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StirCrazy 08-04-2004 02:55 AM

Parting out a large colony
well I am breaking up a large milli as it is starting to overtake my tank.

this is a pic of a portion of it

I am open to offers and requests on the size of chunk you want ranging from a frag to a small to medium colony. its size is aprox 12" x 14" and I will be keeping a 5X5 chunk for myself. Jamie also has a chunk of this he got off me in his tank... but for some reason it has a more intense purple color in his than it has in mine :neutral:


roverT 08-04-2004 03:00 AM

Hey, Steve how much do you want for a approx. 3"x3" chunk?

Dazz 08-04-2004 04:00 PM

How much for a 2x2?

kris_willard 08-05-2004 05:16 AM

1x1 forthe nano?

StirCrazy 08-05-2004 09:37 PM

shipping is going to be hard thing, I think to vancouver will be fine if I send it later afternoon early evening but farther than that and I think it would be to hot for the frag to survive. I could possably save some frags and ship them when it cools down in a month or two.

as for costs I thought about it and came up with
1.5" frag, unmounted, $10.
Small colony, $25 & up.
so for example a 3x3 colony would come in about $35.
Bigger than that I would have to take a request and see what I can come up with when I frag it.

for all the people that PM'ed me I am camping right now and on monday I will start replying. I will do the frags in the order I recived PM's to be fair.

I will most likely break it up next weekend as to much has come up for me to do it this weekend (as my kid made me promis her we would go camping when I got home :mrgreen: )


StirCrazy 08-05-2004 10:39 PM

well after looking at my tank today as I finnished hooking up the chiller I decided to throw some more frags out for sale

here is the road map (#6 is the milli I am fragging)

I have 3 or 4 (number 3 and not showen) brown caps (blue polyps) that are 1.5" x 1.5" or bigger for 15.00 each. one bigger one (number 4) for 20.00 and a bigger one (number 2) for 35.00

I have a large one Background of above pic)I think over 6X6 encrusted to a rock and a nice shape for 55.00 and one that is multi teired and a little smaller for 45.00 (number 1 on map pic and forground of cap pic ) (this one might have a bit of the green cap encrusted on it depending on how it breaks and it might be a little more money if it is encrusted to the large mushroom rock under its rock. you'll have to view this one to understand)

for the Caps depending which ones are sold (of the bigger ones) I will be keeping one for my self

also depending on if the cap is attached to it or not a large chunk of rock that is covered with red muchrooms

and another rock that is loaded with both red muchrooms and also ones with green spots and lines (number 7)
and close ups

and I still have a bunch of birdsnest frags. 15.00 to 20.00 depending on size as they might be growing back togeather now :rolleyes:

if you are interested in a few let me know and we can probably work a deal on 3 or more frags.


Islander 08-06-2004 12:27 AM

hey Steve, count me in for a small frag of the milli.

StirCrazy 08-08-2004 09:21 PM

is there anyone local that has monday or tuesday off and can come by in the morning?


roverT 08-09-2004 12:45 AM

nope, sorry any time after 5:00pm all week is good for me.

Islander 08-09-2004 01:04 AM

Sorry Steve, after 5pm works for me too.

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