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asylumdown 05-15-2014 05:21 AM

Guys... I think I have a worm problem.
Fed my fish kinda late tonight. A chunk of formula one that my cowfish didn't eat stayed on the sand as the lights went out. !5 minutes after lights out.... and this:

Imma build me a worm trap. Some people harvest macro algae for nutrient export, I'm gonna harvest some worms.

Slyguy00 05-15-2014 05:23 AM

Wow. That has the be the most bristle worms iv ever seen! That is unreal! My wrasses would have a hay day! keep us updated!

Dearth 05-15-2014 05:25 AM

A nightmare in the making......

asylumdown 05-15-2014 05:48 AM

my roommates think they're gross, but they've never bothered me. My copper band doesn't like grabbing food from the water column (prefers to pick it from the rocks), and my cowfish moves like a semi-trailer reversing in to an under-sized loading dock, so I suspect they've reached such densities because I have to turn my return pump off and my vortech's waaaaaaay down when I feed and a good proportion of the food sinks to the bottom. The slow poke's spend the next 7 minutes picking it off, but those worms are surprisingly fast.

However, I didn't realize there were THAT many in there.

Anyone have a good DIY worm trap idea?

asylumdown 05-15-2014 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by Slyguy00 (Post 897075)
Wow. That has the be the most bristle worms iv ever seen! That is unreal! My wrasses would have a hay day! keep us updated!

What kind of wrasse do you have that eats bristle worms specifically? If I could turn those guys in to a fat wrasse rather than something for Calgary water treatment plant to deal with I'd feel way less guilty.

Dearth 05-15-2014 05:56 AM

I have had good success using the nylon sock with fresh seafood(oysters, clam meat and uncooked shrimp)placed inside the sock. However with that being said I use fine mesh nylons as I found nylons with thick mesh the worms cereal all over and don't stick that good with the fine mesh their bristles stick quite well

I have tried traps but get varying degrees of success for me fine mesh nylons worked the best

Slyguy00 05-15-2014 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by asylumdown (Post 897083)
What kind of wrasse do you have that eats bristle worms specifically? If I could turn those guys in to a fat wrasse rather than something for Calgary water treatment plant to deal with I'd feel way less guilty.

My Melanarus wrasse loves bristle worms. Iv seen him eat a few right in front of me. He's a beast. Eats anything that moves lol.

asylumdown 05-15-2014 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by Dearth (Post 897084)
I have had good success using the nylon sock with fresh seafood(oysters, clam meat and uncooked shrimp)placed inside the sock. However with that being said I use fine mesh nylons as I found nylons with thick mesh the worms cereal all over and don't stick that good with the fine mesh their bristles stick quite well

I have tried traps but get varying degrees of success for me fine mesh nylons worked the best

good idea! I just cut up a fine nylon filter sock that didn't fit (d'oh!) and put some food in it. We'll see how many are inside it by the time I got to bed!


Originally Posted by Slyguy00 (Post 897086)
My Melanarus wrasse loves bristle worms. Iv seen him eat a few right in front of me. He's a beast. Eats anything that moves lol.

I've always wanted one of those... I wonder if it would get along with my richmond's wrasse? I need to reduce the population a bit before I add to it though

Slyguy00 05-15-2014 06:13 AM

My Melanarus is super friendly. My only other wrasse is a corris, but he doesn't bug any of my fish, not even my borb. Even my corris chases my borb once n awhile. And my Melanarus is double the size. When I put my hand in the tank he is always right there looking for food I might happen to stir up. He even lets me pet him. An awesome fish for sure.

nrosdal 05-15-2014 06:30 AM

6 line eats them like crazy but will be a nightmare if you ever wanna add a wrasse again after. I also found that whenever i do a flatworm exit treatment i am sucking up 40-50 bristle worms as they seem to die too. But with a population that big you might wanna catch some first in case they die inside the rockwork and cause a big nutrient spike.

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