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dustinc 07-06-2013 06:51 PM

Tank shutdown sale RED DEER
Sadly Shutting down my tank selling the livestock first, with Hardware to follow. If my prices seem out of line just say and we can work something out!
I also have no idea how I am going to catch these fish so I am hoping I can sell them in bulk haha.
All the fish have been in the tank for a minimum of 4 months and are disease free and eat like pigs.
I have a AA+ quality clam from tonga? Its a place you can't import from anymore anyways its a bright blue maxima $90
I also have a normal purple-pink Maxima $35
Halloween collector urchin $5
Black spiny urchin $5
Ocellaris Clownfish $20 for the pair
Sailfin Tang $50
Mimic Tang $50
Blue Hippo Tang $35
Mandarin Dragonette $10
Spotted Mandarin Dragonette $10
Royal Gramma $10
Fire Fish $10
Blue Chromis $10 for both
Purple Fire Fish $15
X2 Banggai Cardinal $15 each, they hate each
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp X2 $35 for the pair they are best friends
narcissus snail X10 not sure on price I may just bundle all my CUC??
Turbo Snail X2
Turban Snail X4
Blue Legged hermit X6
Left handed Hermit X3
Copper banded butterfly fish, comes with 8oz of his favorite food $50
Six spot sand sifting goby $15
Dragon sand sifting goby $15

HL649 07-06-2013 08:09 PM

PM'd for the clam

user129 07-06-2013 08:45 PM


Evilweevil 07-06-2013 09:38 PM


rogesue 07-06-2013 10:22 PM

Would you bring to Calgary?

btymens 07-06-2013 11:18 PM

if you're coming to edmonton anytime soon, I'll take the blue hippo

rogesue 07-06-2013 11:34 PM

Blue hippo and copperband
If you can bring to calgary I will take the Blue hippo and the Copper band

Davidbugera 07-07-2013 12:46 AM

I travel to red dear every other sat 13 being my next trip if any one whants to tag along I go there and back or line up a pick up ill bring it to Calgary

dustinc 07-07-2013 02:51 AM

Wow can't believe how fast everything is going
AA+ quality clam from tonga? Its a place you can't import from anymore anyways its a bright blue maxima $90 pending HL649
I also have a normal purple-pink Maxima $35 pending HL649
Halloween collector urchin Sold
Black spiny urchin Sold
Ocellaris Clownfish $20 for the pair
Sailfin Tang Sold
Mimic Tang $50
Blue Hippo Tang Sold
Mandarin Dragonette Sold
Spotted Mandarin Dragonette $10
Royal Gramma $10
Fire Fish $10 Pending HL649
Blue Chromis Sold
Purple Fire Fish $15 Pending HL649
X2 Banggai Cardinal $15 each, they hate each other
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp X2 $35 for the pair they are best friends Pending HL649
narcissus snail X10 not sure on price I may just bundle all my CUC??
Turbo Snail X2 Sold
Turban Snail X4 Sold
Blue Legged hermit X6
Left handed Hermit X3
Copper banded butterfly fish, comes with 8oz of his favorite food $50 I've had him for over 8 months never hesitates to eat!
Six spot sand sifting goby $15
Dragon sand sifting goby Sold
While Moving around my rocks I found a Randall's shrimp goby that I haven't seen in 8 months!! I imagine his partner is in there as well (candy cane pistol shrimp) $20 for the pair

user129 07-07-2013 04:12 AM

Thanks for the fish!!! Great people to deal with!!!!

Dube1474 07-07-2013 05:18 AM


syncro 07-07-2013 05:34 AM

I'll take the:

- occelaris clownfish pair
- royal gramma
- nassarius snails

if davidbugera or someone else is driving to Calgary (will help cover gas + time).


littlewoodchuck 07-07-2013 10:29 AM

out me down for the cleaner shrimp and all the crabs you can fiind

littlewoodchuck 07-07-2013 10:31 AM

sorry for the typo. it should read put me down not out me down

dustinc 07-07-2013 03:45 PM

I have some corals as well
Purple Birds nest frag $10
Bonsai coral frag $10
acropora millepora Frag $10
Seriatopora caliendrum $10 a frag or $50 for the colony
Acropora nana, $10 a frag the colony is encrusted on a rock
montipora capricornis its encrusted on a rock as well
Pulsing Xenia $5
10 heads frog spawn $5 a head
Purple Hammer coral $10
neon green toadstool $10
ricorida florida, $10
Kenya tree $5 a frag
mushroom $5
large elephant's ear $10
a rhodactis

dustinc 07-07-2013 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by littlewoodchuck (Post 830515)
out me down for the cleaner shrimp and all the crabs you can fiind

Cleaner shrimp already claimed if it falls through I will let you know

ChefFish 07-07-2013 05:25 PM

What color is your cap monti?

dustinc 07-07-2013 11:51 PM

I have red and a small rainbow frag

dustinc 07-08-2013 12:27 AM

I have to go to work wednesday so everything is first come first serve here is a list of what is left
Ocellaris Clownfish $20 for the pair
Mimic Tang $50
Royal Gramma $10
Fire Fish $10
Purple Fire Fish $15
X2 Banggai Cardinal $15 each
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp X2 $35 for the pair they are best friends
narcissus snail X10
Turban Snail X1
Blue Legged hermit X6
Left handed Hermit X3
Six spot sand sifting goby $15
Purple Birds nest frag $5
Bonsai coral frag $10
acropora millepora Frag $5
Seriatopora caliendrum $5 a frag I have 3
Acropora nana, $10 a frag the colony is encrusted on a rock
montipora capricornis its encrusted on a rock as well
Pulsing Xenia $5
10 heads frog spawn $5 a head
Purple Hammer coral $10
neon green toadstool $10
Kenya tree $5 a frag
130 Pounds of rock was hoping for $400 with all the coral thats on it
here is a picture of the mimic tang since there hasn't been any interest on him

dustinc 07-08-2013 02:21 AM

I have to go to work wednesday so everything is first come first serve here is a list of what is left
Ocellaris Clownfish $20 for the pair
Mimic Tang $50
Royal Gramma $10
Fire Fish $10
Purple Fire Fish $15
X2 Banggai Cardinal $15 each
a few narcissus snail's and a couple hermits.
Six spot sand sifting goby $15
Purple Birds nest frag $5
Bonsai coral frag $10
acropora millepora Frag $5
Seriatopora caliendrum $5 a frag I have 2
Acropora nana, $10 a frag the colony is encrusted on a rock
montipora capricornis its encrusted on a rock as well
Pulsing Xenia $5
neon green toadstool $10
Kenya tree $5 a frag
130 Pounds of rock was hoping for $400 with all the coral thats on it

michika 07-08-2013 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by Davidbugera (Post 830446)
I travel to red dear every other sat 13 being my next trip if any one whants to tag along I go there and back or line up a pick up ill bring it to Calgary


Originally Posted by syncro (Post 830507)
if davidbugera or someone else is driving to Calgary (will help cover gas + time).


Originally Posted by dustinc (Post 830641)
I have to go to work wednesday so everything is first come first serve here is a list of what is left
Mimic Tang $50

I'll take the Mimic tang if it could get a ride here to Calgary. I'm also happy to help cover gas and time as well.

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