chamber In the sump I have pics of sumps I've built if you wish to see

Proteus 03-03-2015 04:51 PM

My thought too as under over under may create build up of bacterial film in middle chamber.

You can post some puts if you like aways nice to get others ideas

twisty 03-03-2015 04:52 PM

I wouldn't mind seeing pics as i'm in the process of building my sump as well


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 938965)
I have pics of sumps I've built if you wish to see

lockrookie 03-03-2015 09:29 PM

Building new sump need suggestions
Daycare tank sump

Sump for my 180g

Sump i built for a lfs' customer

Sump I built for a friend

I've built some others but I cannot seem to find the pics sorry I hope this helps or gives you ideas

Basically make your sump work for you and all will be good

twisty 03-05-2015 06:47 PM

What's the isolated compartment in the corners for?

indreamx 03-05-2015 06:53 PM

How big is this sump?

Duckhams 07-01-2015 12:27 AM

I think it depends more on the size of the sump, flow through it and which compartments sit where in it. For example, if there is a refugium in the sump, that will dictate your baffle orientation and so on, like lockrookie said.

Myka 07-01-2015 01:01 AM

I prefer under, over, under. Although I usually do 4 baffles so it's under, over, under, over. :D With the first baffle "under" then you suck up less microbubbles, and with the last baffle "over" any bubbles that are present are already at the surface rather than down by the pump inlet.

Bblinks 07-01-2015 01:46 AM

I have always done under and over for my sump. Really like the simply 2 chamber design that has worked for me on multiple tanks.

I am not a big believer in complex sumps due to the main factor of size and function. Refugium does work but it really needs to be appropriately sized. 1/2 of your tank size would make it worth while.

Also, I usually leave about an inch and a half in between the dividers to accommodate the flow I like to achieve for my turn over rate. Some believe that the flow through your sumo should match your skimmer intake rate but that has never made sense to me as my point of view is the more time the water passes through the sump, the more chances your mechanical filter and skimmer gets to pull the gunk out.

This leads me to 2 chambers in the sump design, one is for mechanical and skimmer filtration and the second is for the return pump. I know this works and works well but of course there are a million way in this hobby to achieve what you want in your tank. There isn't really right or wrong but just what works for you.

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