Baker |
09-30-2014 11:04 PM |
Full frag/coral tank Calgary
So Ive decided to get out of the hobby for a while and sadly am going to get rid of my frag tank. I don't want to piece it out so this is for someone that wants a full frag system. This system has a little bit of everything in it from sps colonies/frags,clams, zoanthids/palys, dendros/duncans. The tank and equipment include a 36"x24"x10" frag tank w/sump and stand, 3-mp10wes, 36" 6-bulb tek light, bubble magus curve 5 skimmer, eheim 1262 return pump, bulk reef supply gfo/carbon reactor w/pump. There is waaaay too much coral to list so it would be appropriate to come take a look if you are interested in the system. If I had to guesstimate on how much its worth I would say close to $8000. Letting it go for $3000. pm me with your number and I can send you a picture or 2.