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Dearth 09-28-2013 03:14 AM

Cold tank
Not long after I left for work this morning I lost the power to my house for about 15 mins everything came back on except my heaters the backup somehow got unplugged and my main fried. I came home tonight to a tank that was 18c. So far everything looks alive but what are some concerns I should be watching for as I reheat the tank I currently have the water up to 24c?

I did a 20% water change and have my furnace going now as we are expected to be below 0 tonight.

brizzo 09-28-2013 03:44 AM

Cold isn't the worst thing that could happen, wait out and watch for any losses, remove from tank if that happens. Will go better than expected :)

freddy 09-28-2013 04:17 AM

The same thing sort of happened to me the other day,except it was my heater that quit,noticed the water was alot colder than usual,checked temp it was 72 usually it is 78-80,put in my spare,temp came back up no losses.

Dearth 09-28-2013 04:31 AM

I am Hoping for the best it's not a fun feeling coming home to something like this but I will see what everything will be like tomorrow

kien 09-28-2013 04:45 AM

It certainly isn't ideal but 18C for a short period of time is no need to panic. If you have super delicate SPS it may be an issue but with most LPS and softies and hardy SPS and fish they can handle it for a short period of time.

In June my tank lost power for 24 hours and my tank got down to 17C. What's actually more of a concern in a power-out situation is the loss of oxygen and water circulation.

ScubaSteve 09-28-2013 05:07 AM

This has happened to me a couple of times... even earlier this week when the heater in my small tank died.

Low temp for short periods isn't bad... as long as it happens slowly. Same with bringing the temp back up. As long as you're going slow, it should be fine.

paddyob 09-28-2013 01:52 PM

Anyone know if the ocean stays a constant 78C?


Myka 09-28-2013 01:54 PM

I know my response is too late to be of any help...

18C or 64F is very cold. If temperatures stay above 70F there isn't usually any trouble. Even though the temperature wasn't that cold for that long, I would still be very concerned. I would be trying to warm the tank up to 70F as quickly as possible.

If there is mature macroalgae in the tank even relatively small temperature swings (both down and up) will often trigger a sexual response. Be ready to do some big waterchanges if that's the case.

Dearth 09-28-2013 04:24 PM

Everything lived the night but I have some very unhappy coral and one of the chromis is pretty sluggish but the tank is near normal temp now. Might lose the chromis but everything else should be fine

Dearth 09-29-2013 01:34 AM

Well I lost my big feather duster and half my green star polyps died but everything else looks ok starting to get an algae bloom but won't be able to do much with it till Monday afternoon as on nightshifts ATM

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