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corpusse 01-25-2015 02:57 PM

How long would you let 2 tangs fight for?
I just lost my Chevron tang of 7+ years but "replaced" him with a Naso. They were originally going in together in my 180. I had him in QT since black friday. The other tang I have is a smaller Achilles. The Chevron would beat him up a bit and then he'd fight back but they more or less accepted each other. I figured although 3 in the 180 would be a little cramped it would allow them to split up the aggression instead of just the one on one madness that's going on now.

The Achilles is a lot smaller then the Naso but he's circling him like a shark and tearing up his fins pretty bad. The Naso for his part is just taking it and when it gets to be too much he'll spike him once to shoe him but won't chase him down. The Naso did manage to eat a little bit of Nori this morning between fights. I know there is the possibility in the few days the Achilles was the only tang in the tank he claimed the whole thing as his and will no longer tolerate new tangs. I'm just wondering how long I should let them go at it. I didn't drain the QT just in case the Naso has to go back in. Obviously I have been keeping tangs a long time, but the Achilles I've only had since March and never introduced him to a new larger fish he was the last big addition and the reason for the 180 tank.

Also I do know the Naso will outgrow the 180. I will upgrade tanks before he gets massive.

Fishman 01-25-2015 03:49 PM

I'd consider putting the Achilles in QT and let the Naso settle a bit in the Display. Also, consider using mirrors ... has worked great for me in the past when introducing a new fish. 01-25-2015 04:23 PM

Just flick him and yell "bad fish"

Ya I'd put the Achilles back in qt for a bit

SeaHorse_Fanatic 01-25-2015 04:59 PM

Keeping an Achilles alive long term is tough enough.

Having a second tang of similar body shape that he'll keep fighting with is almost asking for a dead Achilles.

Based on our past experience (several BC reefers) with Achilles tangs and how tough they are to keep alive and healthy, if you want to keep your Achilles long-term, forget the Naso and just enjoy your Achilles. The stress will likely kill it or at least cause it to constantly break out with ick or some other issue.

Everyone and his grandmother (figuratively speaking) has a Naso in their tank. Very, very few have a healthy Achilles living long term in their tanks. I personally would place Achilles up there with Moorish Idols as fish that are not really suited to survive long term in captivity.

BTW, my friend went snorkeling in Hawaii and the only place he saw Achilles tangs in the wild was swimming around the reef crests, with waves crashing and the waters super-oxygenated. This may help explain why so few Achilles make the transition to our reef tanks.

Just my $.02. Would hate to read you lost your Achilles due to conflict with the Naso.


corpusse 01-25-2015 05:25 PM

The Achilles is beating the Naso, not the other way around. My chevron died due to an eating injury. He ate a small clam and it closed on him. Other then some initial slashing he got along with Achilles.

I am well aware they are not from the reef but the surge zone. He is however not going to get ich. Ich is not present in my tank. The Achilles was in QT for 100 days prior to his introduction. The Naso was in QT almost as long. Both went through prazi for flukes and copper for ich for a full 30 days at full dosage then additional observation time before being added to the display. While there is a small chance some could come in a coral I am working at qting everything for 72 days including snails and frags this is primarily due to the fact I have an Achilles tang. Should he ever get ich from a frag the first thing I will do when a single spot appears on him is drain the tank and remove all fish for 72 days.

asylumdown 01-26-2015 07:50 PM

I wouldn't let it go on more than a day or two, personally. Seeing that kind of aggression stresses me out. Your Achilles has claimed the tank, you may be out of luck ever adding another tang to the mix. Personally Id take one happy Achilles over 2 or three tangs that spend most of the day trying to kill each other.

corpusse 01-27-2015 12:31 AM

The fighting is over. The Naso is finally using the entire tank instead of staying on one side. They even ate from the nori clip together.

Yesterday there was a lot of chasing but not a lot of slashing. The torn fins should heal in the coming days. I will post some pics in the coming days.

corpusse 01-27-2015 03:05 PM

Here is a crappy video with the lights out. Working long hours this week but my wife has been watching them and other then some minor chasing they aren't fighting.

martinmcnally 01-27-2015 07:08 PM

Put a mirror in the tank (or outside the glass). That's what I always do. They are usually to distracted by their own reflection to bother anyone else then after a week or so take it out and they are used to each other by then.

Skimmerking 01-27-2015 10:58 PM

yep I always put a mirror in there they will hang out and fight with their partners lol I have left the mirror there for up to 2 weeks and it works

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