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Scuba Diver Gal 01-16-2014 02:39 AM

Your Very First Tank
Hey there,

Any of you start this hobby as a teenager? My son is 15 and already an addict. If so, what was your first tank like? Upgrade coming :)


reefwars 01-16-2014 02:44 AM

It is addictive lol

Here we go in order lol

1 -30g

I'm sure I'm leaving a few out lol this doesn't include frag tanks or qt etc

Scuba Diver Gal 01-16-2014 02:47 AM

Haha Denny…that's insane. Not only will you be getting him a new fish tank, you'll be looking for a new husband for me too ;)

He nearly fell off his chair with envy when he was the 750g in your list :) He needs a better part time job...

reefwars 01-16-2014 02:47 AM

First tank was a complete mess lol low Bio load and packed with algae lol

reefwars 01-16-2014 02:52 AM

Out of them all that was the only true crash and total write off heater brought tank to over a hundred degrees lol

I could probably have him help at the shop if he would like to earn some extra cash and learn the ropes we'll talk when I'm back in sat:)

Scuba Diver Gal 01-16-2014 02:54 AM

He says YES!!!! And I just noticed that I posted this thread in buy/sell…oops…My son says "newb"...

Scuba Diver Gal 01-16-2014 02:54 AM

He has NOTHING to do until February 2!!! Except hockey :)

Myka 01-16-2014 02:59 AM

My first tank was a 20-gallon hexagonal tank in 1993 that I spent all my babysitting money on. I had colonial hydroids in the tank which I had no idea what they were, and thought the little "jellyfish" (medusa stage) were simply awe-inspiring. I had a Sebae Clownfish, a Sebae Anemone, a Coral Banded Jerk (Shrimp), one piece of base rock, and a couple plastic corals. My highly sophisticated filtration included an undergravel filter with coral gravel, and I might have had a powerhead on one of the uptakes to improve filtration. ;) I did love the tank though. I think my mom has pics somewhere...

Scuba Diver Gal 01-16-2014 03:02 AM

Haha…we laughed out loud at the "jerk"…this site needs a "like" button like Facebook…We also have a coral banded "half jerk"… :)

I am sensing a new build thread coming...

darkreef 01-16-2014 03:41 AM

1 - 5 g in my room since I was a baby .
2- 10
3 - 25
4- 45
5- 33
6- 50
7 - 50
8- 99g 45 g sump

Not including reptile tanks and feeding tanks and ya you get it .

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