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MarkoD 06-30-2013 04:31 AM

200 Gallon Square In Wall
Heres a video to introduce my new tank

will keep up to date in this thread

MarkoD 06-30-2013 04:34 AM

Details and photos
Its built into the family room wall and the back side is in the furnace room

couldnt go any wider as there is a post on the right side which holds the beam above it. so went 4 feet front to back to enable me to keep larger fish.

with the aquascape that i decided to create it allowed me to create a frag section in the back side

tank is located under the stairs so i made a custom light rack thats attached to the wall with a piano hinge and hanging on chains on the other side.
It supports 4 Radions and 4 AI Sols about 8 inches above the water.

Running an aqueon proflex acrylic sump, remote refugium and a large protein skimmer.

in the next few days i will be hooking up a PM kalk reactor, and a cad lights bio pellet reactor.

Internal flow comes from four MP40wes and one MP10wes.

All controlled by a Neptune apex

Acrowhora 06-30-2013 04:35 AM

Nice...i loved the intro:biggrin: im thinking of doing a 48x48x30 sps dominated tank once my house is many leds do you have lighting your cube?

MarkoD 06-30-2013 04:35 AM


4 radions and 4 sols

Acrowhora 06-30-2013 04:36 AM

thanks...awesome tank

gregzz4 06-30-2013 04:39 AM

Wow, someone's been busy
Nice size tank Marko

mrhasan 06-30-2013 04:44 AM


Cliff 06-30-2013 01:30 PM

Great looking set-up

MarkoD 06-30-2013 05:35 PM

thanks guys

daplatapus 06-30-2013 07:33 PM

Great set up! Love those dimensions.

The Guy 06-30-2013 08:17 PM

Wow great looking set up!!! :first:

MarkoD 06-30-2013 10:52 PM

thanks everyone. and to the person who left that comment on youtube: your grammer and spelling is a mess :lol:

fishoholic 06-30-2013 11:44 PM

Awesome video very well done!

Nuttyreefer 07-01-2013 01:36 AM

Cool like it

sphelps 07-01-2013 05:47 AM

Nice work Mark, looks really good.

MarkoD 07-01-2013 03:11 PM

Thanks. And I got an air conditioner going in the fish room. No more heat problems

LoJack 07-01-2013 03:48 PM

EPIC VIDEO ... I loved it!!

I love the epic battle music and movie preview style you used, I'm not gonna lie ... I'm totally gonna try something similar for my next video.

Video awesomeness aside, I love the dimensions of your tank. It looks very well thought out and you have some beautiful pieces and some very good equipment.

I'm interested in your maintenance and how difficult it is in that location. I've been thinking of an inwall tank under my stairs of the new house as well. Is it tough to reach certain areas when working in the tank?

MarkoD 07-01-2013 03:55 PM

Lol thanks.

I haven't really had to do much mainence.

Reaching the far corner of the tank is very difficult. Small ladder is necessary. But I haven't had to reach it after initially doing the aquascape

I don't do anything other than clean the filter socks and empty the skimmate locker

MarkoD 07-06-2013 12:45 AM

installed APEX lead detection today with 2 sensors

and finished cleaning up the wiring for everything else

HaZRaTTy 07-06-2013 01:08 AM

Not going to lie, I was waiting for the "Coming to a theater near you" I half feel ripped off watching that movie and not being able to buy tickets.

Nice tank dude.

MarkoD 07-06-2013 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by HaZRaTTy (Post 830289)
Not going to lie, I was waiting for the "Coming to a theater near you" I half feel ripped off watching that movie and not being able to buy tickets.

Nice tank dude.

lol thanks.... feel free to send me your money tho

HaZRaTTy 07-06-2013 01:11 AM

Scene points work? I have somewhere near 26,000 lol

Delphinus 07-06-2013 01:47 AM

Hahaha, great video. Tank looks awesome, nice work!

reefwars 07-06-2013 04:37 AM

Marko awesome job man glad to see you back tank looks amazing will be following for sure :))

MarkoD 07-06-2013 02:56 PM

Thanks guys. No I guess I have to sit back and enjoy until I find something new to do to it

Jeff000 07-07-2013 02:25 PM

Great looking tank!

What would it cost me to get you to do a sweet video like that for my tank? lol. I mean once it doesn't suck.

04V10 07-07-2013 06:01 PM

That is one of the best tank vids I've seen. Great job! Oh and the tank is gorgeous as well btw.

MarkoD 07-07-2013 06:12 PM

Lol thanks guy. The video was kind of meant to be silly. Glad you guys like it

04V10 07-07-2013 06:16 PM

What program were you using for editing? I'm just starting to edit video for the racing that I'm doing. Using Premiere, but it's a steep learning curve. Would love to learn how to do that.

MarkoD 07-07-2013 06:59 PM

I just used basic I movie to edit. A dslr to film and a slider move the camera

MarkoD 07-09-2013 04:05 AM

few random pictures i took tonight

i know its not perfectly sharp. but i still kinda like this one

MarkoD 07-19-2013 12:05 AM

closeup of warpaint skully.

looking to get a bleeding apple next

Zoaelite 07-19-2013 03:20 PM

Superbe photo skills as always Marko.

Proteus 07-19-2013 03:32 PM

Doug got his bleeding apple for sale

thmh 07-19-2013 04:27 PM

Damn your photos looks so vivid!


LoJack 07-19-2013 04:35 PM

Which sensors did you get for your ALD?

I just ordered an APEX last week that hasn't been delivered yet, but I ordered the ALD with one under carpet sensor and one hard surface sensor

Has it saved you yet? Or are you just a worrier like me lol

MarkoD 07-19-2013 04:45 PM

Thanks guys.

I got the hard surface ones. And it hasn't had to save me yet. But have it just in case. 150 bucks is worth it

LoJack 07-19-2013 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by MarkoD (Post 832903)
Thanks guys.

I got the hard surface ones. And it hasn't had to save me yet. But have it just in case. 150 bucks is worth it

Amen to that. I never had a battery backup for my MP40's either ... last week we had a huge fire on our block and it blew up a couple Hydro Transformers. Power was only out for a few hours thankfully ... but it was the realization that it doesn't take a hurricane to wipe your power, and I ordered some backup power just in case.

With the money we invest in our tanks ... failsafes are critical

Oh ... and as promised your video inspired me to make one of my own lol ... mine however incorporates a favorite movie as opposed to being a preview for a movie haha

MarkoD 07-19-2013 05:48 PM

I also bought a water alarm at Rona for 12 dollars. If it detects water on the floor it sounds a loud alarm like a smoke detector

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