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christyf5 03-31-2014 10:27 PM

clam with broken hinge
So I've had my squamosa clam for about 4 years now. Bought it at about 3" and its now over 8". It had been doing really well up until late last week when I noticed it was looking a bit deflated, the exhalant siphon was sagging and the mantle was partially retracted at the inhalant siphon. I was concerned as the MH lights had been on for some time so it wasn't just "waking up". I reached in, thinking it had gotten to close to a coral and perhaps was being stung (its surrounded by ricordeas) and the clam shells moved independently of each other. Not good. I gently closed the clam (he wasn't interested in closing much) and looked at the underside, while he was still in the water and saw that the hinge was completely gone. There was nothing holding the two shells together. !@#%

I PMed our resident clam expert TimT and he said to try crazy glueing some velcro in place of the hinge. I was a bit skeptical (and somewhat confused) but went for it. Here are some photos of the "surgery"

Missing hinge photo:

ok that is a crap photo in which you can't see much. Basically there was a big hole where the hinge normally would be. LOL, stupid cell phone pics. I had to clip a few of the scutes to provide a flat surface for the velcro to attach to.

addition of velcro:

back in the tank:

20 mins later:

I didn't do any "before" photos (never thought to) but he basically looked the same as the after. Here is what the affected area looked like (and still sort of looks like):

and today (with photobomber)!

Its still not as happy looking as I'd like but with the way its sitting at least the two shells are supported and fixed together whereas previously they would have been all over the place at this angle.

Anyway, just thought I'd share and thanks to Tim for the help and advice! :mrgreen:

Doug 03-31-2014 10:34 PM

Now thats different. Good work Christy.

mark 04-01-2014 03:38 AM

get rid of that 'staff' under your name and replace it with 'clam surgeon'. great job

EmilyB 04-01-2014 03:49 AM

Amazing....good work

TimT 04-01-2014 03:55 AM

Hi Christy,

Glad to have been able to help.

I suspect that once the clam gets used to the tight feeling around the mantle in that area it will start to extend it more. As it grows the new shell will probably change around the hinge area to allow the mantle to more fully open.

Might there be a new business for Christy selling clam prosthetics? ;-)


Coral Hoarder 04-01-2014 03:55 AM

Wow cool !

Slyguy00 04-01-2014 04:34 AM

Thats awesome! Very creative.

apexifd 04-01-2014 04:42 AM

thats a big pair of bubble algae on the right side of clam.

asylumdown 04-01-2014 06:09 AM

What's the hinge normally made out of? Will it grow back? Any idea how it lost it? Is the clam still able to expand and contract normally without it?

So many questions lol.

monza 04-01-2014 01:37 PM

Amazing! Well done.

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