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foginho 11-13-2014 04:07 AM

Those that missed the frag swap or just wanna see an interesting video from it check this out.

ReEf BoSs 11-13-2014 04:35 AM

Great job! 11-13-2014 05:36 AM

You guys done such a great job and thank you for taking the time for the highlights.

foginho 11-13-2014 11:04 PM

Thanks everyone i am glad you enjoyed it. any pitch on the next episode? 11-13-2014 11:34 PM

damn my frag tables look good:mrgreen:

great video

thanks for coming out, you do some pretty nice work

foginho 11-15-2014 06:18 AM

No worries. Custom made Sh!@T always looks sick. I will have to ring you up if i need any welding done for sure! Do you have any limitations or specialties in welding? 11-15-2014 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by foginho (Post 921264)
No worries. Custom made Sh!@T always looks sick. I will have to ring you up if i need any welding done for sure! Do you have any limitations or specialties in welding?

i dont tig weld... well... i can, i just wont as its a pita with our setup

foginho 12-02-2014 05:56 AM

episode two of AQUAMAN 12-02-2014 06:22 AM

I will simply episode # 2 and cannot wait for # 3 :biggrin:
For sure you make to Calgary and will use your services:thumb:

foginho 12-19-2014 10:23 PM

It’s more than a Hobby, is the title that Ronald gave this episode, but I’m calling it, AquaBuddies.

I can’t believe we have three episodes of Aquaman! It’s kind of surreal. Ronald went and saw Thomas and Albert and they hooked him up with some more coral and some fish! Rei is very stoked about the fish. Let me introduce the five inhabitants. We have a zebra clownfish who we call either Rafael (his official name) or the black Nemo. We also have the ‘Big Nemo’ who is a large orange clownfish and three blue fish who we’ve named after some bunnies who go on an adventure in one of Rei’s stories: Wynken, Blynken and Nod. The aquarium is very cool and I love seeing Rei interact with it. The other day she was taking off the lid to the second tank (I’m not sure of what it’s called, but it’s a second tank hidden under the show tank used to filter water and put more stuff…not sure of the specifics), but Reianna was about to grab some of the little brittle star fish to show gramma. Gramma got scared she was going to wreck something and told her to stop, Rei had immediate tears, but the moral of the story is that she was excited to show Gramma and share her new little buddies. :)

This episode sees Ronald visiting Thomas and Albert and seeing their tanks. These guys have amazing tanks and have grown them and loved them to an extent that surpasses a hobby – hence the name. I’m not sure what to call salt water tank fascinations: hobby, pastime, sport, obsession, or my favourite, a girlfriend. My husband spends serious time with his tank, to the point that I’ve named her – Sandy.

‘How’s Sandy doing today?’

‘Are her levels okay?’

‘Does she need new water?’

Sandy is so high-maintenance and demands constant attention. I feel like a hobby is something you can put down when you feel like and pick it back up when you feel like it. Like badminton or painting, maybe model airplanes or stamp collecting.

People don’t normally call fish their pets, but I feel they are pets and are definitely a living part of the family. You need to feed them, water them, clean them, balance them and you need to check up on them constantly. If you have a big tank, it could be considered work, but if you love it, it’s love – pure and simple love. And that’s why a fish tank, particularly a salt water tank, is more than a hobby, it’s a beautiful woman.

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