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magikof7 06-25-2013 06:57 AM

Magik's 75 gal upgrade!
It is time...I'm starting to see problems that are just not worth Fixing with the biocube.

I went in to see Denny at concept to complain and pick up a few things when he says...Welll...You know You need something like this...LOL I should have known better. :D

I now have a 75 gal (36 X 24 x 20), Rimless 3 sided starphire glass tank with the Bean animal design overflow, polished edges and black silicone.

The Sump is 36 x 17.5 x 16 (43 gal) With a filter sock tray and, a built in Refugium.

DC 2640 return pump
CSC 150 Protien Skimmer
Tunze osmolator ATO
(powerheads yet to be decided)
and I also baught the Blau 4 bulb T5 unit. I am very unhappy with the Radion so I'm going to give T5's a try.

Denny added the sock tray and the refugium to the sump AND Did the plumbing for me, Showed me how it all worked and told me how to finish it up at home. Can't say enough good things about Concept!

Just have to skin the Stand and I can start getting it up and Running. :)

Matt@NoLongerInUse 06-25-2013 07:25 AM

just have to say cant wait to see it up and running.
and it looked good sitting in the front shop empty.
you can only make it better!
looking forward to this build!

magikof7 06-27-2013 05:42 PM

Thanks Matt!

Nothing to update, We are working on the stand.
I am now running my Skimmer with some vinegar to avoid the 2 week break in period. :)

magikof7 07-08-2013 06:00 AM

Stand is almost ready for Staining!
Hubby just has to finish the panel "doors" for the front and side.
They will be held in place by magnets so I don't have hinged doors to deal with especially in our small living room. :)
One Side and the back are fixed so I have somewhere to attach my reef keeper and clobber.

I am having a hard time decided what color stain to use. Most likely as light as possible. I actually like the natural colors the wood is now.


Front corner that will match up with the trim on the front panel.



daplatapus 07-08-2013 01:14 PM

Nice work.
If you like the colour of the wood as is, see if you can get a sample size of the oil based Varathane Diamond Finish to try on a sample piece of your wood. It really brings out the richness of light coloured wood and is hands down my favourite finish for maple. But, only the oil based stuff. In my opinion the water based Varathane isn't worth the can it's sold in.
When you put your first coat on, the wood fibres will really stand up on end. Let it dry, give it a quick sand and 2nd coat. Then you can decide if you want to sand again and 3rd coat, but I've found that greatly depends on how heavy your 1st coat was.

magikof7 07-21-2013 01:11 AM

Thanks for the tips! I tried the natural stain but found it wasn't dark enough for the trim so, I'm going to go with Ipswich and the Diamond oil based outdoor Finish (satin). I found the regular varathane finish did not hold up well on the stand for the 29 gal.

I should be able to start staining it tomorrow. :D

magikof7 12-30-2013 11:17 PM

Starting the plumbing tomorrow but it's about time the tank is finally on the stand! I'm going to go pick up the big rubber mat to put under the stand to protect my beautiful sub flooring. :lol:

the magnetic doors off

picked up some of Eli's dry rock from Concept. I threw in some rubble and a couple bigger pieces of live rock from my refugium to get it started. I rinsed it well and now have 2 power heads in there.

Claudia 12-30-2013 11:21 PM

Really nice setup, love the stand :)

magikof7 01-13-2014 12:02 AM

Water Test tomorrow! :D

Hoping to have it salty within the next couple of days. I need to find a pump I can use to fill the tank from the brute cans. I think I have a mag 90 somewhere but I can't remember if it has metal parts on it.

My anemone is not willing to split and he has jammed itself under some live rock and is sticking out each side. naturally annoying my other corals. maybe the move will change it's mind.

magikof7 01-14-2014 03:03 AM

well I filled the tank and sump turned it on and realized.... I didn't put a ball valve on the feed for the refugium so the water just pumps into the refugium (in the sump) and doesn't pump up into the display :lol: So it can sit until I run over to home depo in the morning. :redface:

magikof7 01-17-2014 10:04 PM

got the tap water all drained and cleaned out of the tank and finally have enough saltwater made up and in the Display. Just have to finish getting the Rock cemented together and by late tonight it can go in the tank!
I'm thinking I may have to upgrade or get a new higher GPD Ro/Di unit. :D

I can't wait to be done this and get my house back in order and cleaned up, I've been neglecting chasing the dog hair tumbleweeds around the house and have fish stuff spread all over :lol:

Tomorrow once I am home from the stables I can do the coral transfer and set up the skimmer. Think a Trip to concept is in order too I need a bunch of stuff as always :D

Right hand structure

Left side in the making.

The Fijicrete has been an experience but by the time We are finished I'll be an expert.
and as a useless side note that everyone knows but it happens out when you are holding pvc on the output on a mag9 pump in a garbage can to fill your tank...when it slips outta your hand....Everything is getting wet! it was like taming old faithful! Hubby got a SW facewash lmao.

Madreefer 01-17-2014 10:15 PM

Good job on the stand and everything else looks good too.
Gotta love that flexhose. Fish tanks and horses? Pretty expensive hobbies:lol:
My wife has a dutch warmblood so she does'nt hassle me too much bout my tank.

magikof7 01-17-2014 10:26 PM

Thank you, :) Denny, Eli and my hubby have been a big help.

lol Every hobby is expensive believe me I've tried many and have a few lol.
I don't own a horse yet, once we get out of the city we will see. The only Horse that has taken my breath away is a Gypsy Vanner. You don't wanna know what they cost. I'm just learning horsemanship so it will be awhile.

magikof7 01-21-2014 08:58 PM

It's ALIIIVEEE!!!! :lol:

The Red Neck light legs will soon be replaced. Will take more pics after it has cleared up. next...Dun Dun DUhhh......Transfer! :D

magikof7 01-23-2014 01:27 AM

Well, my fingers are red, raw and swollen. my Anemone kicked my ass but, I got it done. Nothing is in it's permanent spot yet except the nems, and probably the hammers.
My only loss so far might be my firefish, I think he was inside a rock I had out on the table trying to get Riccordia off of. :(

Just have to run over to Concept and get some help getting my Mini carpets off a rock. Hopefully I can grab an MP 40 while I'm there.

Here are some pics. It looks so bare! :)

asylumdown 01-23-2014 07:56 PM

wow, instant gratification! Beautiful tank, the stand looks great. I love the idea of magnetic doors that just come off.

Can I ask how you trained your mandarin to eat prepared foods (if he does eat prepared foods that is). I picked one up yesterday and I have it down in QT, but it's completely ignoring all dozen foods.

magikof7 01-24-2014 02:43 AM

Thank you :) I dunno about instant gratification though it has taken forever to get running :D

I didn't do anything to get my mandarin to eat frozen,(not intentionally anyway.) I don't feed frozen often nor did I need to because I had a crazy pod population in my fuge and DT of my other tank.

I can tell you what I think got him eating frozen...I turn off all flow, power heads and return pump. I fed the carnivore frozen cubes, brine shrimp and or blood worms Mixed together. I also fed frozen mysis shrimp. Because there was no flow the food sat on rocks, substrate, and Corals when the mandarin was over the food his fins would stir up the food and he would eat it when he saw it move. It also has to be very small pieces.
They are such slow hunters, I think the flow is just too much but you turn it off and he can hunt all he wants and his own fins make it move. It has to move and catch his attention but not so fast he can't "hunt" it.
I have seen others use a petrie dish with holes in it filled with store bought pods or frozen foods. Another method I have seen is a baby food jar with frozen food and small pellets, the mandarin can get in the jar but bigger fish can't.

Good Luck with yours I hope you can use something in that novel I wrote :lol:

magikof7 01-24-2014 10:43 PM

Picked up a few fish from Concept. They are in QT for the next little while.

2 Yellow Candy Hog fish, a Carpenters Flasher Wrasse and a cleaner shrimp.

magikof7 03-12-2014 10:30 PM

Things in the tank are finally settling down. I have been having a few problems with algea but it is getting much better. I'm just waiting for my reactors to come in so I can runn GFO and Carbon.

Sometimes at night the overflow gets messed up. the return outpumps the overflow. It takes several restarts to get it right again. I'm not sure if there are power issues or what. (maybe at night the power flickers)

Bought a few more corals. I took back the Hog Fish, they were becomming bullies. I had a really neat Goby that is hard to get in and of course it jumped out of the QT between the glass and the filter. Ugh I think the big dog got a fishy treat. :(

Some of my older corals. they have improved under the T5's

magikof7 03-23-2014 05:05 PM

Well, turns out it is my Pump that is failing. It has only been running for a couple of months.
I can not use my Skimmer or ATO because of the water level getting to high in the sump, the skimmer just overflows and the ATO is screamin in the middle of the night.

I'm rather ****ed off because there is no warranty available unless I go directly to the manufacturer and my emails to them are not getting through.

My tank was just starting to look great and now I'm back to cyano, hair algea and bubble algea. I've been waiting weeks for reactors and supplies to come in. I'm almost ready to quit.

any recommendations for a GOOD return pump please! let me hear it. Speedwave is NOT it!

WarDog 03-23-2014 05:50 PM

Sorry to hear about your troubles, but OMG, don't quit, your tank looks amazing!! Been following from the beginning and just love your rock work!
Not a lot of experience with all the pumps yet, but I thought Mag Drives and Eheims were pretty much both proven staples of our hobby.
Good luck!

riceboy 03-23-2014 05:59 PM

I would go with the ehiem 1262 reliable and good flow for your system oh ya and ultra quiet, and parts a readily available at the local fish store.

duncangweller 03-23-2014 06:31 PM

I have a 1262 and really like it. So much quieter than my mag 9.5 that I had before.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

magikof7 03-23-2014 07:09 PM

Thank you for the encouragement WarDog. :) It's just Frustrating some days especially when your getting up in the wee hours to unplug the ATO and Skimmer then resetting the pump. :(
I have lost my Red gorgonaian and my zooanthids to the algea which ticks me off too.

Thank you for the recommendations. I 'm going to have to make a store run today or tomorrow and hopefully they have a pump in stock and, hopefully the long list of other stuff I need too. ;)

Proteus 03-24-2014 12:58 AM

I had a DC pump. Loved the pump but lasted 6 months.
I bought a laguna and am very happy with it

magikof7 07-16-2015 05:32 PM

Well...I'm back.
My tank has been so neglected I'm pretty much starting over again. (Separation ain't for the weak!)
I filled a 5 gal bucket almost 5 inches with bubble algea. I have had a lot of losses but luckily my mandarins are doing great and my one clam huge!
I have added a new clean up crew and a Sailfin tang to help me out with the bubble algea..he is a machine!
Yes! I know he will outgrow my tank I am prepared for that. :)

magikof7 07-16-2015 06:49 PM

my Pics of shame! I should have too a before pic but just couldn't bring myself to do it...Most of the bubble algae I scooped out with a net!


kien 07-17-2015 07:07 PM

holy mother of megazod !!! That's a lot of algae! Also,t hat's some major dedication right there, to pluck out all that bubble algae, just, wow!

oh and welcome back Lynn ! :-)

magikof7 07-17-2015 08:29 PM

Thanks Kien!

I spent about 5 hours on it last week. It was my pennance for such neglect! :) a lot of it I could just scoop out with a net it wasn't even attached to the rocks. There is still a lot left to pluck off the rocks but that Angel is really making a difference. It will be awhile before I do anything with the tank other than recovery.

I might start a "nano" tank for my room until My main is fully functioning again. otherwise I wont be able to stay patient lol.

magikof7 07-17-2015 11:58 PM

Tang..not Angel lol

magikof7 08-02-2015 05:53 PM

Well I took some crappy phone pics...I really need to get my camera back from my photographer

The Bubble Algae is almost completely gone. I have added a few more critters. a Couple Wrasse, 3 Porceline crabs. a White tipped torch a duncan and a Purple Condy.
I need to pick up glue so I can mount my torch and Duncan.

I have also Ordered a Cube tank to set up but that is another thread. :)

the pics are terrible Im hoping by next week I will have good ones that actually show the colors better. my Blade is bleached but it seems to be coming back. and my green bubble tips are as well.

kien 08-02-2015 05:57 PM

Love that blue anemone.

Roskoreef 08-03-2015 03:21 AM

+1 nicest anenome ive seen

Skimmer Juice 08-03-2015 03:57 AM

yes the nem is nice , I seen a few at golds its a shame they get so big .

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