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HaZRaTTy 05-01-2013 11:17 PM

Fish Addition Suggestion?

So I have cleared a few fish out of the reef and re scaped and arranged all the coral and have taken out approx 40lbs of LR. Its time to fill all that extra swimming space with a fish or two.

I would like your guys suggestions, I'm looking for fish with character that are docile and have a personality.

Stock thus far:

Yellow Tang
Bi Coloured Blenny
Mysteri Wrasse
Yellow Watchmen Goby
3 Blue reef chromis
2 Clown Fish.

Tank is 120G Reef

Not really interested in Regal tangs, or anything HUGE. I will be setting up a 200G in the next 2-5 months so anything thats suitable in a 200G will be considered.

Steve... 05-01-2013 11:22 PM

Get a smaller Blue Throat Trigger! You can transfer him into your bigger tank later on. I love the way they swim :)

HaZRaTTy 05-01-2013 11:35 PM

Do you have one? How much of a pain is it to feed it and what are you feeding yours. Also do you find it feeling rather destructive in regards to your rockwork?

I have thought about a blue throat but I wanted input from current parents.

ocean diver 05-01-2013 11:42 PM

I have a blue throat trigger and love him......he eats like a pig, nori, frozen brine, mytys shrimp what ever I feed. I love the way they move around and has a great personality.

HaZRaTTy 05-01-2013 11:46 PM

does he move rocks?

ocean diver 05-01-2013 11:49 PM

NO not at all, doesn't even think about it

HaZRaTTy 05-01-2013 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by ocean diver (Post 815848)
NO not at all, doesn't even think about it

You can read minds:neutral:

Or have you threatened him?

Thanks for the input Its nice to see the addition to a fish I was pondering about 3 months ago. I talked myself out of it but time to do research!

HaZRaTTy 05-01-2013 11:55 PM

Haha oops !! I forgot to add I have a snowflake eel..

ocean diver 05-01-2013 11:55 PM

I would say get one you will love it like I do and if you can find a mated pair I would go with that for sure!!!!!!!

asylumdown 05-02-2013 01:15 AM

I would not recommend a blue throat trigger. They're really cool fish, I have one in fact. But I think they're too smart and too active to be kept in boxes. Mine is exhibiting the sort of stereotypical behaviours you typically see in zoo animals like polar bears. It paces the exact same path in the tank over and over, doing the exact same thing on every revolution of it's circular path. If I could find someone with a 500+ gallon tank that wanted him I'd sell him in a second.

HaZRaTTy 05-02-2013 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by asylumdown (Post 815875)
I would not recommend a blue throat trigger. They're really cool fish, I have one in fact. But I think they're too smart and too active to be kept in boxes. Mine is exhibiting the sort of stereotypical behaviours you typically see in zoo animals like polar bears. It paces the exact same path in the tank over and over, doing the exact same thing on every revolution of it's circular path. If I could find someone with a 500+ gallon tank that wanted him I'd sell him in a second.

Well that is very unfortunate, I've read alot on the Triggers and in fact the blue throat as many reviews I could from owners and I feel like its just not the right fit in my aquarium. I agree they're great personality wise but Asyl I feel like a 120 - then later a 200G is just not big enough for the dude. Also if I noticed the same behavior that your BT is exhibiting I would most definetly have to give him up.

kien 05-02-2013 03:06 PM

Tailspot blenny :-) It doesn't get much more amusing than watching these guys.

riceboy 05-02-2013 03:16 PM

wrasses are always cool and colorful addition to the tank, and if money wasnt an issue the rombod, and the haiwian flame would be super nice. a lot of the flashers are nice to.

may be a powder blue, a regal, a naso, and an achillies for now and use that as an excuse to get a bigger tank later lol, thats what i'm doing lol minus the achillies lol

subman 05-02-2013 04:22 PM

Smaller fish: Midas Blenny or flame hawk
Medium to large fish: harlequin tusk, tomini tang, Kole tang or a goat fish.

HaZRaTTy 05-02-2013 07:10 PM

Kien do you think the Tailspot would be okay with a Bi coloured? How about when they're with Gobies?

Achilies is way out of the question, Powder Blue I already have 2 tangs same for the Kole, and Tomini.

Tusk - not really interested, goatfish maybe.

I have had a Longnose hawk that I enjoyed seem he didn't enjoy me as much as him due to the suicide.

kien 05-02-2013 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by HaZRaTTy (Post 816022)
Kien do you think the Tailspot would be okay with a Bi coloured? How about when they're with Gobies?.

That's a good question. In my experience my tail spot is perfectly fine with my watchman goby and at one point I also had a lawnmower blenny. I've always had blennies that minded their own business and none of my fish cared about my blennies. Of course, your mileage may vary.

asylumdown 05-02-2013 08:04 PM

I'm a giant fan of my doliatus rabbitfish. No where near as aggressive as a tang (really docile actually), and probably the best algae eater I've ever seen. It happily eats small bubble algaes, and picks at the larger ones when they die.

My other favourite fish is my long horn cowfish. People are always afraid of them because their skin is toxic, but without question if you get one it will become your favourite fish. Mine came from the store eagerly eating out of my hand, and is by far the worst fish in the tank in terms of begging for food.

asylumdown 05-02-2013 08:13 PM

I'm a giant fan of my doliatus rabbitfish. No where near as aggressive as a tang (really docile actually), and probably the best algae eater I've ever seen. It happily eats small bubble algaes, and picks at the larger ones when they die.

My other favourite fish is my long horn cowfish. People are always afraid of them because their skin is toxic, but without question if you get one it will become your favourite fish. Mine came from the store eagerly eating out of my hand, and is by far the worst fish in the tank in terms of begging for food, which is adorable.

HaZRaTTy 05-02-2013 08:28 PM

The longhorn cowfish is definetly something thats very interesting but they grow way to big for my current tank.

The Rabbitfish would be super cool I'll do some more research on them

riceboy 05-02-2013 08:41 PM

i'd have to agree with kien on this little guy. full of personality and looks like a cartoon character. my niece and nephew love him as much as nemo lol


Originally Posted by kien (Post 815972)
Tailspot blenny :-) It doesn't get much more amusing than watching these guys.

reefwars 05-02-2013 08:54 PM

pinktail trigger, or maybe a puffer.

Proteus 05-02-2013 08:59 PM

There's a Spanish hogfig at MA. Sweet looking fish

I had a Midas and bicolor together. Loved them

HaZRaTTy 05-02-2013 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 816067)
pinktail trigger, or maybe a puffer.

hey any puffer suggestions.

Toby Puffer or a Saddle Val, Bennetts?

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