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mnoll406 06-03-2004 12:32 AM

SPS Tank for sale
Hey everybody,
Moving to San Diego, so my tank and livestock must go. Here is a list of everything. I will send pics of livestock to those who are interested.


2 Tuxedo Urchins - $20 each

Pink/black sea cucumber - $10 Deb

3 black brittle stars - $ 10 each

Coral banded shrimp - $10

2 Fire shrimp - $25 each Deb

Neon Green BTA - $25 Ed

6 Queen Conchs - $3 each 2 Ed , 4 Steve

Blue Tang – Jim H.

Yellow Tang - $30

Flame Hawk – Tony

1 Pair Percula Clowns - $60 Ed

Black Sailfin Blenny – Tony

Red Spotted Blenny – Tony

Potters Angel – Tony

Bangai Cardinal - $20 Ed

Strawberry Basslet - $15 Steve

Green Mandarin – Tony

Six Line Wrasse - $25

Snails & Hermits $0.50 Each

Live Rock - $6/ #

Live Sand $0.50/ #, or $50 for ~140 #’s

Torch Coral - $15 Jim H

Red & Green Open Brain - $20

Orange Blastomussa - $15

Plate Coral Factory – $25

8 green Individual Plate corals- $5 -$15

Pink Tipped Heliofungia - $30

7 colonies of candycane coral, 4 different species - $10- $35

10 species of Zoanthids, 13 colonies - $10 -$25 4 Colonies to Ed

1 Alveopora - $25

4 species Montipora Digitata, 4 colonies - $15 - $25

Cream Acro with neon green tips – Tony

Birds nest Acro mega colony - $70

Pale green acro with pale purple tips - $15

Fuzzy brown green acro - $10

Blue green acro - $15

Orange Montipra Capricornis - $15

Pavona - $15

Greenish pavona like sps - $10

Fuzzy brown/green Acro large - $30

Green cluster aco - $25

Pink/purple acro - $40

Encrusting brown/green pavona - $40

Green/ blue acro - $15

Purple tip acro - $20

Fuzzy green acro - $15

Orange acro - $10

Green Montipora Capricornis - $20 Steve

Pink rimmed montipora capricornis (large) - $50

Yellow Scroll - $40

Green/pink acro - $10

Purple stylophora - $10 Deb

2 blue/purple millepora acro - $ 40 each

Neon green hydnophora - $20 Steve

Brown & cream pavona like branching coral - $40

Green / neon green acro - $40

4 acro frags - $15 each Steve

50 gal tank - $50

stand - $30

70 gal sump - $50 Deb

hood wired for flourescents - $20 Ed

Medusa Worm - $10 Steve

6 VHO Bulbs - $10 Each Steve

Black cucumber - $10 Steve

2 55 watt 10000K straight pin PC $ 20 Each

mr_alberta 06-03-2004 12:34 AM

Are the ones with names after them spoken for or are those who you got them from? I would be interested in the Orange Monti Cap and perhaps some other things.

Tman1973 06-03-2004 12:53 AM

I'll take the follow if still around;

Purple tip acro - $20
Orange acro - $10
Snails & Hermits $0.50 Each - what ever you have.



Jaws 06-03-2004 01:17 AM

if the sump falls through, i'll take it.

Willito 06-03-2004 02:05 AM

Re: SPS Tank for sale
Just to start, if these are available I will take them.
By chance, would you be available tomorrow anytime before noon tomorrow? I can drop by and pick up. If other things are available, I'll pick them up too.

please let me know.


10 species of Zoanthids, 13 colonies - $10 -$25
Blue green acro - $15
Pink/purple acro - $40
Pink rimmed montipora capricornis (large) - $50
blue/purple millepora acro - $ 40 each
Green / neon green acro - $40

AJ_77 06-03-2004 02:10 AM

PM sent, re:

2 55 watt 10000K straight pin PC $ 20 Each

Red & Green Open Brain - $20

Orange Blastomussa - $15

BMW Rider 06-03-2004 02:21 AM

What are the details on the 50 gallon tank. I'm looking for one to replace my fish only tank. Is it drilled, and what are the dimensions? Also is it in good condition for a display tank?

Ducatti 06-03-2004 03:15 AM

if only toronto was close to calgary.... :lol:

Jaws 06-03-2004 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by Ducatti
if only toronto was close to calgary.... :lol:

Tell me about it.

mr_alberta 06-03-2004 05:42 AM

Re: SPS Tank for sale
Interested in the following:

Blue green acro - $15
Orange Montipra Capricornis - $15

Email me pictures at: if they are still available.

mnoll406 06-04-2004 09:04 PM

Hey Guys,
Sorry I haven't been able to reply, been really busy. I'm going out of town this weekend, but I would like to have the tank sell off next weekend. I will be around all week so people can have a look at the tank and stuff. I have saved all PM's so I know what people want and what order people asked for stuff.


EmilyB 06-05-2004 12:56 AM

Mike, I don't really have a need for the 70g sump anymore, so if someone else can use it that is okay by me. :biggrin: If you can't sell it tho, I will still take it.

andestang 06-05-2004 05:33 AM

How about the purple stylophora ? :mrgreen:

EmilyB 06-05-2004 06:14 AM

How about the salt :mrgreen: :razz:

andestang 06-07-2004 04:45 PM

Ouch !

mnoll406 06-11-2004 04:26 AM

Hey Guys,
A couple of pieces left. Big Monti cap. tan and ringed in pink. Price dropped to $40. Split the birdsnest into 3 parts, $30 each. 2 left. Really nice yellow tang n ow $20, and a 6line wrasse now $20. Big brown with mint green center Zoa's $20. A few other little things.


mnoll406 06-11-2004 03:17 PM


mr_alberta 06-11-2004 03:43 PM

Hi Mike,

How big was that tan w/pink rim monti cap again? You aren't going to frag it out I assume?

mnoll406 06-13-2004 04:28 AM

Just wanted to thank everybody who bought stuff. I have a few things left, a big yellow scroll, Pavona like branching SPS,large digitata frags, yellow tang, 6 line wrasse, Coral banded shrimp, and some other frags. At this point, I will take best offer, bbut it needs to be out of my tank by monday. Call me at 541-0308, or 461-6598 for questions or to pick stuff up.


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