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asylumdown 12-30-2013 10:39 PM

Buyer's Remorse
You know those really spectacular Powder Blue tangs? Jet black faces, bright white ring around the lips, deep blue bodies, snow white tails with a dark black frame... Amazing.

Then there's the less aesthetically fortunate members of the species, with dusky, almost grey faces that barely provide any contrast to their more washed out blue bodies, with barely a hint of the black on their tail.

Yah, well I bought the latter. It was an impulse purchase and there were no other fish in the store to compare it to. I was wondering why mine didn't look so "ooooooh" to me until I saw some of the really amazingly coloured ones in Ocean Creation the other day. I'm secretly hoping that as it gains weight it will magically transform in to cinderalla at the ball, but I've had it on good authority that it will more than likely always be an ugly stepsister.

Does it make me a bad person that I want to fish mine out and get a nicer looking one? I feel like that's as bad as dumping someone for their cankles.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 12-30-2013 10:50 PM

I would:wink:

Reefers are constantly changing their minds & their tanks because they want something special (as opposed to the "ugly stepsisters":wink:) so I don't think its strange or wrong for you to feel this way. We have limited space & bioload and always feeling regret when you look at your tank is unnecessary.

Coral Hoarder 12-30-2013 11:13 PM

i would find it a new home first i dont think giving some someting a false sence of security is right so i dont think you should take it back to the pet store but mabie yuor friend has an emptie tank and they want it

if it doesnt feel right dont do it

personaly i can only but the fish that arnt in good shape or are kinda ugley
thats the only kind of fish that i can have in my tank lol

asylumdown 12-30-2013 11:32 PM

this one has improved drastically since I got it, still on the skinny side but it's probably gained 25% of it's original body mass since I've had it. Any chance it will suddenly transform? Am I right in thinking that the colours it has now are the colours it will stick with?

Coral Hoarder 12-31-2013 12:18 AM

A pic would help

Proteus 12-31-2013 12:45 AM

Just keep it. Get itfat and healthy. Then decide it its what you want. At least then you can sell a healthy ugly fish ;)

mrhasan 12-31-2013 01:33 AM

Adam. You worry too much with the tank! That's the best advice anyone can give to you :razz:

toytech 12-31-2013 01:46 AM

Could it just be stress coloration? Apparantly they pale when water conditions are less than ideal . Id say fatten him up and wait to see what happens with the color , it might brighten up.

BlueTang<3 12-31-2013 02:52 AM

Feed it a good quality food, lots of vitamins or the colour enhancing stuff, typically as the fish ages the colours come in better as well but diet plays a large roll on looks.

Reef_Geek 12-31-2013 06:59 AM

the secret ingredient for colouring up fish is astaxanthin.

actually, it's not really a secret.

Flamingos get their colour from krill, many fish foods contain Spirulina, aquaculture uses salmon skin in formulated foods etc etc... I've seen FW swordtails fed so much of this stuff, you cut the fish and the flesh is bright red inside.

Try prolonged feeding using fresh macro-algae and/or make your own foods (search threads such as this one) and add lots of salmon skin.

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