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coralline algae in 5month system
tank had nickel sized patches of the stuff at four months and now it has all turned white and shrunk to pencil erasure sixe.Doesnt apper to have been eatin.How do i get this stuff to grow?
33 gallon 25 # lr 2 1/2 inch lsb 1 domino damsel 1 peppermint 1 emerald crab 1 turbo snail 1 small anemone(i thinks its a condy) tons of macroalgae(sawblade lookin stuff) levels r good calcium at 420 |
When I dose Kalk I need to clear my glass every 2-3 days...if I leave it a month I can't see in the tank. |
calcium and alkalinity.
also suitable lighting, most types of coralline are not high light compatable. |
i have noticed when i start getting an attack of cyano my corraline algae stops growing and starts to die off. Your tank is at the 5 mth mark and maybe due for a cyano outbreak. Just a thought
well i dont have a very spectacular setup as of yet.So i dont dose kalk and my lighting is 55 watt pc and 30 watt no.So how do i know if it is cyno.Any visible things or do i need some kind of test?Oh and what excactly is cynobacteria?Cause?Effects on water chem?The only real book i have is the conscientious marine aquarist and it dosnt cover it.
cyano is a reddish/brownish slime that covers your sand and/or rocks...it could be cause from low flow, bad accimulation of new lights, excess nutrients
one other thing to help it if you have a good levels of appropriate nutriients, I sometimes scrape a peice of rock, or equipment that has coraline on it and it starts to seed else where
I am in the same boat as Jeff.. I have to clean my glass every 2-3 days otherwise I can not see in Jim |
you can scrap the coraline algae off your rocks and that ll seed your tank. or you can also place a powerhead in front of the lr with coraline on it and just let the powerhead blow at the rock...that ll spread the seed for you
the last few months ive been sooo busy, so i only clean the glass wehn i can no longer see into the tank...
today was that day, if anyone really wanted, i could give you scrapings to seed your tanks, the next time i do this. |
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