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1bigstud 01-15-2014 08:05 AM

75 gallon reef; looking to add a home for clown fish.
Unfortunately ive had to recently part way with two beautiful oscellaris clown fish.
problem was they had gotten too aggresive to any new fish I added that were smaller than them.
I am hoping to add 2 new ones, once I have finished stocking smaller fish in my tank, ie blennies, gobies etc.
I was thinking i would add a proper home for them.
they used to try to host in my hammer coral, but it was small and would close on them.
can anyone reccomend amgood host that is reef safe?

SteveCGY 01-15-2014 08:18 AM

An anemone or perhaps a bubble coral. Also I have seen then in large toad stools

FishyFishy! 01-15-2014 04:06 PM

I would realistically do an anemone. Thats what they host in nature.

I have had clowns host in torch corals (which end up leaving little black dots all over the fish) and frogspawn. Problem is that the frogspawn retracted too often. So I would stick with a good old anemone.

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