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gogo 10-30-2014 07:04 AM

anyone breeding anything
or as i should ask, is anything breeding in anyones aquariums?
i got some gobies making lots of babies once a week...but i can't find anything small enough to feed them. the rotifers i've got are basically the same size as the fry.
i've got some different ciliates going, but was just wondering if anyone else has the same problems. they're really small.

ReEf BoSs 10-30-2014 07:39 AM

Ahaha that thread title is good !
I had shrimp and clone fish babies none have ever survived but the shrimps were pretty cool the tank looked as if it was snowing which is how I noticed the 1000 baby shrimp blowing around. Also the usual small starfish,snails etc

intarsiabox 10-31-2014 12:23 AM

Send a PM to "Doug's fish". He breeds gobies and all sorts of clowns and has quite the set up. Doug's not on Canreef a lot but I'm sure he'll respond when he sees the PM. He also grows his own fry food so he'll be able to help you in the feeding department.

monocus 10-31-2014 02:36 PM

rotifers are most likely have cocipods

kien 11-01-2014 01:02 AM

a pair of clowns, all of my shrimp and my Blue Clove Polyps all breed like bunnies!

albert_dao 11-01-2014 01:10 AM

I use to breed Bangai's and Seahorses during college. Watched my GPA go from 3.8 to 2.6 over the course of the semester. Dropped it after I was given "the talk" by my TA's, lol...

Yah, growing food, to feed food to feed food got stupid real quick.

gogo 11-01-2014 04:02 AM

thanks for the replies guys. i'll check out dougs fish for sure.
i've decided to put an order into reeds for some ss rotifers. my ciliate cultures is driving me nuts.
anyone interested in a reeds purchase, let me know

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