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darkreef 08-19-2013 01:28 AM

Help on zoa's not opening
i am thinking flow.. blew off all the rocks everyday and this is the only coral thats getting a build up of detris and goo. my other zoa's are doing wonderful.

i only have 2 T5's on my tank ( upgrading lighting system tonight!)
did a water change and cleaning yesterday usually when he gets like this he will open after a water change but now my (think there mohawks) are not blooming and hard to feed!

ps. water is fine..

Tank crew : Fire shrimp , mandarin Dragnet , Dwarf Zebra Lionfish
Clean up : 7 turbo's , 2 green emerald crabs , 2 hermits , 10000X bristle worms
chocolate chip star fish (sump)
Coral : Devils Leather , sunny d's , Mohawks , Candy apples , 3 hitch hiker zoa's , a hitchhiker mushroom and a few feather dusters

feeding : brine shrimp and mysis , phytoplankton

ph : 8.0
ammonia :0
nitrates : 0
Nitrites : .5

few weeks of having it!


now :(

darkreef 08-19-2013 01:30 AM

i do have him put higher in my tank now could that be a problem?

but my candy apple's are higher and doing great ! with my sps.

Phil 08-19-2013 01:59 AM

Need more tests

And what are u useing for lights. Looks like a lot of algae on the glass id test your phos too.

darkreef 08-19-2013 02:08 AM

its around 6 months old now. been having a phos problem.. cleared up for a while and i bought a bunch of snails that didnt go well and now i got algae.
il do my tests right now.

darkreef 08-19-2013 02:35 AM

phoso 1-2 between
calcium :560
Hardness : 17.5
Nitrate : 0
PH: 8.2

this is weird because i buy all pre mixed water and use ro water only :S

Phil 08-19-2013 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by darkreef (Post 839355)
phoso 1-2 between
calcium :560
Hardness : 17.5
Nitrate : 0
PH: 8.2

this is weird because i buy all pre mixed water and use ro water only :S

Your cal is way hi and alk should be 7-8 dkh or 2.5-2.9 meq/l so that's way hi too. Your phos can come from useing rock that was saturated with dead stuff.

91Atrac 08-19-2013 03:23 AM

Seen this before and it's all on your water. Not lighting unless your bulbs were old!!!!!! Then that'll cause your algae on top of bad quality water.

I hate testing my tanks so I do weekly water changes of 25% or more but nanos are prone to spikes depending on how you feed and what your keeping. To much phyto and it can make the parameters jump a bit and if its going up daily well then you know what your doing wrong.

I would just start doing more water changes and start from there.

Phil 08-19-2013 03:27 AM

For evaporation your roping off with fresh water right? I have to ask.

darkreef 08-19-2013 03:33 AM

yes always fresh. i put more fresh in the tank then salt ( no cover ). i do a 25% biweekly il start doing it every 4 days until the problem clears up. just started getting that red slime and i knew something was wrong and ran to the forms. so i blow my live rock off daily.. it snows pretty bad. so il blow the rocks everyday and water change every 4

91Atrac 08-19-2013 03:35 AM

You have slime then it's not good and no weekly personal choice cuz I also don't skim I do 30% or more weekly. Not enough macro in my fuge to accommodate the food I add. So I think 25% bi weekly is to little.

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