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Dreadful 05-28-2013 03:59 AM

Riley's 100% DIY in wall tank (i pwn) :D
So I've been working with a 37g tank for the last couple years or so and I finally decided its time to go bigger.. a lot bigger

The project began roughly a year ago when I discovered a good deal on a nice sized sump and I then slowely began aquiring equipment.

I have never taken on a anything like this before and it's fair to say I have made some mistakes.. but all in all I'd say things have gone fairly well. This is my tank story..
This window in the wall between my kitchen and living room just seemed so boring to me so I decided it was the perfect place for my new aquarium!
A nice heavy duty stand was constructed as I know how heavy this **** can get :0
(Mistake #1 I think I picked a ****ty skimmer :P)
I then constructed my sump and coated the inside of the stand with waterproof membrane as it's going to get quite humid in there!
(Mistake #2 I wish I'd left more room for the skimmer in the sump and less for the return pump. also the silicone job wasnt the greatest..)
I then constructed my tank and water tested it.. thank god with no leaks as I am living in a second story condo :)
Today she is just about ready for water! I've had the sump circulating itself for the last few months to get a head start. I just finished my ATO and everything has come together really well.

I'd just like to mostly finish off the cabinet before I add any water.. Doing any nailing or anything like that after filling it up just seems like a bad idea.. and would certainly be stressful to inhabitants :p

That being said I'm hoping for it to be running this weekend! Woot! :D

WarDog 05-28-2013 04:42 AM

Where's the 'like' button?

Dreadful 05-28-2013 04:46 AM

Haha thanks!

There's still a few things I'm unsure of though..
I haven't even begun to think about lighting. I know I wanna do a reef setup so i know it has to be good lighting.. pretty sure I want LEDs but I know those are going to be a pretty penny.

Secondly, water changes..

I have very limited space so I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to make it work :p 05-28-2013 05:06 AM

Gotta ask... Why is the water level for the skimmer so high?

Dreadful 05-28-2013 05:12 AM

should it not be? xD 05-28-2013 06:13 AM

What kind of skimmer is it?

Dreadful 05-29-2013 02:53 AM

Nautilus TE Eductor

As mentioned before.. I am ashamed of purchasing such and oldschool skimmer. I know I need something better but I'm just going to see what happens at this point. >_> 05-29-2013 03:31 AM

Most skimmers need between 6-10" of water to function properly

Dreadful 05-29-2013 04:28 AM

interesting.. maybe thats why it isn't really "skimming" lol

I'll read over the instructions again to see whats suppose to be going on!

FishyFishy! 05-29-2013 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Dreadful (Post 821530)
interesting.. maybe thats why it isn't really "skimming" lol

I'll read over the instructions again to see whats suppose to be going on!

You can always build an egg crate stand for the skimmer to make it sit at the proper height out of the water. But it's definitly not a typical skimmer section with that water height.

Dreadful 05-29-2013 09:40 PM

cool, thanks for the advice I'll definitely do that!

windcoast reefs 05-29-2013 09:45 PM

Look great so far!

What are you using for water flow?

Dreadful 05-30-2013 12:34 AM

It's a speedwave dc pump (1320gph) with the adjustable flow as recommended by paul at oceanic corals where I get a lot of my stuff :p

He talked me out of using a Tetra pump which I had gotten a good deal on from work. I'm still using a 450gph Tetra for my skimmer though..

Dreadful 05-30-2013 12:35 AM

Haven't thought about any powerheads yet either but I know I'll need a few of those too!

Dreadful 06-03-2013 11:40 PM

So I spent like an hour last night cutting egg crate and messing around with my plumbing and now the water level doesnt even come close to reaching the top of the skimmer.. this doesn't seem right at all >_>

I've bought a bigger pump because I already knew the one i was using wasnt strong enough but I'm dropping it back down lol

frd72 06-04-2013 12:52 AM

Looks good!! Just make sure you get insurance for water damage at your condo :lol: just in case...

Dreadful 06-04-2013 11:02 PM

haha i have contents insurance but they said there's no insurance i can buy that will cover me if the thing leaks and ruins the unit below!

Dreadful 06-29-2013 04:50 AM

Alright guys!

I've finally corrected all my plumbing, skimmer, and leakage issues!

Very satisfied with the result. She runs like a dream and is very quiet!

All I have to do now is finish up the cabinet, route some more wiring, and buy some lights!

(water looks quite yellow because of the kitchen light I'm sure it wont be an issue once i get some lighting over the tank)

Of course I'll be cycling the water for awhile until i put anything in other than LR ;D

benzzz 06-29-2013 12:15 PM

Looks very nice so far. Clean build. I would get rid of that metal hangers though and go to lowes and buy plastic hangers. It wont take long before they rust up real good. Just speaking from experience.

asylumdown 06-30-2013 03:20 AM

Are you going to close in the top or leave it open like that? My vote... leave it open and have some super slick LED fixtures hanging from super low profile wires. I think that would look SICK. It will also keep a sense of openness between your kitchen and your living space. I know they're hard to swallow cost wise, but the fact that you can program them to mimic a real sunrise to sunset will be another amazing dynamic addition to the room.

Also, I have my skimmer in a chamber that is twice as deep as it should be, so it's on a PVC and egg crate stand and it works fine. My major mistake, I bought PVC legs that float. Find something that doesn't float.

Dreadful 06-30-2013 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by asylumdown (Post 829146)
Are you going to close in the top or leave it open like that? My vote... leave it open and have some super slick LED fixtures hanging from super low profile wires. I think that would look SICK. It will also keep a sense of openness between your kitchen and your living space. I know they're hard to swallow cost wise, but the fact that you can program them to mimic a real sunrise to sunset will be another amazing dynamic addition to the room.

Also, I have my skimmer in a chamber that is twice as deep as it should be, so it's on a PVC and egg crate stand and it works fine. My major mistake, I bought PVC legs that float. Find something that doesn't float.

Thanks for the advice on that! Everyone seems to be telling me its wrong.. I tried raising it up but everything i seem to do makes it not work properly! now i have it sitting at the base of the tank and even with the "recommended" pump its barely skimming. I'm still pretty new with skimmers but i have a feeling its because the water is all clean and new? the morning after i added all the sand there was a tonne of brown foam in the skimmer cup so.. i think its working? any input on that would be great!

Dreadful 06-30-2013 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by benzzz (Post 829056)
Looks very nice so far. Clean build. I would get rid of that metal hangers though and go to lowes and buy plastic hangers. It wont take long before they rust up real good. Just speaking from experience.

thanks man i think i did well for my very first build :)

i did buy galvanized hangers but apparently even those arent a good idea.. haha just another small mistake made! i'll look into plastic but there arent any lowes near me! besides i work at rona that would be a sin to shop there! ;)

Dreadful 06-30-2013 04:45 AM

And i do plan on leaving the top open.. i do REALLY want LEDs but lets face it i'd need two fixtures.. at least 900 bucks a pop. who has that kind of money these days!

that being said if anyone has some LED fixtures they'd like to get rid of and/or knows where i can get a good deal on a couple im seriously interested

Dreadful 08-15-2013 02:37 AM

So I finally decided on my lighting for the build. I went with the Maxspect razor. For now I just bought one to try it out but I will be getting a second and hanging them both instead of using the arms.

It's a beautiful light! Very bright and nice design. There seems to be a lot of "disco" going on though because I have a pretty strong current. Thoughts on how to get rid of this?

rickcasa 08-15-2013 04:14 AM

Disco fever will diminish the higher up you go as colors spread wider and converge. I have mine 14" above the surface and peak at 90%.

Dreadful 08-15-2013 05:16 PM

awesome lol so when i eventually hang it ill put it higher. thanks! :)

michika 08-20-2013 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by rickcasa (Post 838534)
Disco fever will diminish the higher up you go as colors spread wider and converge. I have mine 14" above the surface and peak at 90%.


Nice build so far. I can't wait to see the livestock part start to come together.

As for your skimmer troubles, any closer photos you can provide us? The other thing is maybe your skimmer isn't skimming anything because there is nothing to skim.

Dreadful 09-17-2013 11:01 PM

so i came upon new skimmer issues.. well i guess i should say pump issues. my danner mag 7 pump keeped tripping my gfi.. so rather than trying to fix things i resolved everything by purchasing this:
This thing works like a hot damn! special thanks to paul and albert at oceanic for getting it to me so quickly!

i decided to get two smaller 120w maxspect razor lights rather than the 160w. fits much better and couldnt be happier with their performance. heres what the tank looks like now!

still have a bit of wiring to clean up but i'm loving it! cant wait to get some more livestock in there now :)

WarDog 07-06-2014 05:43 AM

Update? Pics? Show us what we want or we riot, Lol!

Dreadful 07-09-2014 02:21 AM

Hahaha alright alright dont do it!

These are probably around 4 months old and a lot has change since then.. I'll take some more once I clean it this weekend :p

I also have a 20G tank with reidi sea horses and pipe fish. And I am working on setting up for breeding! So excited to try it out :D

Dreadful 03-30-2016 03:36 AM

Hey guys its been awhile and I feel the need to post an update (also I've been pestered to do so haha!)

For the longest time my tank was basically this:

And for awhile I was mostly satisfied, but was unable to keep any LPS or SPS. Although I attempted many times to correct what was killing them, and even purchased an RO/DI unit, nothing seemed to help.
Eventually I became bored of the tank and discouraged as I could not get any of the cool stuff I wanted. I also began to work a lot more and became too tired to do much maintenance.. Things began to die :(

Until Albert and Tyler came to the rescue and totally helped me revamp my tank and get me back in the game! Today my tank looks like this:
(unfortunately the camera on my new phone is no where near as good as my old phone sorry for the quality reduction)

It has a lot of growing out to do still but we're seeing amazing results even in just a few short weeks. My rock structure also looks incredible and I am finally able to start getting the corals I want. Motivation totally has returned :D

msjboy 03-30-2016 06:05 AM

Lighting is now higher up by raising the corals and mayepbe less connect points of the live rock on sand (less poop accumulation) are my thoughts ... Did you increase flow too.? Nice looking now indeed.:razz:

Dreadful 03-31-2016 01:19 AM

i added a maxspect gyre :woot:

Etaloche 03-31-2016 08:29 AM

Them Albert and Tyler seem to be the back bone of this community. They were a big help getting me started as well! Tank looks awesome btw

Dreadful 05-10-2016 01:58 AM

a few more:

And a few of the clowns I hatched and my other tank:

duncangweller 05-10-2016 02:40 AM

Excellent job! I wish I had the balls to make my own tank

Dreadful 05-10-2016 03:47 AM

it's really not too bad haha i only wish i had the siliconing experience i do now when i built it before!

but it turned out alright

probably would have been a lot easier in a house than a condo as well :P

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