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Scuba Diver Gal 01-18-2014 12:02 AM

FishinGoalie's New Tank!
So finally my son is getting what he wished for (he just got his own Canreef account too, waiting for activation)…A new tank, ordered today! He would be posting this but his account (FishinGoalie) isn't active yet...

52" by 28"deep by 24" high
Full star fire with star fire eurobrace
36" stand height
back left overflow internal (sits in corner of basement)
ATI power module hybrid lights - 8 bulb 48"
Sump - unsure of size
Vertex Omega 150 skimmer
2 WP40's
1 MP10 from existing Biocube (which will be for sale soon)
2 TLF reactors for carbon and GFO
Mag 12 return pump

Ordered from Concept in Calgary :)

Here is what he is thinking for his fish list:
Yellow Tang
Regal Tang
Blonde Naso tang
Sailfin tang
Emperor Angel
Flame Angel
Anthias (3)
Copperband Butterfly
Mandarin Goby
Lawnmower blenny
Clownfish - black and white (2)
Longnose Hawkfish
Candy Hogfish
Royal Gramma
Red Velvet Fairy Wrasse

3 Chromis - blue green
2 Clown tank bred
1 Purple Firefish

Any thoughts on the fish list? He is also transferring corals (all types) so that's a consideration…Also, the tangs will probably be small ones to start.

He is very excited! Has been asking for a fish tank since he was 5 (he's 15 now).

Once I figure out how to post photos, I will post photos of where the tank will be going and the tank once it's delivered.

matt_C 01-18-2014 12:11 AM

Very nice list.
i like the red velvet fairy wrasse at the bottom.
i would add more fairy wrasses to the list
and a blue throat trigger would be nice.

Scuba Diver Gal 01-18-2014 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by matt@concept (Post 874172)
Very nice list.
i like the red velvet fairy wrasse at the bottom.
i would add more fairy wrasses to the list
and a blue throat trigger would be nice.

Thanks Matt! Is that a Velvet Fairy Wrasse in the SPS tank in the store? Also, forgot about the blue throat trigger :) And fairy wrasses are great too!!! Thanks!

Slyguy00 01-18-2014 01:24 AM

Thats gonna be a pretty heavy bioload if you have that many fish in that size of a tank. Fish might fight with that many. That is if you are planning on getting all of those. I could be wrong though

Scuba Diver Gal 01-18-2014 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by Slyguy00 (Post 874182)
Thats gonna be a pretty heavy bioload if you have that many fish in that size of a tank. Fish might fight with that many. That is if you are planning on getting all of those. I could be wrong though

We don't know for sure what he's getting….that's just his fish wish list...

Slyguy00 01-18-2014 01:34 AM

O ok, I wasn't sure :lol: Nice wish list though

Scuba Diver Gal 01-18-2014 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by Slyguy00 (Post 874184)
O ok, I wasn't sure :lol: Nice wish list though

After having a biocube, your wish list gets REALLY long...

WarDog 01-18-2014 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by Scuba Diver Gal (Post 874171)
So finally my son is getting what he wished for (he just got his own Canreef account too, waiting for activation)…A new tank, ordered today! He would be posting this but his account (FishinGoalie) isn't active yet...

52" by 28"deep by 24" high
Full star fire with star fire eurobrace
36" stand height
back left overflow internal (sits in corner of basement)
ATI power module hybrid lights - 8 bulb 48"
Sump - unsure of size
Vertex Omega 150 skimmer
2 WP40's
1 MP10 from existing Biocube (which will be for sale soon)
2 TLF reactors for carbon and GFO
Mag 12 return pump

Ordered from Concept in Calgary :)

WOW what a great mom!!!! Can you adopt me?

Scuba Diver Gal 01-18-2014 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 874201)
WOW what a great mom!!!! Can you adopt me?

Haha...after this I may be looking for a new husband ;)

Seriously, my son has had a few part time jobs over the last few years to save money:
- 3 years ago started changing light bulbs in our neighbourhood for our back lit house numbers that are architectural controls - $10 per house for $2 light bulbs :)- it is amazing what people won't do for themselves
- 3 summers ago he found a part time job at a local marina where we spend our summers (pumping gas for boats, helping the mechanic, etc)
- In Calgary through the winter he has 3 snow removal contracts for houses in our neighbourhood
- also refs hockey...

He has earned a lot of this himself...we are only sponsoring him a little bit :) He's a hard working kid with a great attitude and doesn't drink, do drugs, etc like lots of kids in his school, so I don't mind the sponsorship :)

Right now I am regretting we didn't get the Apex...I should just throw in a little more "sponsorship" and maybe get it for him??? In a set up like this are we crazy for not getting it?

WarDog 01-18-2014 03:21 AM

I am still building my tank and have no experience with a controller, but do plan on running an Apex. Perhaps someone else could weigh in on that question. He sounds like a good level headed kid, so why not spoil him a bit? Lol. I'm sure it would be a huge help in managing the tank!

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