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Craigdillman 08-14-2013 07:13 PM

Upgrade time !
Well looks like my wife approved the start of a new tank build as long as I don't order it all at once. So im going to slowly aquaire all the stuff over the next little bit and start putting together a 6 footer!!!

So far defiantly want
125 gallon long?
72" for sure and proably no more than 140 gallons
Long Shallow
Rimless probably
Good sized sump and fuge for pods for mandarin (maybe seperate tank for fuge that drains into sump?)
Big stand with lots of room too keep it clean and tidy

Lights Leds
I have a rapid led build for my 29 gallon might build just expand those most likely with some more full spectrum reds UV and greens not sure yet or maybe add on some Radons or Ai SoL

Anything else that you guys wish you had ? Wish you had bought form the start or planned ? thats kinda what im starting to plan

Anyway Stay tuned

Craigdillman 08-14-2013 07:17 PM

First tank progress


reeferfulton 08-14-2013 07:55 PM

awesome . 6 footer , wish i had started that big.
look forward to the build.

1.I wish i made my tank stand higher. i like setups were you dont really need to bend over at all for viewing. It also gives extra height under the tank for skimmer and things .

2.spend some time planning the sump . I wish i had easier access to my filter socks and equipment.

3.Plan out where all of your wires, plugins,power bars, controllers and all that junk will go . because it can take up lots of space and look really messy.

have fun

Craigdillman 08-14-2013 11:27 PM

Thanks yea good call, what size do you think would give me good fuge and room for everything? Is a 40 breeder ok or go bigger?

Craigdillman 09-02-2013 03:12 AM

Scoped out and picked up a gently used tank from a reefer up north who was upgrading tank was built from a concept in Calgary, drilled bean animal overflow, 2 returns, just finish cleaning the tank up and getting excited

72"x20"x20" 125 gallon display
48"x15.5"x16.5" Sump

Next step is plumbing (which I know nothing about and have never done so it will be an adventure)

Craigdillman 09-03-2013 02:41 AM

Just planning out my plumbing, is it better to plumb the refugium to be filled off the return or run one of the overflows too it?

RDNanoGuy 09-03-2013 03:23 AM

Plumb it off your return. That way you can control the amount of flow through it with a valve. Plus if you plumb it off the tank drain the refuge will fill up with debris instead of being caught by your filter socks.

Craigdillman 09-03-2013 03:25 AM

Ah good call, so do I basically mock up the plumbing and then choose a return pump or?

Just trying to figure out how to start first time plumbing anything lol

RDNanoGuy 09-03-2013 03:56 AM

It's always a good idea to mock up your plumbing before you glue anything together. Also it helps you to make sure you have shut off valves and unions in all the right places so you can service your equipment.

The pump choice is determined by the amount of flow you want through the system. Most aquarists' like to run about 5 times the display tanks volume through the sump per hour. Also when choosing your pump don't forget to account for the head loss due to the height back to the display. Most pump manufacturers provide a chart to help estimate the loss for a given height.
Also add maybe20% more to account for the flow you will divert to the refugeium.

Craigdillman 09-03-2013 04:18 AM

Thanks alot for the help

RDNanoGuy 09-03-2013 04:22 AM

In your tanks case you pump requirements will look something like this:

125g display x 5 turnover per hour = 625gph

625gph x 20% for refuge = 750gph

You should therefore look for a pump that will provide 750gph @ whatever vertical distance is from the pump to the display return nozzle.

Also don't be afraid to use a slightly oversize pump maybe. 20% larger and use a ball valve on the output. This can be advantageous in 3 ways:

1. You can dial in the perfect flow, which is helpful in quieting noisy overflows.
2. You can use the excess capacity later to run other accessories like carbon and phosban reactors thereby saving the price of another pump.
3. Restricted pumps run more efficiently and use less. Electricity.

Craigdillman 09-03-2013 06:43 PM

Ok that makes sense, Im thinking the mag9.5 pump its rated for 950 probably around 900 ish after head loss and i can dial it back.

Also Im looking into skimmers and i see a problem right off the bat the skimmer section (middle) is only 7" high before draining into the bubble trap and return, would it be a big deal to add glass or acrylic to the bubble trap to raise the water to say 9" which is what most skimmers are calling for

Craigdillman 09-04-2013 08:46 PM

Im looking at these so far for skimmers

Bubble magus curve 7-
Reef octopus Nwb-150-(or the 200)
Vertex omega 150

RDNanoGuy 09-05-2013 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by Craigdillman (Post 842908)
Ok that makes sense, Im thinking the mag9.5 pump its rated for 950 probably around 900 ish after head loss and i can dial it back.

I think you will have a little more head loss than that, most setups with the sump in the stand have between 4' and 5' od head pressure. The mac 9.5 will work fine but probably won't give you much room to play with. If you've got the extra couple of bucks maybe get a mag 12.

As for a skimmer all 3 of your choices will serve you well although i personally like the reef octopus skimmers the best. Vertex is a solid well regarded brand also.

As far as the required water height I've found being a bit low is better than too high. As long as the skimmer intake is completely submerged it will work fine. If you find the output splashes too much you can always fit an elbow to point the outflow into the water.

Craigdillman 09-05-2013 04:42 AM

Mag 9.5

Input: 3/4"
Output: 3/4"
Flow Rate at 0' Head: 950 GPH
Flow Rate at 4' Head: 800 GPH
Flow Rate at 6' Head: 760 GPH

So I might be right on the edge with that but would the 12 be over kill? I dont mind the extra money but dont want the pump to be too much?

Mag 12
Input: 3/4"
Output: 3/4"
Flow Rate at 0' Head: 1200 GPH
Flow Rate at 4' Head: 1100 GPH
Flow Rate at 6' Head: 950 GPH

Craigdillman 09-05-2013 03:07 PM

Yea I think Im going to go with the Reef Octopus skimmer probably the 200 version

mseepman 09-05-2013 04:08 PM

I would look at something like this for a return.

You can control it and if you need to tee it off later you can up the power and keep your flow healthy. This gives you flexibility.

FishyFishy! 09-05-2013 04:38 PM

If you can, go overkill with GPH and get a DC controllable pump. That gives you lots of options there. You can always throttle them back, which is really nice.

Otherwise if you're stuck on the Magdrives (so am I... I love them) go for the 12 for sure. I had a similar setup with the 9.5 and I easily could have handled more flow.

Craigdillman 09-08-2013 07:05 PM

Yea i think im actually going to go the DC controllable route it gives me more options and for really not that much more money

Thinking of the speed wave 1320gph heard good things about it


and it only like 10$ more than the mag 12

Craigdillman 09-14-2013 07:01 PM

Well Not sure if i should be excited about PVC but..... finally all the fittings came in for the plumbing and got all day tomorrow to work on it so here goes nothing... if the return pump should be in on monday like its supposed to i can get a freshwater test outta the way and well on the way to getting this thing going!

Craigdillman 09-15-2013 07:00 PM

Ok I need help all done the overflow plumbing all done not glued yet anything missing? Only thing is should i add a ball valve on the other syphon some do others don't what u think?

HaZRaTTy 09-15-2013 08:49 PM

Curious if you have your return up into your overflow box? If so did you go with a dual durso? bean animal? If I was you I would go with a herbie.

Also I would consider putting a 1/2 - 3/4 plywood on the back of your stand to save your wall and paint to wherever you're placing your tank. If you do that which I highly suggest you should plumb your pvc against that back wall to save space and have a somewhat cleaner look.

I would place the ball valve somewhere more accessible from under in your sump area might be tough reaching for that in a panic. (its happened)

Also on your drains in your sump the down spout direct it right to the bottom maybe 3'' from the bottom to reduce splash and salt creep.

Craigdillman 09-15-2013 10:08 PM

Yea after I'm done with the plumbing I'm going to close it all in with wood and make it look good, as for the returns there is 2 drilled holes on each end of the tank so the pump will plumb up to the returns there, and yea i was thinking about the placement of the ball valves but i can reach it from the side of the tank so ill see what i can figure out

lpsreefer 09-15-2013 10:12 PM

have you done a test putting in your filter socks and taking them out with out touching your drain lines?

Craigdillman 09-15-2013 10:16 PM

Not yet but good idea

Craigdillman 09-18-2013 04:11 AM

Well lots of progress got the stand all skinned and doors in and first coat of primer on ... also return pump and reactors came in gigity so the return plumbing can be finished

and i guess some pictures cause people like that ****... 09-18-2013 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by Craigdillman (Post 845912)
Well lots of progress got the stand all skinned and doors in and first coat of primer on ... also return pump and reactors came in gigity so the return plumbing can be finished

and i guess some pictures cause people like that ****...

Where r the pics?

Craigdillman 09-18-2013 04:12 AM

Craigdillman 09-18-2013 04:13 AM

Craigdillman 09-19-2013 04:01 PM

Going to keep the inside white and paint the outside a flat black, Then finalize the plumbing then i should be able to get this thing out of the garage into the house at least

Craigdillman 09-26-2013 11:34 PM

More progress pictures Got it all painted/plumbed and leak tested for 24 Hrs with some power outage test and its ready to get out of the garage and into the house

Craigdillman 09-26-2013 11:35 PM

toytech 09-27-2013 04:46 PM

Looks great but one thing I would change is the gear clamps , they rust out pretty quick , if the hoses fit on the barbs tight I run a nylon zip tie in place of a clamp .

Craigdillman 09-27-2013 11:04 PM

Thanks good idea, they fit pretty good anyway so it would be just for precautions

Craigdillman 10-01-2013 05:21 AM

So I got the rock curing now with a powerhead and a heater.. but now im second guessing the layout of the sump. Since I didnt make it kinda just went with it but... im thinking the filter socks (kinda suck ) shouldnt be infront of the skimmer section i want the skimmer to skim out the crap not trap it. Im debating redoing that part of the sump before i continue on the build.
Maybe move the first section over big enough for the returns and my skimmer and take out the sock section and if i wanted to put a filter section in (over and under type) with some rock rubble and egg crate and maybe filter floss or something if i wanted... what u guys think

HaZRaTTy 10-01-2013 03:47 PM

Filter socks isn't a replacement for a Skimmer and Vice Versa.. I don't see any problem with the filter socks before a skimmer.

You'll have to be changing your Skimmer Socks.. Err wait Filter Socks most likely every week anyways.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but Protein skimmer's are used to take the Dissolved Orangic matter out of your water column which I don't think is being trapped by your filter sock. (Maybe to some degree)

I would like to think that a filter sock is more of a rough, water cleansing sort of filtration catching the big stuff coming from your tank.

Craigdillman 10-01-2013 03:57 PM

yea i think I'm going to leave it i just was thinking if i wanted to change it now was the time

kien 10-01-2013 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Craigdillman (Post 848579)
im thinking the filter socks (kinda suck ) shouldnt be infront of the skimmer section i want the skimmer to skim out the crap not trap it. Im debating redoing that part of the sump before i continue on the build.... what u guys think

Actually, in most sump designs I have seen the filter sock is in fact before the skimmer section. The filter socks act as a mechanical filtration to remove larger undissolved particles before they reach the skimmer. Most people will place the filter socks right where the return lines dump display tank water into the sump, just like how your sump is designed. As HaZy said, the skimmer is designed to help remove dissolved organics.

Craigdillman 10-01-2013 04:24 PM

Yea now that I've looked it over a bit better I think ill keep it, i guess just wanted to weight my options given this is the time to change it while the rock is curing and there isnt water in it lol

kien 10-01-2013 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Craigdillman (Post 848653)
Yea now that I've looked it over a bit better I think ill keep it, i guess just wanted to weight my options given this is the time to change it while the rock is curing and there isnt water in it lol

That's fair, you definitely want to make any changes now, rather than when your tank is full of rock, water, fish and corals :lol:

Also, a lot of people don't even run filter socks at all. :biggrin:

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