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SoloSK71 09-27-2013 03:33 AM

Fish recommendation?
I am looking for reef safe additions to a 55G cube tank that will get along with ...

Clown gobies
Blue green chromis
Barnacle blenny
Clown fish
Six line wrasse
Peppermint shrimp

Suggestions appreciated.


Madreefer 09-27-2013 03:58 AM

Well it's all a matter of your own taste in fish.
Is the 6-line in the tank already? If so than I would suggest you get it out of your tank. May harass any new additions to the point of death. The bigger or older it gets the more it turns in to a wrassehole.

SoloSK71 09-27-2013 01:01 PM

The only fish right now are the chromis. Are there any reef safe, other fish friendly wrasses?


kien 09-27-2013 01:06 PM

That new store up north who shall remain nameless got in a few candy hogfish that are quite nice, in my opinion.

Typically fairy wrasses are reef safe. Lots to choose from that will suit your 55G.

kien 09-27-2013 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Madreefer (Post 847660)
Well it's all a matter of your own taste in fish.
Is the 6-line in the tank already? If so than I would suggest you get it out of your tank. May harass any new additions to the point of death. The bigger or older it gets the more it turns in to a wrassehole.

I would also agree that you should skip the six line. They tend to get brutally aggressive. Even towards much bigger fish than themselves.

Myka 09-27-2013 01:35 PM

A Yellow Coris Wrasse would be a better choice than the 6-Line that is probably the most similar to the 6-Line in which it will also eat flatworms, bristleworms, etc. However, just like the 6-Line, they may eventually kill and eat ornamental shrimp as they mature. Both the 6-Line and the Yellow Coris are the least likely to eat shrimp of the worm-eating wrasses. So that's something you should think about. Personally, I think the worm-eating benefits of the wrasses out-weigh the benefits of ornamental shrimp. The only real benefit of ornamental shrimp is from the Peppermint Shrimp which may eat nuisance Aiptasia anemones (although many won't), although their annoying habit of stealing food from corals that you're trying to feed in my opinion out-weighs the possibility of them eating Aiptasia. SO, in my opinion, get the wrasse, and if eats the Peppermint Shrimp sometime down the road then you can feed your corals easier. :D

So after that long-winded response...

Most fairy wrasses will leave shrimp alone, but they won't eat worms. They are very pretty and very active though. Firefish are active and brightly colored and often overlooked for some reason. Hogfish come in a variety of colors, although in my experience they are a bit aggressive for your tank size and fish list. A Square Spot or Blotchy Anthias would be a good choice too - the latter one is pricey. They need to be fed at least 2-3 times per day small amounts though.

reefwars 09-27-2013 01:47 PM

My experience with corris wrasses are they are high risk jumpers usually swim mid water and bolt for surface when startled , I also found them a bit aggressive to wrasses of the same family.

Melanarus is a similar wrasse same features as a corris and same risk personality wise but not as bad as a flight risk for jumping. These wrasses also grow quite large my yellow corris was almost 6" when he jumped.

Eight lines are better than six lines but I don't recommend them either

Here's my suggestion

Leopard wrasse (blacks a good choice)

Flame wrasse (male+ 3 females)

Fairy wrasse (whip fins have awesome personality)

Either way get a top on it to be safe:)

Outside of wrasses I would suggest a Blenny , anthias , cardinals etc.

If you want a good hogfish do the peppermint I find them friendly and great personality and colors:)

Cheers buddy


SeaHorse_Fanatic 09-27-2013 02:38 PM

Skip 6-line. Almost everyone I know who has them or had them found them very aggressive towards their more peaceful fish once they settled into the tank. Lots of threads on "How do I catch a 6-line?" to back this up.

I really like yellow canary wrasses as pest controllers.

Love leopard wrasses, although these are not particularly easy fish to acclimate to captivity. I find blacks are far easier to keep long term than the other colour variations.

Most fairy wrasses are jumpers. Love them but its painful finding carpet surfers or crispy cat treats on the glass lids.

Candy hogfish are colourful and generally peaceful & hardy.


SoloSK71 09-27-2013 10:58 PM

Appreciate all the suggestions. I am going to remove the wrasse from the order and add another goby or blenny. I looked up the suggestions on live aquaria and *might* get a small yellow coris wrasse in a while.


rickcasa 09-27-2013 11:46 PM

Careful with your choice of clowns. I'd stay away from maroons, they're nasty!

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