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Timbits 08-16-2013 07:00 PM

My new Astro "Black Ice" Clown Babies!!!
Just thought I would share some pictures and maybe start a journal on my new babies I am raising right now. I decided to call them Astro Clowns because many of them look like an astronaut wearing a white helmet and a white space suit! These little guys are only a couple months old and are such a joy to watch! They may look big but they are still less than an inch! Did I mention that they are such little piggies too? Always begging for food, I am amazed at how much they can eat! They are growing very nicely, at such a young age I think at 1 month, they were already developing thick black outlines around the white. As they grew, the black became more pronounced. I can't wait to see what they will look like when they are full grown! Here are some pictures I took of them today, I hope you enjoy! I will continue to update this thread of their progress and with more pictures as they grow!

ultreef 08-16-2013 08:29 PM

Hi Tim.

Let me know how much for a pair and when will they be big enough to go.


Borderjumper 08-16-2013 08:33 PM

Same here! Would love a pair!

Jeff000 08-16-2013 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by ultreef (Post 838893)
Hi Tim.

Let me know how much for a pair and when will they be big enough to go.


Me too, maybe a trio for me.

Bblinks 08-16-2013 08:38 PM

Awesome dude, keep up the good work!

ScubaSteve 08-16-2013 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Borderjumper (Post 838894)
Same here! Would love a pair!


And I have no idea why there is a frowny face on my post.....

reefwars 08-16-2013 08:57 PM

helmet pattern kinda looks similiar to my picasso trojans:P wish mine were that white though lol

tang daddy 08-16-2013 09:40 PM

Very cool Tim great job!

wayner 08-16-2013 10:18 PM

PM sent

Kraken 08-16-2013 10:26 PM

Congrats. It is an achievement to be able to breed clowns and you have my respect! :laluot_26:

Timbits 08-17-2013 05:32 AM

Bblinks and Tang Daddy: thanks guys!! :biggrin:

Timbits 08-17-2013 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 838904)
helmet pattern kinda looks similiar to my picasso trojans:P wish mine were that white though lol

Beautiful pair you have! I absolutely love helmets, they look so badass! :razz:

Timbits 08-17-2013 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by Kraken (Post 838927)
Congrats. It is an achievement to be able to breed clowns and you have my respect! :laluot_26:

Thank you very much! Kudos to you too! :biggrin:

r.a.s.henson 08-17-2013 05:42 AM

Gorgeous looking clowns... not just this but id say all your clowns are nice..

Timbits 08-17-2013 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by r.a.s.henson (Post 839008)
Gorgeous looking clowns... not just this but id say all your clowns are nice..

Wow, thanks for the kind words! :biggrin:

SeaHorse_Fanatic 08-17-2013 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by r.a.s.henson (Post 839008)
Gorgeous looking clowns... not just this but id say all your clowns are nice..

Most of my clowns in all my tanks are Tim's babies originally. Highly recommend Tim's babies, very healthy and great colours/patterns.

Congrats Tim on the Astros:biggrin:


The Guy 08-17-2013 07:38 AM

Let me know how much for a pair of the mostly white astro's when there ready to go. 604 772 0423.

Timbits 09-10-2013 04:56 AM

Here's some pictures of the proud parents!

Thanks for looking!

Timbits 09-10-2013 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 839017)
Most of my clowns in all my tanks are Tim's babies originally. Highly recommend Tim's babies, very healthy and great colours/patterns.

Congrats Tim on the Astros:biggrin:


Thanks bud! :biggrin:

input80 09-10-2013 08:55 AM

Congrats Papi Tim, I might be interested in a pair also when they are ready to go, please let me know a price :)

madchild 09-10-2013 09:04 PM

I am also interested in a pair when they are ready!!

Borderjumper 09-11-2013 12:22 AM

Mamma and papa are beauties! I need a,pair just like em:)

emeraldeyes_bc 09-14-2013 03:46 PM

Wow!! What gorgeous fish!! Makes me want to hunt a little harder for another tank :p lol

paddyob 09-14-2013 04:11 PM

Careful renaming. As using two fish from a breeder still results in the name of the fish you started with.

What are you breeding to begin with?

Timbits 09-22-2013 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by Borderjumper (Post 844447)
Mamma and papa are beauties! I need a,pair just like em:)

Thanks! They sure are beautiful, my favorite clownfish by far!

Timbits 09-22-2013 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by emeraldeyes_bc (Post 845121)
Wow!! What gorgeous fish!! Makes me want to hunt a little harder for another tank :p lol

Lol dooooo it! You'll love them. How come you can't put them in your current tank? :razz:

Timbits 09-22-2013 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by paddyob (Post 845125)
Careful renaming. As using two fish from a breeder still results in the name of the fish you started with.

What are you breeding to begin with?

Thanks for the heads up! I think it is ok to rename your own offspring though as I've seen many other breeders do it and all the large wholesalers. ORA calls their Picasso offspring "ORA Picasso," and Sustainable Aquatics calls their Picasso offspring "SA Picasso" regardless of where they came from. I believe what you produce is your own so you can name them anything you want.

The parents are Black ice Snowflake Ocellaris clowns. When I saw the babies they produced I just thought "Astro" was a cute name and suited them. :smile:

paddyob 09-22-2013 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by Timbits (Post 846606)
Thanks for the heads up! I think it is ok to rename your own offspring though as I've seen many other breeders do it and all the large wholesalers. ORA calls their Picasso offspring "ORA Picasso," and Sustainable Aquatics calls their Picasso offspring "SA Picasso" regardless of where they came from. I believe what you produce is your own so you can name them anything you want.

The parents are Black ice Snowflake Ocellaris clowns. When I saw the babies they produced I just thought "Astro" was a cute name and suited them. :smile:

No. If you breed two SA black ice. They are still SA black ice. If you look at SA website. They even credit Another breeder for a line they have.

Timbits 09-22-2013 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by paddyob (Post 846611)
No. If you breed two SA black ice. They are still SA black ice. If you look at SA website. They even credit Another breeder for a line they have.

True. Yes, they are still SA black ice because that's their lineage. But I still think you can name them anything you want as long as its not patented.

I found a quote from Matthew Carberry, President of SA - "SA hasn’t and has no plans to trademark a fish/coral name. I’m happy about this too–it makes a consistent presentation to the hobbyist/trade that makes it easier to see what you are getting. We call our fish “SA XXX” just to designate where they were bred versus another breeder working on the same morph. Use of different names for the same morph is confusing to the hobbyist.”

Myka 09-22-2013 02:51 PM

Well done! Nice looking fish too!

Paddy is right though, two Black Ice make Black Ice babies. It is "proper" to keep the naming consistent, but you can add your "brand" ahead of the name. You can use "Astro" as your brand name in place of "SA" or "ORA". If these ones are "Astro Black Ice" then future fish might be "Astro Picasso" or "Astro Clarkii". That is the "proper" way to name fish so that lineage isn't lost. If you're just a hobbyist breeder, and not a producer then it really doesn't matter much though since you would just be supplying your local market.

I'm not sure what your intentions are in the future, but I would like to warn you that continually producing large numbers of "designer" fish that normally sell at high prices you will flood your market and will be forced to either sell below value and then devalue the fish in your area which just hurts the captive bred market as a whole. If you can't sell them, they will get too big and will start to kill each other. Please don't ever produce more fish than you can sell at fair market price.

Keep up the good work, and keep in mind the big picture. :)

Timbits 10-05-2013 03:10 AM

Thanks Myka! I agree as well that it is proper to keep the naming consistent. I guess I will just call them black ice clowns to not make it confusing. I will keep that in mind also! Thank you! :)

Timbits 10-05-2013 03:42 AM


The little babies are doing really well! They have grown so much and have outgrown their little 10 gallon tank. In a few days, I will transfer them to a 20 gallon tank so they will have more room to swim and play. Wish I had a camera right now so I can show you all how much they've grown. Their color has gotten more pronounced too. The black is more black and there is also a blue hue that outlines the white. Really cool. I'll post some pictures up in a few days hopefully when I have a camera. Oh ya there is also one little guy I found that is completely white, looks exactly like a Wyoming white. The only one in the whole batch. I'll try to capture a pic of him. I know Picassos produce platinums so can black ice possibly produce a Wyoming white? 10-05-2013 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by paddyob (Post 846611)
No. If you breed two SA black ice. They are still SA black ice. If you look at SA website. They even credit Another breeder for a line they have.

What are you? The name police? Unless he signed a legal document stating that he can't name the variation something different when he breeds then I can't see a problem seeing as no one brood of fish will be the same as the originals.

I like the name astro black ice clowns

You should stick with it

Kryptic4L 10-05-2013 06:02 AM

Sweet Astros,

Who cares what they are called.hell I'd give the buyers a small discount if they promise to keep the astro thing going.

How many times does one walk into a Lfs and the names for all sorts of species, not even variants are named something completely different all the time.

Myka 10-05-2013 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Timbits
Thanks Myka! I agree as well that it is proper to keep the naming consistent. I guess I will just call them black ice clowns to not make it confusing. I will keep that in mind also! Thank you! :)

You're welcome. I think that is the best idea. If you want to brand them though with your own name, that is also a good idea! :D


Originally Posted by Timbits (Post 849640)

The little babies are doing really well! [..] Oh ya there is also one little guy I found that is completely white, looks exactly like a Wyoming white. The only one in the whole batch. I'll try to capture a pic of him. I know Picassos produce platinums so can black ice possibly produce a Wyoming white?

That's great! Usually they make Wyoming Whites out of orange Snowflakes, but I see no reason that yours would not also be considered a WW. There has been much debate that Darwin Ocellaris (black and whites) may not actually be Ocellaris and may indeed be there own species. If that is the case, then an all white fish produced by two Black Ice would essentially be a hybrid and called something entirely different! Unless that gets proven though, yours should still be considered WW. Did I confuse that for ya? :lol:

daniella3d 10-05-2013 04:45 PM

My black ice are laying eggs every 2 weeks now. Poor things I cannot really take care of them. I don't have rotifer and phyto available. I have tons of eggs right now, hundreds and they will probably hatch in a few days. Each time they are eaten away by other fishs, the skimmer and the corals :(

I really wish I could raise them.

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