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Slyguy00 06-11-2014 07:58 PM

Copperband question
So Im considering getting a copper band butterfly fish for my tank. I have done lots of reading and from what I gather it is 50/50 if they are reef safe? Im mostly concerned about scollies and clams. I asked them to feed it at the lfs and it was munching mysis and looked healthy. Is this a good or bad idea? Feedback would be appreciated.

Din Gior 06-11-2014 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Slyguy00 (Post 901134)
So Im considering getting a copper band butterfly fish for my tank. I have done lots of reading and from what I gather it is 50/50 if they are reef safe? Im mostly concerned about scollies and clams. I asked them to feed it at the lfs and it was munching mysis and looked healthy. Is this a good or bad idea? Feedback would be appreciated.

I do have copper band in my tank for over year now. He eats mysis only and doesn't touch any other frozen food. He does great job eating aptasia. As a side effects he ate all feather dusters and spaghetti worms, he also destroyed my acan collection and I think he killed elegance coral and couple of blastos. But now it looks like he stopped to eat corals, I have few acans in the same tank and looks like he doesn't touch them anymore. It still cool looking fish though.

It's just my experience and I think each fish has his own preferences and you can get non reef safe fish. I keep him only to control aptasia and if you don't have same problem I wouldn't recommend it.

Taipan 06-11-2014 08:21 PM

I haven't come across any issues with copper bands aside from actually getting them to eat prepared foods and trying to "train" them to go after aptasia. I don't have any personal or anecdotal accounts of copper bands being coral munchers/nippers.

It's a tough call with most "reef safe with caution" fish. Each fish has their own personality.

Do you feed your scolymia? If you are placing pellets or meaty foods on the may inadvertently "train" your fish that the coral is a food source.

I'd be inclined to try the copper band from my own experiences. Good luck.

Slyguy00 06-11-2014 08:32 PM

Awesome thanks for all the advice guys. I have quite an extensive blasto and acan collection now so that definitely makes me a little nervous. As well, I do feed my scolly, and that is a very good point. Hmm sounds like maybe a 35$ fish isn't worth the risk. It is pretty small though, id say about 2". I suppose I could add it and just keep a very close eye on it.

Taipan 06-11-2014 08:35 PM

Go with your instinct and rationale. $35 fish vs. $$$ LPS collection that's taken time to accumulate.

The size of the copperband is tempting though. On another note: I had a model citizen of a 6 line wrasse for over 2 years. One a light switch; it turned.....into a bastard.

Have a fish trap ready just in case. Good luck.

whatcaneyedo 06-11-2014 11:50 PM

I've had one for several years and I had to remove several coral and all of my clams. My experience seems to be pretty typical but you will find the occasional exceptions. There are dozens of CBB threads on here asking the same and similar questions.

albert_dao 06-11-2014 11:52 PM

More like 5:95. 50:50 sounds like the ratio of someone who's including feather dusters and Aiptasia in their evaluation of reef-safe.

Slyguy00 06-12-2014 12:23 AM

Well i decided to give it a try. Iv already watched him eat some aptasia and some feather dusters. But he has ahown no interest in any of my corals. My fingers are crossed. Ill be watching like a hawk for the next little while

Taipan 06-12-2014 12:27 AM

Nice Butterfly.....sexier Scoly ;) Good luck.

Slyguy00 06-12-2014 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Taipan (Post 901167)
Nice Butterfly.....sexier Scoly ;) Good luck.

Haha, thanks I appreciate that. Im hoping I luck out and got a good one. Only time will tell but if i notice even one thing getting picked at he's gone. I will post updates to let you guys know how it goes.

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