e46er |
08-06-2015 07:09 AM |
Originally Posted by Myka
(Post 960741)
I can't keep a planted tank to save my life.
I had a pressurized co2 high light high demand planted tank for years. most of those plants were going inches a week. I was trimming at the minimum every 2 weeks. it looked great but was a lot of work. less cost for sure but more work.
sure salt is alot of work at first but once its stabilized its more pre planning than work where the planted you could do spur of the moment WC but with the KNO3 and Kh2PO4 i was adding I was doing weekly 50% WC.
I just never got the satisifaction out of a planted tank as I did with a reef. the colors are just so much more vibrant and the fish just seem so much more active.
a full blown high light co2 injected planted tank is a lot of work, the biggest difference is satisfaction comes much faster in a planted tank than a reef. not as satisfying but much faster. after i setup my SW tank 8/9/10 years ago i havent thought twice about setting up another planted tank.
FW satisfaction comes quickly followed by maintaince
SW works come first satisfaction (in theory) comes later