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mr_alberta 07-27-2013 12:00 AM

Shop & Swap meet (AKA Frag Fest) - Aug. 25, 2013

Marine Aquaria is hosting shop & swap meet (aka Frag Fest 2013). Anyone and everyone is allowed to participate. Bring your frags and/or your old equipment! Its a great chance to meet local vendors and other hobbyists!

It will be located in the parking lot of our retail location (2854 Calgary Trail) and run from 10am - 5pm on Sunday, August 25.

More details to follow!



I am happy to announce that one of the local reefers has agreed to do a small presentation on culturing live foods and the benefits of live foods to the aquarium during the event!

Also, we are currently in contact with a few local restaurants to provide food and beverages.


Ray at Reef Supplies has generously donated 3 gift certificates redeemable at his online store as door prizes! Check out his website at:
March at Frag Box has generously donated a gift certificate redeemable at his online store as well! His website is:
Tony at Mad Jelly Corals has generously donated 2 gift certificates redeemable at his online store as well! His website is:


Dave at Big Show Frags has generously donated a discount coupon for use on any frag purchases at his online store. His website is:

Nellos Restaurant has agreed to provide food for the event!
Fellow reefer Trevor Keeling @ TAK DJ Services has agreed to provided DJ services and equipment for the event!

[b] Makco at Krakens Reef has donated some gift certificates for use on his online store. The website is:

Check back for more updates as they come in!

Phil 07-27-2013 12:53 AM

Ill be there. U gonna have tables set up I can probally bring a 5or10 gallon tank

Doug's fish 07-27-2013 03:38 AM

Frag fest
Can we bring fish to sell ?

scubadawg 07-27-2013 04:59 AM

Can't make it, Still scuba diving in Lembeh Strait,Indonesia :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

mr_alberta 07-27-2013 05:35 AM

Hey Phil,

I'll try to get some tables set up but I'm not 100% sure how many I can get.


You can sell as many Neon Gobies as you like :mrgreen:

mr_alberta 07-31-2013 05:06 PM

Bump up!

Get your frags ready folks!

I will have a lot of frags and used equipment there. Lights, tanks, powerheads, filters, etc etc.

The Grizz 07-31-2013 05:16 PM

Can I still bring a couple of my Huskies like we always do :mrgreen:

mr_alberta 07-31-2013 07:57 PM

As long as your huskies don't eat fish...and children cause that would be bad too :mrgreen:

scubadawg 07-31-2013 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 834998)
Can I still bring a couple of my Huskies like we always do :mrgreen:

Can we WOK your dogs?:lol::lol::lol:

Jeff000 07-31-2013 08:20 PM

Sounds like fun.

I need lots of frags. High end frags.

Proteus 07-31-2013 09:19 PM

Jeff don't get greedy I need high end frags too. ;)

Misses.ReefWars 07-31-2013 10:24 PM

possibly convince the old man, bring some rares to the tables ;P

The Grizz 08-01-2013 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by mr_alberta (Post 835014)
As long as your huskies don't eat fish...and children cause that would be bad too :mrgreen:

Anyone that attended the last couple frag fest's know that my Huskies are better behaved then some of the reefers that attend.

Originally Posted by scubadawg (Post 835016)
Can we WOK your dogs?:lol::lol::lol:

Zues & Thor enjoy eating a little Chinese :razz: besides your away diving then.

Carandiru 08-01-2013 01:20 AM

Nice I'm very happy to hear it's still happening wasn't to sure after blue world closed.

Jeff000 08-01-2013 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by Titus99 (Post 835036)
Jeff don't get greedy I need high end frags too. ;)

I'll let you have frags once they grow out. Lol
I've been unable to recover my collection incentives the crash last summer.
And not I have 330 gallons of needing beautiful colors. Lol.

mr_alberta 08-01-2013 05:13 AM

Bump! More info added! Local vendors are welcome too!

Bryan_k47 08-02-2013 05:02 PM

See you all there
Cheryl and I will bring along a few dozen frags more then likely :-)

mr_alberta 08-07-2013 08:00 PM

Bump up! More details added!

Bryan_k47 08-07-2013 08:03 PM

Coming together really nice by the looks of things
Good job !!!

Phil 08-08-2013 02:05 AM

It really surprises me that all the companies from Ontario are nice enough to donate and yet I don't see and local stores yet, really surprises me.

Proteus 08-08-2013 02:24 AM

Nice. Can't wait.

The Grizz 08-08-2013 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by Phil (Post 836654)
It really surprises me that all the companies from Ontario are nice enough to donate and yet I don't see and local stores yet, really surprises me.

I second that for sure, seem odd to me as well.

Bryan_k47 08-08-2013 06:53 AM

There is still time, I imagine other local shops will get involved :-)

howdy20012002 08-08-2013 07:56 AM

I won't be there personally as I am going to be on vacation.
for store participation, I asked for donations from other companies for the swap meet in June as well - only Red Coral, other than myself, contributed.
I personally ended up donating 100's of dollars worth of prizes and food for the food bank and the Calgary Flood relief just so that there was something to actually raffle off.
Perhaps the resentment of me not being a "real" store drove others away.
that being said, sounds like this will be a great event.
wish I could be there to see what everyone has.
good luck with the event.

Kit with Cat 08-10-2013 07:38 PM

See you all there!

baker_jeff 08-10-2013 08:38 PM

I am very sad to miss this, we'll be out camping :(.

mr_alberta 08-13-2013 11:44 PM


mr_alberta 08-20-2013 07:58 PM

The time is getting closer folks. Its THIS COMING SUNDAY :eek:

We are happy to announce that Coca Cola Company is providing us with drinks and free knick knacks to give away!

Also we will have 4-10'x10' tents set up as well as some tables for fellow reefers to use.

mr_alberta 08-20-2013 08:32 PM

2013 Edmonton Frag Fest Door Prizes list
(in draw order)

#01 Mad Jelly Corals $25 Coupon
#02 Mad Jelly Corals $25 Coupon
#03 Big Show Frags $50 Coupon
#04 Reef Supplies $25 Coupon
#05 Reef Supplies $50 Coupon
#06 Reef Supplies $75 Coupon
#07 Kraken Reef $25 Coupon
#08 Kraken Reef $25 Coupon
#09 Marine Aquaria $25 Coupon
#10 Marine Aquaria $25 Coupon
#11 Vertex Hexaplex Cleaner-Mag
#12 Fluval Sea Salt 165G
#13 H2Ocean Salt 6.6kg
#14 H2Ocean Salt 6.6kg
#15 Fluval Sea 24” LED Fixture
#16 Frag Box Free Shipping + 1 Free Frag Coupon

Joshua Jones 08-21-2013 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by mr_alberta (Post 839796)
The time is getting closer folks. Its THIS COMING SUNDAY :eek:

We are happy to announce that Coca Cola Company is providing us with drinks and free knick knacks to give away!

Also we will have 4-10'x10' tents set up as well as some tables for fellow reefers to use.

Tents generously donated for the event by the kind folks at Windshield Surgeons! Good on them! :)

JmeJReefer 08-22-2013 12:40 AM

Sounds like its gonna be sweet! Stoked to do some swapping! Do we bring our own small tank for display/trade? First one so any advice is appreciated!

Proteus 08-22-2013 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by JmeJReefer (Post 840085)
Sounds like its gonna be sweet! Stoked to do some swapping! Do we bring our own small tank for display/trade? First one so any advice is appreciated!

Yes bring a tank and some water or bag your frags and toss in a cooler

JmeJReefer 08-22-2013 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Titus99 (Post 840097)
Yes bring a tank and some water or bag your frags and toss in a cooler

Okay. Thanks. See u all there! Look forward to completely reef geekin it out with a few of ya too!

RPatsula 08-22-2013 05:01 PM

i'll be will be nice to meet some other aquarium addicts as well as putting some faces to names from CanReef

Reef Pilot 08-22-2013 05:05 PM

Just seeing Rich's tank is worth the visit... Still don't know if I can make it. Depends mostly on the weather forecast for the long weekend, if I decide to stay in town or not. I sure wouldn't mind picking up some more nice frags, though. And I could have a few to bring myself. Plus would be nice to meet some of the out of town canreefers.

Edit: Whoops, wrong frag fest. I was talking about the Lower Mainland one over at Rich's place (Bblinks).

Jeff000 08-23-2013 12:38 PM

Was in there last night, and their tanks are getting full and they still have more coming in today.
Had to pick up the toonie size gold flake and a beautiful purple tang though :)

Should be a great day.

PS, I will have one of those nana cube all in one tanks for free, glass is good and stuff, but no lights.
I'll also have a 3 x 250w geisman MH fixture. Best offer. Or trade for some high end SPS.

reefme 08-23-2013 11:29 PM

I have a feeling I will win this: Reef Supplies $75 Coupon

mr_alberta 08-24-2013 01:05 AM


First 24 people in the store on Frag Fest Sunday get a 10G mix of Fluval Sea salt courtesy of Hagen.

The Grizz 08-24-2013 02:00 AM

Sadly I don't think the wife & I will be coming, just to much to do around home.

xXLeafeonXx 08-24-2013 01:14 PM

I'm coming too.

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