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christyf5 01-06-2014 11:03 PM

most tolerable brand of epoxy?
note that I didn't say "best" as I dunno if there is really a best one out there. I'm currently using deltec and I am not appreciating it as much as I used to. Its kind of slimy and doesn't actually nail down the frag unless you use a huge ball of it (then again, the rock does have some biologicals on it so maybe thats part of the problem). Also it makes my hands purple.

anyway, I'd post a poll but I'm feeling brain dead and really I don't even know what brands out there anymore. The last time I bought epoxy was 2 years ago (perhaps thats part of the problem as well but I don't ever remember being in love with the deltec stuff, it was just better than other brands I had tried) and I don't even know if Deltec is making it anymore as I ordered a whack of it from OA because Wendell wasn't carrying it at the time and special ordered it for me.

Reef Pilot 01-06-2014 11:11 PM

I have been using this stuff all along. Does the trick for me...

Borderjumper 01-06-2014 11:24 PM

I use the same stuff as reef pilot, Aquascape Milliput Epoxy.

I always put a big dollap of superglue on both sides of the putty ball.

Kmarrs 01-06-2014 11:33 PM

I have always had good Results with the Tailored Aquatics Epoxy. The Aquascapes stuff looks interesting though.

lpsreefer 01-06-2014 11:42 PM

The only one I know that works well, and underwater (noted I mean mixing underwater) is the tunze gum exopy instant. The stuff is amazing!

albert_dao 01-06-2014 11:51 PM

Jakegr 01-07-2014 12:05 AM

most tolerable brand of epoxy?
I have tried TLF, Deltec, Tunze coral fix and coral flex, Vertex and Instant Ocean holdfast over the last year. By far the best is Vertex V-colla. It is also pretty cheap to. Didn't see a major difference between TLF, IO, and Deltec. Tunze coral fix was horrible. It stopped skimmate production for a day and clouded up the water. Tunze coral flex is pretty good, but it costs about twice as much as Vertex v-colla.

Overall, I would say they all suck... But v-colla is the least worst of the group. There is definitely room in the market for a sticky, fast hardening, under water epoxy.

christyf5 01-07-2014 12:10 AM

turns out I use the aquascape milliput stuff too, I thought the DD part was deltec, I have no idea what it stands for then :razz: regardless, I'm still not a fan. Guess I'll look into the vertex stuff. Me and superglue are like this >< so bad idea there :wink:

sphelps 01-07-2014 12:13 AM

^ Haven't tried this yet but looks interesting.

Currently I use a combination of vertex epoxy and ecotech coral glue and it's been awesome. Night and day compared to my previous methods.

Reef Pilot 01-07-2014 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 871679)
turns out I use the aquascape milliput stuff too, I thought the DD part was deltec, I have no idea what it stands for then :razz: regardless, I'm still not a fan. Guess I'll look into the vertex stuff. Me and superglue are like this >< so bad idea there :wink:

The trick with the milliput is to throw it into the microwave for 5 sec or so (depending on size of piece), knead it good, and then apply it underwater immediately afterwards. Mine always sticks real good.

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