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Slyguy00 04-21-2014 04:51 AM

H2Ocean salt
So I have recently switched over to H2Ocean salt as I have heard lots of good things. My sps seem to love it. But since i have started using it everyday i get this wierd brown slime on my sand. Im wondering if anybody has had this happen from using this salt? And if so is there any way of getting rid of it? Nothing in my tank has changed, perameters are all where they should be and iv even reduced lighting and still no success. Any info would be appreciated

monocus 04-21-2014 05:11 AM

i stopped using it as i kept on getting cyano breakouts.i now use seachem reef with no problems

Slyguy00 04-21-2014 05:16 AM

hmm interesting. Its weird because it almost looks like cyano but it is just a pale brown.

reefwars 04-21-2014 01:03 PM

I've used it now as long as I can remember and I don't get anything like that or Cyrano I find it's a great salt :)

Myka 04-21-2014 01:50 PM

That's cyano. Cyano comes in a rainbow of colors. I'm not sure I would blame the switch on the salt. It is spring-time and lots of tanks get sudden cyano outbreaks this time of year. There is a lot of chit chat about pollen in the air causing issues, and people are really starting to look at this. There is also wonder about what may be making it by our RO/DI filters in spring run-off. This is a tough time of year for many tanks though.

I would suggest you keep on keeping on. Siphon out the cyano everyday if you can, or every few days. It should resolve itself in the next few weeks.

Slyguy00 04-21-2014 02:18 PM

Thanks for the info guys. Helpful forsure. I will continue cleaning my sand for the next week or so and see how it goes. I suppose i could always use chemiclean but id rather not have to do that. So i will wait it out for now.

Masonjames 04-21-2014 04:17 PM

When you change salts your not just changing a few levels. In some cases you may be drastically changing a mass array of elemental levels. This can shift not only the biology within the system but also the chemical reactions and stability that go on in the background. When you use a certain brand of salt for a period of time you create a local environment of specific parameters, when you switch salts you subject your entire system to drastic changes in the environment they have adapted to. Any shift, instability or imbalance can be a trigger for a bloom. Go slow. Don't compound the issue with more and more water changes right now. Give the system time to adapt to the new environment your subjecting them to.

Slyguy00 04-21-2014 04:53 PM

Awesome thanks mason. I thought that might have something to do with it as well.

Ryanerickson 04-21-2014 05:11 PM

I just switched from instant ocean to h2o recently also I was lucky no effect at all.

hunggi74 04-21-2014 08:12 PM

I was forced to go from H2ocean to IO Reef Crystals because they didn't have at JL one time. I was kinda worried too about switching salts. Best you can do is make sure the newly made water's alk, salinity and temp match your system's water. I did that and had no issues. Mind you, I wouldn't do it again just for the thrill of it.
On a side note: gold torch is doing great, Nick! Thanks man.

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