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matt_C 11-13-2013 04:25 AM

Concept Aquariums 750G Fish Only
So the system I look after in the shop is a 16.5 foot fish only aquariums
196 by 28 by 30.

It has 3 X 60 inch 4 bulbs tek lights
Bubble king 300. The beast!
4 X aquatop duel power heads
2 X mag 18 for returns
7 X jäger 300w heaters.

Soon to be added
2 reactors gfo and carbon.

As for the live side.
340 pound of crushed coral sand
300 pound of dry rock donated by "Fiji Reef Rock" also helped aquascaped!
200 pound of live rock donated by "CoralMaster"

2 unicorn tangs
1 convict tang
1 regal tang
1 lavender tang
3 EVIL lion fish that I want to take out, if I can ever catch them
1 blue lined trigger
1 clown trigger
1 bursa trigger
2 snowflake eels
1 Diana hogfish
1 maroon clown fish
1 lunar wrasse
1 banana wrasse
1 starry blenny
1 chromis blue/green
1 cleaner wrasse that eating mysis
1 yellow blotch rabbit fish
It still got through a bit of a cycle. As half the rock have algae on them, but my algae fighter are working there way threw it.

reefwars 11-13-2013 04:33 AM

Ah the Evil lion fish they are cool just evil

SteveCGY 11-13-2013 04:39 AM

Pictures are a must for this big beast.

monocus 11-13-2013 09:10 AM

you must have fun trying to feed the eels with 3 triggers in the trigger ,batfish and princess parrot swoop down and steal my eels food half the time

matt_C 11-13-2013 04:12 PM

the eels mostly only eat at the end of the day. so through out the day all the fish get fed.

baker_jeff 11-13-2013 04:26 PM

Seriously guys. Pictures please!

Coleus 11-13-2013 06:49 PM

no pictures = it is not real, everything is in Matt head

mrhasan 11-13-2013 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Coleus (Post 858627)
no pictures = it is not real, everything is in Matt head

+1. Its all just a "virtual plot" unless picture is there to prove it!

denny_C 11-18-2013 08:53 PM

picturesssssssssssss lol i know you have them :P

JDigital 11-18-2013 10:13 PM


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