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Dearth 09-24-2013 07:22 PM

Mini aquariums from marineland
Marineland aquariums

Friend of mine wants to setup a mini SW setup and found these aquariums at one of our LFS

Anybody have and experience with these models and if so how do you find maintaining these systems and what extras do you have in the tank?

MarkoD 09-24-2013 07:35 PM

Looks like a horrible starter tank. It's so small, maintaining perimeters will be very difficult

Dearth 09-24-2013 08:03 PM

That is something along the lines of what I was thinking it would be a nightmare for him to maintain.

brizzo 09-24-2013 10:12 PM

6 gallon nanocube would be ideal if he wants a nano reef tank in that size

Aysha 09-25-2013 03:46 AM

None of those would really be suitable for a reef tank, for starters they're plastic (ewwwwwww) that filter is also not set up for sw and maintaining antiquate filtration in those cheap little guys is a nightmare. I wouldn't even put guppies in one.
A small biocube, or heck a 10 gallon standard would be a much much better choice.

I've seen fluval edge's done up as reefs if you're REALLY on the ball but they SHOULD be de/topped first.

A good tank isn't cheap and a cheap tank isn't good.

albert_dao 09-25-2013 03:48 AM

Alternatively, it would probably make a killer tube anemone display tank :)

monocus 09-25-2013 04:12 AM

the brand marineland says it all

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