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fentochris 08-29-2004 06:40 AM

banded cat shark egg
where is the best place in a tank to place the shark egg and is there anything that might be harmful to the egg? ie. hermits,shrimps?

Beverly 08-29-2004 02:28 PM

Re: banded cat shark egg
I have seen sharks' eggs. They look rather impervious to critters like hermits and shrimp.

I'd be more concerned about how to provide a suitable home for them once they hatch. How big does a banded cat shark grow and how big is the tank you have slated for it?

kris_willard 08-29-2004 06:00 PM

Re: banded cat shark egg
[quote="Beverly"]How big does a banded cat shark grow[quote]
3' 6"

Quinn 08-29-2004 07:50 PM

I wish stores (the one store in particular actually) would stop selling these bloody things. And the horseshoe crabs. Completely irresponsible in my opinion and a serious black mark on their reputation.

I expect the shark will, upon hatching, eat any invertebrates present in the tank.

Majestic_Aquariums 09-01-2004 12:27 PM

I would have to agree-I was guity of purchasing one of these over a year ago-because I was bulls#$%ed at the store we purchased it. After purchasing, we found out more info. on their size (should have been common sense I guess) and promptly took it back, as we were told later it would take 1000 plus gallons to hold a shark of this size. Since that, we have been alot more careful with purchases. As buisness owners, I don't think it would be cool to name any names, and I'm guessing most know who these stores are. We were guilty of a poor decision in the purchase of it-but the sell this type of thing all the time. Since, we haven't made a purchase there. I wonder if they think it was a worthwhile sale? Unfortunately, they don't care.

Originally Posted by teevee
I wish stores (the one store in particular actually) would stop selling these bloody things. And the horseshoe crabs. Completely irresponsible in my opinion and a serious black mark on their reputation.

I expect the shark will, upon hatching, eat any invertebrates present in the tank.

DOO-E 09-01-2004 02:04 PM

I dont think these should be thrown off the market. There are people out there that do do the reaserch on sharks and dont want to buy the actual shark but would much rather buy a "mermaid perse". They have built their tank around the shark and this can be just as nice as a reef tank. With large angels and lionfish. I met a guy on the weekend with a 300 gallon preditor tank who has a shark he said he has a 570 gallon tank and is currently buying stuff for it. I think if you get the right size tank and do your reaserch then you would be better off. But yes they do suck for the new hobbist with a large tank full of inverts then they see the shark in the pet store. Thinking they can tell their bddies they have a shark buy it and it devourse everything in the tank that would definatly be a bad thing.

Quinn 09-01-2004 04:41 PM

Yes I agree there are some aquarists who have the facilities to keep these animals. The problem is, one particular store insists on carrying them and pushing them without any advice as to the size these animals reach nor their eating habits. I know of too many people who had the unfortunate luck of ending up with a shark in a 100 gal tank. It's complete bollocks on the part of the store.

kris_willard 09-01-2004 06:44 PM

Im still a firm believer that if you dont like the way a store handels them self you should let them know by not shopping there.

albert_dao 09-01-2004 07:43 PM

The worse thing about this whole ordeal is how cheap these things are. You can pick one up for under $50. Hell, I've seen it on our list at a $15 cost. Once you ship it over, our cost on the item is only about $28 which means that it could easily be retailed for $35.

Sad but true.

Quinn 09-01-2004 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by kris_willard
Im still a firm believer that if you dont like the way a store handels them self you should let them know by not shopping there.

I'm happy to say I have bought nothing from this particular retailer at any time.

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