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Quarantine Tank
So my tank has had no fish in it for about two months now. I did this on purpose so that I can get rid of any ich or anything else. Now I am planning on getting some fish in there.
Can i set up a QT and do a copper treatment on the fish that I put in there, and then move them into my display tank? I don't have much space to have a QT so I want to have it setup for as short as possible. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance! |
You will probably get a lot of different opinions on QT procedures. I used to go without, but now that my investment is so much larger I don't take risks. I QT all new fish a minimum of 6 but usually 8 weeks. Once a fish is in QT first thing I do is make sure it's eating well. Once it is I first do two weeks of prazi-pro for parasites. Once that's done a minimum of 4 weeks copper (cupramine) or for sensitive species, chloroquine phosphate. Sometimes prazi, copper or CP will affect appetite so that's why I make sure it's eating well and is healthy first.
In the event the fish comes down with anything, I will change my schedule and medicate accordingly (example: I see ich in the first week I go straight to copper or CP.) As for the QT tank itself, nothing fancy a 10 or 20 gal is usually sufficient depending on size and number of fish. For filtration a cheapie HOB aquaclear works great. I keep extra sponges in my display so there's always active bacteria when I need to set up the QT. a heater is needed as well, lighting not necessary. If space is limited, it could always be set up in a closet or on the kitchen counter. Live rock, I like to keep fish less for 10 weeks if I have the room to make sure it's ich free although I've cut back to 8 weeks if I'm confident of the source. Sounds like a long time, but beats having to tear apart your reef because you got ich, brook or velvet. |
Seconded. I got about $500 worth of stock from a reliable source - were healthy and eating, then a fish died, then another, and another - by the time I could notice, they all had marine velvet. The two that made it are in a 33g tank QTing for the last three weeks with copper, high temperature and low salinity. So far they have had a huge improvement and are eating twice a day like pigs.
Always quarantine! |
I used to do 8 weeks in a 30 gal QT tank but found it a pain to wait that long.
So now, only corals, LR, snails etc go into the QT tank now. I now use the tank transfer method for fish, where every 3 days you transfer the fish to another tank for a total of 15 days. I use 15 gal pails for this, each with its own heater and air hose.(3 pails) Mind you, I have not done a tang yet, this would require a larger pail/tank. I also use prazi-pro for 3 transfers. No copper Read up about this http://atj.net.au/marineaquaria/3daytransfer.html I mainly use this method to eradicate ich and worms/parasites Luckily I have not had to deal with marine velvet yet. |
I prefer the hypo route myself. Much easier on the fish and has other benefits as well, especially with delicate and finicky eaters. Unfortunately, it is not a quick process, though.
http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2007/6/fish |
I used to be a big fan of tank transfer including bleach washing and air drying tanks between steps . I recently changed my mind after going through it with a pyramid butterfly that came down with velvet AFTER going through tank transfer (day 22 of QT). It did not cope well with copper at even the lowest dose so I used CP. Fish survived and is still with me today. I could have lost my entire tank if I had trusted tank transfer and put it in after 15 days.
Tank transfer and hypo-salinity method are only good for marine ich. They don't work on any other parasites like marine velvet and brook. You should have copper and/or chloroquine phosphate on hand to deal with those things.
Also after tank transfer treatment is done (and hypo also), you should leave the fish in QT up to 2 months for observation. There is no stress to fish in a properly set up QT. |
my last tank got marine velvet so I want to make sure thats taken care of also.
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