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Taipan 04-08-2014 06:38 PM

Anemone ID please - What am I?.....
This just came in to a LFS yesterday with their Indo shipment. It's stunning and was begging for me to take it. Aside from the obvious - being irresponsible and purchasing it without knowing what it exactly I was purchasing....."What is it?" There were 2 ocellaris in the aquarium with it. According to the LFS; the clowns didn't take to it. This however; may be an issue of time and familiarity. I'm uncertain.

I can't classify the anemone as: Ritteri, Sebae, Condy, nor Long Tentacle. It seems closer to a large Caribbean "Orange Ball Corallimorph" - Pseudocorynactis caribbeorum; but it's not. Enclosed are pics of the top along with a side profile of the column/foot.

The LFS asked their supplier for "weird, different, and funky" and this is what they got. :twised:

Any ideas or comments? Thanks in advance.

canadianbudz604 04-08-2014 08:22 PM

That's pretty cool looks like a huge set of lips.

Taipan 04-08-2014 08:26 PM

lol...thanks. There have already been some comments posted on RC and private messages regarding those....lips.....

There's been a deduction on another forum that it may be: Actinia fragacea - Strawberry Anemone. I'm not convinced. I'll have to inspect the column/foot later. The tips of the tentacles of this particular anemone are bulbous. The Google pics of Actinia fragacea are pointed.

Magickiwi 04-08-2014 08:35 PM

I want one...

Patwa 04-08-2014 08:41 PM

it's just a ball anemone, imo (corynactis sp.)

they are indeed related to the strawberry anemone, but they're obviously larger...comes in brown almost always, but with tentacles that are sometimes white, pinkish, beige or brown, etc...but they always have a ball at their tips

here's one i photographed on a dive i did in the philippines

Patwa 04-08-2014 08:43 PM

more info


Taipan 04-08-2014 08:50 PM

"Winner, winner....chicken dinner".....
Thanks for the info and clarification. Much appreciated.

Even if it's "just" a ball anemone....I think it's pretty cool. ;)

Patwa 04-09-2014 02:19 AM

very cool nems indeed.....u don't see them often at stores.

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