This thread serves as the official place where proposed and suggested items to make the site better is documented and responded to. To see where this originated from and to submit additional ideas / comments, please see the thread where this all got started
Originally Posted by Proteus
I would like to see more write ups on different types of systems weather Berlin, zeo, prodi. Cryptic.
We'll upgrade the site sometime this year, targetting before end of 2014Q1. Afterwards, we'll have much better way of composing and publishing articles, rather than forum posts. The 2 things we need to sort out are a) Finding a panel of SMEs in house on Canreef to write articles, b) Inviting biologists and chemists from universities, aquariums, government bodies to publish their opinions and researches here. I'm buried in a pile of behind the scene work I've started or going to start in 2014 so can't focus on identifying or contacting individuals or bodies from a) and b) above so if you or anyone can help on this front please PM me.
Originally Posted by Reef Pilot
Also would be nice to be able to subscribe to a member, so I can follow their posts. Of course, it is entirely possible that these capabilities already exist, and I just haven't figured them out yet...
Not sure if this is possible with the version we're upgrading to in terms of forum posts but definitely I can make this a feature for the buy/sell section.
Originally Posted by Scuba Diver Gal
Maybe this is here, but I would like to be able to find threads that certain users start. A compiled list….people are always saying "have you seen _____ tank build thread on Canreef?" Then I take forever trying to track it down.
Also, how to post photos…I have looked around and can't seem to find that….
And maybe both are here, but I just haven't found them yet.
Finding threads I think the new forum version will be better. We'll see. Posting photos I'm going to add that as a feature to the site.
Originally Posted by Slyguy00
I think it would be nice to see where the person is from before having to click the link, just to find out the seller is in ontario or alberta. Would probably save a lot of hassle.
I'll enforce this somehow via a database to be purchased and subscribed for. It can associate 83% of IP addresses to within 40km. Obviously we will never know how it works until we have been using it for a while but I'd imagine even if it's off or unable to lookup it can provide a good idea of which region the person is in.
Originally Posted by reefwars
Contest for junior members
Featured items of the month like zoanthid of the month or fish of the month
Would like to see the library updated
Search function rarely narrows things down to a specific
How about a I'd category just for identifying things people may not know about
I would like to see more important things sticky so they don't get lost in threads
For free category that equipment or livestock can go in
Lot's of things we can do and easily applied to both make the site fun and more user friendly
At the moment kien is doing a fantastic job for the POTM contest. We need to discuss how we can expand it. In terms of the library I have some crazy ideas of building a photo based library based on the new buy/sell and photo sections to be developed, associating price histories, etc. I also have a fish library with which I'll make available (it's done long time ago but I hate the layout I created so I never launched it). We can create a separate section for the unknown and to be identified species as well.
Originally Posted by Reef Pilot
Another capability that might be helpful is the ability to change the original thread title (not posts) for a number of reasons.
1. On a FS thread, could add Sold to the end of the thread name, and people wouldn't have to open it, just to find out that the item(s) are sold.
2. Some FS threads might change over time. Eg., the thread name might originally incl several items, some of which might be sold or not available later. Would then not be necessary to start a new thread, or have multiple FS threads to start, which just clutter up the forum.
3. Some topics change with time, and a name change could better reflect the current postings, again, without having to start a new thread. It is still nice to retain the original posts, to see where the thread has gone.
Changing thread titles will not be required once we build the buy/sell/classified section. The idea is to make it like a formal and proper listing place so people can update, tag, associate items, etc. I do want to introduce some formal controls around it such as each item must be listed on its own separately (ie no more of these a million corals or frags on the same post) with location of lister, photo, desc, etc. I also will make it easier for us to find old listings / items by looking up via categories, person listed it, time, region, etc.
Originally Posted by Reef Pilot
Maybe free sponsorship for some non-profit or public organizations might incent them to participate on Canreef. That would be great.
Also would be nice to get Vancouver Aquarium and Ripley's (in Toronto) to participate. I am sure they have a few little secrets about reef keeping that we would all like to read about.
I am interested and listening. Can you put together a case and if you know someone in these organizations who may be interested?
Originally Posted by kien
I would like to see a new logo. It would give the site a freshened and updated look :-)
I've always thought the logo is the best designed item done properly and the rest of the site sucks. I'd prefer not to change it if possible.
Originally Posted by SteveCGY
1. Quick Reply
2. Cleaner advertising
3. More mobile friendly/App
4. Easier to post photos/have more photos. Not everyone wants a photobucket.
5. Sold button for Buy/Sell
6. Buy/sell based upon province/main cities
7. Less boring colors and layout
I have plans for 2-4,7 so glad to see some backing on this. 5-6 will also be taken care of. I have to be honest that I'm not intending to do anything with 1.
Originally Posted by Proteus
A app other than taptalk would be cool
Also. R2R post alot of cool threads on there fb page this could bring alot more people to the site
Both will be taken care of.
Originally Posted by ScubaSteve
Reef Mythbusters: there's a lot of BS hocus pocus in the hobby, as well as a lot of truly great stuff that gets passed off as anecdotal and snake oil. Universities are pretty bad for just passing off anything that comes from the hobby as a bunch of bologna (even though there is a lot more daily experience and creative power behind the collective hobby than there is in university settings), so having them prove/disprove some of the myths, methods, additives, etc would both help us as hobbyists and would also help the universities take us more seriously.
For many species there is little to no financial incentive for breeding efforts, so free enterprise isn't going to step in to fill that roll. But if universities could teach us hobbyists, who arguably may love the ocean world more than our own children, we would tackle breeding simply as a labour of love. If we can make breeding easier so that it could easily be incorporated into an existing reef tank some how (ie. make it sexier than smelly fish rooms) we could start to make leaps and bounds.
Public Institutions and education: I think this is where we could pair up with places like the Vancouver Aquarium. ..... If the Vancouver Aquarium let a group of us look after the reef tanks I'm pretty confident they'd have the most pimped-out, sexy, spectacular tanks of almost any aquarium - and they'd have the most enthusiastic (maybe overly-enthusiastic) bunch of volunteers that would probably walk around the complex dragging people to come see said sexy reefs.
Search function: it'd be smashing if the search function could take me to the exact text I am looking for rather than just show me the thread it's in and highlight it in red when I actually find it. I had to pour through a 24 page thread the other day to find one sentence I was looking for - should have been a 2 second search but instead was 15 minutes of frustration.
Advertising: ..... But we really need something better than that ****ing sponsor thread summary monstrosity that plagues the front page - it really detracts from the site and I now often just use a bookmark that links me right into the forums
Same as the idea above with having contributing writers to Canreef - let's make this site a repository for information. Let's find the best way to teach people interested in the hobby, people new to the hobby, people expanding their reefing skills and even helping experts who are pushing the boundaries of the hobby - buried forums and stickies are not the answer to that.
I'm sorry to hear about the search function but I'm in no capacity to sort this out yet and don't know how it can be sorted out. The poor layout you experienced on the front page will be dealt with. For the rest you listed, can you put together a case and if you know someone in these organizations who may be interested?
Originally Posted by Madreefer
I think the buy/sell thread should be the only ones that should be able to be edited. There's some posts in the lounge that have been edited in the past with guys back peddling on things they've said after being called out on something.
No problem with the this.
Originally Posted by Starry
What about a live chat room?
Yes but as Brad says it wasn't serving any value. However I'm considering it and maybe something even better? I don't know as it depends on how much it takes to implement this and how much work the other higher priority stuff will take.
Originally Posted by BlueTang<
(Post 3)
I miss the buy sell on the front page the 3 extra clicks kills me.
If we have the buy/sell at a separate sub site so you can go straight to it would that work? There will obviously be links between the forum and the buy/sell area.
Originally Posted by StirCrazy
I kinda like the university idea, but the problem comes up that is it going to be a Canadian university?, if so there won't be a lot of stuff applicable to us as most of there studies are cold water stuff, so a lot of differences, so that would be my only question. the other issue is to get a regular post on related topics from a university, it is going to take more than a little donation, to get a large segment of there time and dedication it would take some big bucks.
there are other ways to "piggyback" on articles and such with subscription services, but I have know idea what they would cost and so on.
I know years ago when ever some one would find an interesting read they would post a link to it and there used to be a lot of discussion on it, but that doesn't seam to happen anymore.
so I guess what I would like to see is a lot more user posted stuff like the old days, we all learned a heck of a lot in a short period of time, mind you we didn't have to many sponsors that we would upset by posting how to make stuff in the DIY forum. so I don't know how much of a concern that would be, and I don't want to be banned for two years for exposing the reality of a deceptive product like I did on reef central .
I don't know if the Canadian universities are only into cold water stuff and we must resort to outside of Canada. Do we have someone here who is very much in the academic area and knows the Canadian climate to tell us? Subscription ..... maybe but I prefer having original works from within either this site, the academia, or government bodies rather than buying others' contents.
[quote=gregzz4]Just an example of the kinds of threads started that revamping the site would help
I'm sure many of us would benefit from stickies and an up to date library
I've seen many posts on this particular topic over the last quarter, and I've seen many helpful responses from our members
I've personally responded to enough of them on sumps over the last year that I've stopped getting involved
It would definately help everyone if these kinds of topics/answers were easier for everyone to find./quote]
I'm sure we'll be able to better organize the reference materials with the new software we're putting in.
Originally Posted by Proteus
I would like a like button for liking post
Yeah it's coming.
Originally Posted by Dearth
Online store I would love to buy some Canreef trinkets(t-shirts, hats, pens, key chains and so on.....) might have to be on a trial basis though as it costs to do this
Newbie contest those starting up first time tanks probably would appreciate the notice prizes not necessary but just having their picture posted is pride enough only open to first timers though those who have been in it a year or more would have an unfair advantage
As social media is huge might be worth looking into advertising the site on mainstream but again is cost involved and is it worth it
Buy/Sell forum is one that has its use but at the same time seems to be a massive thorn in many people's sides I haved used the Buy/Sell before but its a forum I can also live without maybe look into linking it to its own site as it appears to fusterated a lot of people having a link to it's own site might be easier to maintain
I used to make it available to buy Canreef logoed items but I've never seen anyone placing any orders. I have confidence the rest will be taken care of.