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Abyss 12-29-2014 07:17 PM

Getting out sale YYC
**Getting out sale YYC**
Yes it's time to shutdown the Abyss…

I have 600 lbs +- of live rock no Aptasia, some with coral softies attached, huge to small pieces, 2$lb… Prices are negotiable (Im much more willing to be flexible if you are getting multiple items!).

Clownfish (x2) and their Mini pink anemones (x2) - $50 + rock (might come with large rock? 2$lb… Prices of rock negotiable)

Yellow tang - (4”+) $30

Regal tang, a real fighter rescue fish… uncured salt burn’s on face, some-what-eat’n by the Brittle star as he slept,.. but a very Happy fish - (4.5”) $30 o.b.o.

Brittle Star, Blk (7”-10”) free to the luck person who picks the rock he is hiding in… Or $20 if he is still in the tank after all rock is sold. (comes with his own food, or buy Dory, as he has become very attached to her)

Male Dragon mandarin, will eat cubed frozen brine shrimp, but needs an established Reef for the Rock-bugs.. (2”) - $30

File Fish – Aptasia eater, loves Aptasia (2”) - $25

Pajama Fish (2”) $15

Blue devil damsel (2”) $15

Blue & yellow damsel (1”) $15

Long-spine sea urchin. (5-7”) $30

All Soft corals include the live rock they are on where possible:

Green/purple/watermelon/ mushroom colonies $55 large (20 + heads). $25 -medium – (10 heads). $10 small (2-3 heads)

mushroom $2 single head

Orange & Yellow Zoa’s (10+- heads) $10 +rock 2$lb…

Kenya Tree w/ rock 2$lb…

Prices are negotiable.

*Take it all, $700 frm
PM me or call

achillesreef 12-29-2014 09:50 PM

Intrested in a few items 5872282290

achillesreef 12-29-2014 09:51 PM

Wondering if the file fish is available also yellow tang and man drain thks 5872282290

cbrine 12-30-2014 05:39 AM

PM'd thanks

Frankenstein 03-04-2015 03:18 AM


Rich82 03-04-2015 03:30 AM

PM'd you

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