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UnderWorldAquatics 09-11-2004 01:13 AM

Acrylic Aquarium Sizes??? Input???
Posted this earlier in a forum no one could reply too....

Im smart, "S"M"R"T"

I have been thinking about making some reef friendly tanks in my spare time, I was wondering if you reefers could give me some needed input...

I was thinking of making some moderate sized tanks, sized for nice reef displays, please give any and all input!

What are you thoughts on these sizes?


Also, what style of overflows are prefered?

Would black back tanks be a desirable feature?

All tanks would be constructed of the highest quality cell cast acrylic, with a wall thickness greater than standard store tanks.

I greatly appreciate your input!!!

kuatto 09-11-2004 02:38 AM

The sizes are good,maybe something in a 48" length as well?
An external overflow cut out in the back wall might be an idea,wouldn't take up space inside.What kind of prices for the sizes list,just ball park figures?Bare tank.

UnderWorldAquatics 09-11-2004 03:38 AM

I would make the 48" on request.....

I still havent decided what material thickness to go with but I would want them very beefy!

Will be trying to figure out bare tank prices shortly

Any and all suggestions are helpful, would almost completly open tops be of appeal to anyone?

LostMind 09-11-2004 04:07 AM

I think as open as possible would be good for reefs.

Zerandise 09-11-2004 05:12 AM

yes open tops are good. both my acrylis tanks, the 55 and the 140, have mostly closed tops. I would LOVE if they were more open.

Richer 09-11-2004 05:18 AM

I like the sizes that you've posted... width is something I sorely want on my tank. I like the idea of an external overflow and an opened top (well, as opened as possible). I like black backgrounds, but others may not like it as much... so I would leave that as an option. I assume you'll be drilling holes as requested as well?


muck 09-11-2004 05:46 AM

For me I really like a deep tank front to back. I see all the tank sizes you listed are at least 20 inches deep.
I think the 36x24x?? are awesome sizes. My kind of tanks... :mrgreen:

As far as black backs... not sure of that. I know you can get tinted acrylic.
Maybe the bronze or the smoke would be a better choice.
What does everyone else think??

P.S. Are you going to be making these from the "scratchless acrylic" you were talking about awhile back??
If so im very curious as to how scratchless they are?? :biggrin:

kris_willard 09-11-2004 07:32 AM

I think that something with the dimensions ofa breeder tank would be awesome! Very shallow tanks aregreat for reducing lighting costs. i would like to see a black back as well as black overfloow(s). Open tops are always a plus, and of course a low cost is a must.

kuatto 09-11-2004 03:15 PM

I remember seeing a picture(on another site)of a tank with no top or bottom bands,looked real sharp :cool: could that be possible or would it take away from the integratey(sp?) of the tank?Maybe rounded corners.

StirCrazy 09-11-2004 03:34 PM

What happened to the scratch proof acrylic tanks you were getting into?


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