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reef-junkie 05-18-2014 03:32 AM

Need Help!!
Recently purchased an 8" snowflake eel. Since the moment he was introduced he has been violently twitching his head. Eel resides in a 65 gallon tank, temp was a little higher today 80f. (corrected this) salinity is .024. no nitrites or nitrates. Introduced a valentini puffer at the same time (puffer is doing fine and these are the only 2 occupants)
The eel is accepting food which is good. Has ate both shrimp and squid so far.
Will this go away with time? Is there something I can/should do?

Any help would greatly be appreciated!!!

hillegom 05-18-2014 03:46 AM

I had a fish once that did that. He came down with ick. I guess, sometimes there are too many attached to their gills and they try to get rid of them.
Hey, but that may not be what you have on your eel, thats just my experience with one fish.

reef-junkie 05-18-2014 03:49 AM

Usually ich is accompanied by white spots though eh? The eel seems to look fine. Im wondering if I should play it safe and try to treat for ich?

The tank is currently a fowlr so I don't have to be concerned with a treatment harming any coral.

SCHMUSTIN 05-18-2014 04:11 AM

Suppliment you feedings with garlic marinated food.

I now do this every now and then. It boosts the emune system of your fish and it will help the fish resist Ich.

I find it works really well and is coral safe!!

monza 05-18-2014 05:48 AM

I doubt it's ich. Eels do that often, I've had many and he's just twitchn'. On another note-65g is small for a eel and puffer, both fish expessally the eel make a lot of waste, I hope your skimmer is good and over sized.

Good luck with him! Also is your tank covered and escape proof?

reef-junkie 05-18-2014 02:13 PM

a 65 gallon is plenty big for the 2. I actually plan on adding a dwarf lion and a flame as well. I have a hob skimmer rated for 150 gallons and I do biweekly water changes. That mixed with not overfeeding will work just fine.

as for the eel, this is definitely not normal behavior. its not a minor twitch and he keeps rubbing his head on rocks. Ive definitely narrowed it down to some type of parasite. maybe marine velvet

monza 05-18-2014 03:18 PM

Ok good luck, with them. Here is a good article that may help:

Coral Hoarder 05-18-2014 04:35 PM

Doubt its any kind of parasight or deseze I have had a snow flake survive a velvit crash only fish left And a ich crash one of 3 fish left it was fine healthy and eating thru both crashes
Twitching of the head is complete ly normal scrachinf on rocks is not if I had to gious its something internal

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