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mikeclarke 08-20-2013 04:38 AM

LFS in Calgary
Has anyone seen any blue green chromis at any LFS lately? My wife is coming to Calgary and said she would stop by and get me some for my 20 gallon. Any suggestions on how many chromis' to get? How many makes a happy family?

I am also looking for another blenny as I love the Starry Blenny I already have. It behaves to funny. Any species suggestions on another Blenny? Has anyone seen any at any LFS?

cbrine 08-28-2013 03:49 AM

I bought 4 chromis last week at golds. I was in yesterday evening and they only have a few left (atleast in the tank that mine came from).

As for the Benny, I can't help you. But talk to Dennis at golds he may be able to direct you.

NanoReef 08-28-2013 03:56 AM

We have a Caribbean Sailfin Blenny and absolutely love him. Most personable fish ever with a hilarious attitude!

Coralgurl 08-28-2013 04:11 AM

WAIS has some. Stay away from the tanks in the back, the fish really don't seem healthy but the ones with the smaller fish looked a bit better. Oceans has some as well. (chromis that is sorry...).

Baker 08-28-2013 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by NanoReef (Post 841364)
We have a Caribbean Sailfin Blenny and absolutely love him. Most personable fish ever with a hilarious attitude!

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