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Trevor W 08-11-2013 07:15 AM

Trevor W's 100 Gallon Build Thread 48"L x 24"W x 20"H
Some of you may know about my tank from my other thread titled "Hardscape", where in I posted some photos of my rock work in hopes of getting some feedback.

Long story short the tank was tore down twice since than and has now been officially started. So with that I would like to start an actual build thread. Please feel free to ask question or give feed back either positive or negative don't much matter to me! :biggrin:

Tank shortly after recieving it and getting the stand built

I began on the plumbing. I went with the "Herbie" method.

With the plumbing finished I began work on my panels for my stand.
They are not finished yet (painting:mad2:). But these are pics wth just primer and no magnets. Photos taken before being tore down the first time.

Installed some battery operated LED lights under my stand


Finally Filled!

Started working on the bench that sits beside the tank. I am using it to hide all the electrical and for sitting of course.

View from the bench looking through the side pane.

Water storage/mixing barrel

Future quarantine tank area

Trevor W 08-11-2013 07:24 AM

For equipment I am using the following:
  • Tek Elite 8 bulb fixture
  • Tunze 6105 (going to be purchasing another shortly) with a Tunze 7096 controller
  • Quiet one 4000 return pump
  • Vertex IN-180 Skimmer
  • Vertex Rx-U 1.5 media reactor (also going to be purchasing another one shortly) one for GFO and one for carbon.
  • kit

monkE 08-11-2013 07:56 AM

Looks great man! i like the idea hiding the wires in that bench, nicely done with the switch panel. Can't wait to see the tank grow, keep the updates coming!

Trevor W 08-11-2013 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by monkE (Post 837553)
Looks great man! i like the idea hiding the wires in that bench, nicely done with the switch panel. Can't wait to see the tank grow, keep the updates coming!

Thanks! yeah wire management was a huge thing to me. I will also be using electrical raceway to finish hiding all the remaining exposed wiring such as the cords from the lights, tunze 6105 and 7096 that you can see on the wall behind the bench. Still lots of finishing and cleaning up to do.

baker_jeff 08-11-2013 11:15 AM

Looks great! That bench is a fantastic idea.

Dearth 08-11-2013 11:19 AM

Yup that hiding the electrical under the bench is awesome and love the lighting idea for the sump

DAVE 08-11-2013 12:23 PM

Awesome build..Super clean looking.

Great idea on the bench as well. Love you rock work as well.

thmh 08-11-2013 02:15 PM

I love your dimensions! definitely a well thought out build,i will follow along with your progression!


kien 08-11-2013 02:37 PM

Looking good man. Great selection of equipment.

Proteus 08-11-2013 03:29 PM

Like to aqua scape.

Any plans yet as to stocking or pewpewing

The Grizz 08-11-2013 04:35 PM

That rock work is very cool & you know that I think the bench is badazz!!

Trevor W 08-11-2013 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by baker_jeff (Post 837559)
Looks great! That bench is a fantastic idea.

Thank You!


Originally Posted by Dearth (Post 837560)
Yup that hiding the electrical under the bench is awesome and love the lighting idea for the sump

Thank You! Both are just cheap purchases from wal-mart


Originally Posted by Hydrologist (Post 837561)
Awesome build..Super clean looking.

Great idea on the bench as well. Love you rock work as well.

Thank You! Its still fairly unorganized but I am hoping to really clean it up over the next couple of days.

Trevor W 08-11-2013 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by thmh (Post 837569)
I love your dimensions! definitely a well thought out build,i will follow along with your progression!


Thank You Tony! Also welcome to Canreef glad to see you are a sponsor here and from what I have seen an active one aswell. I cant wait to place an order with you guys once I can start stocking.


Originally Posted by kien (Post 837575)
Looking good man. Great selection of equipment.

Thank You Kien! Although its not the high $$$$ stuff its definatly a great middle ground for me and so far I couldnt be happier. Just hope that someday I can make this thing look half as good as your 150 :biggrin:

Originally Posted by Titus99 (Post 837582)
Like to aqua scape.

Any plans yet as to stocking or pewpewing

Thak You! Well for fish I have only really decided on a couple of things, 5or6 blueégreen chromis, a harem of lyretail anthias, a pair of tomato clowns, some wrasses (undecided) I would love a red stripe or a half black angel but maybe Ill save that fish for a future FOWLR tank. Pretty generic fish list.

For coral Ill be mainly focusing on sps, zoanthids, and a couple focal point LPS. But the main coral population will be sps.

Trevor W 08-11-2013 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 837596)
That rock work is very cool & you know that I think the bench is badazz!!

Thanks Grizz! I only wish I had room to put one on the other side of the tank to house ATO, media reactors and future dosing pumps and containers.

MadJellyCorals 08-11-2013 07:18 PM

Like many said already, super clean and planned out. I like the idea of having the overflow on the side and not the back for your tank placement situation.

Trevor W 08-11-2013 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by MadJellyCorals (Post 837656)
Like many said already, super clean and planned out. I like the idea of having the overflow on the side and not the back for your tank placement situation.

Thank You Long! When I started thinking of how I wanted the tank I seen a couple tanks that had this same placement and I instantly switched it from having it external on the back pane. It allowed me to go the full 24" front to back. Also it will allow me to situate it as a peninsula tank if I ever choose to. I really like the look of seeing the wall behind the tank with no cords or mess really gives it alot more depth as apposed to having the back pane blacked out. But to each there own.

Myka 08-11-2013 07:48 PM

Great dimensions - the same as my new tank! :D Mine is 24" high and 20" wide though.

I like what you did with the sitting bench! I was going to build a cabinet to sit beside my new tank, but you have me thinking of other ideas now too.

Trevor W 08-11-2013 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 837665)
Great dimensions - the same as my new tank! :D Mine is 24" high and 20" wide though.

I like what you did with the sitting bench! I was going to build a cabinet to sit beside my new tank, but you have me thinking of other ideas now too.

Thank You! Glad I could give you some ideas.

jorjef 08-12-2013 12:48 AM

Where did you get the tank built?

wreck 08-12-2013 01:00 AM

Right on bro!! Tank is coming along nicely, love te bench idea, will have to stop by for a coffee this week. I'm not posting pics of my 65g build lol not as clean as yours lol

Chris W

Trevor W 08-12-2013 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by jorjef (Post 837735)
Where did you get the tank built?

I got the tank built by Concept.


Originally Posted by wreck (Post 837740)
Right on bro!! Tank is coming along nicely, love te bench idea, will have to stop by for a coffee this week. I'm not posting pics of my 65g build lol not as clean as yours lol

Chris W

Thanks Bro!
You should be documenting your build! I am sure lots of people would love to see it including me. You have a laundry room behind your tank where as mine is in the spare bedroom or as the wife calls it "your fish room" lol so you only have to worry about making the front look purdy. Start snapping photos with that nice fancy camera.

Trevor W 08-12-2013 01:17 AM

Stand panels finally finished and in place.
WoW rare earth magnets are the way to go!

jorjef 08-12-2013 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by Trevor W (Post 837743)
I got the tank built at concept

Nice, I'm trying to decide on dimensions for a new tank and get one built. I would like one of their tanks but Concept has teamed up with the LFS that doesn't exist in my world.

wreck 08-12-2013 01:32 AM

Me and Trevor got out tanks through Concept via Colby.

Hey Trev lets take a rip to Saskatoon this weekend

jorjef 08-12-2013 01:36 AM

Did you see the coral pics Colby posted on Facebook. Ya if I had a truck there wouldn't be an issue would just pick up in stoon

Trevor W 08-12-2013 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by wreck (Post 837758)
Me and Trevor got out tanks through Concept via Colby.

Hey Trev lets take a rip to Saskatoon this weekend

If you can convince my wife than I'm in LOL


Originally Posted by jorjef (Post 837759)
Did you see the coral pics Colby posted on Facebook. Ya if I had a truck there wouldn't be an issue would just pick up in stoon

I squeezed my tank with sump inside of tank into the back of my 2009 Honda CRV. Literally couldn't of been an inch bigger or it wouldnt of fit. When it comes to a new custom built tank there is always a way:biggrin:

Those pics that Colby posted are :jaw:

wreck 08-12-2013 03:33 AM

Colby's pics were woweeee

Trevor W 08-16-2013 05:22 AM

DIY Screen Top
This is a call to all members
:mrgreen: !!! HELP !!! :mrgreen:

I have been searching my local and surrounding area stores for clear screen netting to make a screen top for my tank and I can't find it anywhere. Is there anyone out there that may have some extra that they would be willing to sell me? I am looking for the clear 1/4" hole polypropelene mesh or netting. If not would you have any suggestions on where I could source some? I have tried Home Depot, Lowes, Rona, Home Hardware, and Canadian Tire.

Dearth 08-16-2013 07:13 AM

Michaels craft store should carry what your looking for I've found about a third of the stuff I need from them....

daplatapus 08-16-2013 01:27 PM

I have a role of the stuff here. I could send you some, but last time I checked it was something like $15 to ship it because of the tube I'd have to put it in... but more than willing.

wreck 08-16-2013 04:29 PM

By any chance could u post what the roll looks like and the label?

daplatapus 08-17-2013 02:23 AM

Ya sure. This is the stuff I have and got from Home Hardware:

It is a shade of grey but fairly fine thread so there's very little light loss.

wreck 08-17-2013 03:11 AM

Thank you very much that's excellent !!

lockrookie 08-17-2013 03:31 AM

Bayside corals

Trevor W 08-17-2013 04:30 AM

Thank you Daplatapus for the generous offer and for posting those pics it is greatly appreciated! I may have sourced some locally. Yet another reason why this forum is such a great resource.

Thank you Lockrookie for the suggestion! My brother is going to bayside tomorrow and he may just be bringing me back a piece.

Prariecanuck 08-17-2013 12:35 PM

For all the prarie people there is a guy in stoon building tanks now.just thought I'd throw it out there

Trevor W 08-19-2013 03:03 AM

Media Reactors
I recently purchased my second Vertex Rx-U 1.5 media reactor. I also purchased a bag of Vertex ROX 0.8 activated carbon. Anyone that has used or seen this carbon will know just how small the grains are. I instantly foreseen a problem with the size of the pores of the supplied sponges VS the size of the grains of carbon. Sure enough upon filling the reactor with 100ml of ROX it instantly started working its way into and through the factory sponges. A quick google search turned up nothing. I than remembered that I had a couple small sheets of Poret foam. It is often used in the freshwater side of the hobby and it truly is the best foam to use in any aquarium application. Seemed like a no brainer. Who would of thought that after spending $$$ on media reactors I would be having to DIY it to properly work with the same brand of carbon lol.

wreck 08-19-2013 03:53 AM

Nicely done bro, I will replace my 2lf sponges with that foam

Trevor W 08-19-2013 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by wreck (Post 839403)
Nicely done bro, I will replace my 2lf sponges with that foam

Thanks! Poret foam is defiantly not the cheapest solution but by far the best option. IMO
A less costly option would be if you could find a hydro sponge filter sponge that would fit nicely around the inner tube of the reactor and than just cut the height to whatever you wanted and trim the outside diameter to fit.

explor3r 08-19-2013 11:47 AM

Great build love your tank dimension and I dig your rock work. Im a big fan of vertex skimmers they work excellent and never give you problems.
Keep it up:biggrin:

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