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edikpok 01-05-2015 04:39 AM

New fish, quarantine and copper
Over the holidays, I purchased 3 fish (PJ and bangaii cardinals and 6-line wrasse) to be added eventually to my tank. Since I try to avoid introducing ich (and other non-sense) to my main 29gal cube reef tank, the new fish are currently in quarantine for the next 6-8 weeks.
As of right now, I have not seen any specs of ich, but I am pretty sure that they are harbouring some since wrasses’ tank mate at the LFS had ich. My question is, should I add copramine to the quarantine tank? Or what is the best course of action???

daplatapus 01-05-2015 02:00 PM

I personally have never had much success keeping fish alive treating ich with meds or hypo. Not sure if I'm doing it wrong or not paying enough attention.
But I've yet to lose a fish with the tank transfer method and since I've employed it, I've not had ich in my display. If you have the room and resources, try looking into that method. If nothing else, reading up on it will give you a good you a better understanding of the cryptocaryon life cycle.

George 01-05-2015 05:07 PM

I am also voting for tank transfer method (TTM) for eradicating marine ich. But the method requires a little bit of planning which includes extra hardware and such.
If you don't have the necessary hardware for TTM, cupramine is a fine choice for those fish since they are tough fish. make sure they are eating well for a week before the treatment. Ramping up the copper level to therapeutic level slowly over a few days.
Good luck!

hillegom 01-05-2015 06:20 PM

I have been doing the TTM for a while now as well. It does not require a lot of money for equipment if you buy all used equipment.
Here is a good read on the method.

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