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gobytron 04-19-2013 07:52 PM

What's the deal with clams...
I thought I remembered reading about some new regulations or stipulations for importing clams to Canada but I can't seem to find the thread here...

Did I imagine this?

Proteus 04-19-2013 08:38 PM

No more Maximas or crocea.

And the lfs I talk to said the others haven't been on list. Also some fear of supplier putting restricted clams in box to make up for deresa sqami and hippoppus that they may be short on.

From my understanding the maxima and crocea house a paristite that affect mussels and other bivalves in our waters.

Rogue951 04-19-2013 08:40 PM

seriously?? damn i really gotta take care of mine now. =(

gobytron 04-19-2013 09:25 PM

Thanks Titus.
Is there any link to some specifics on this?

is it all clams or just from specific regions?

BTW - Awesome Avatar.

Nice pic of one of my favorite fish.

I messaged JL some time ago and received this reply...

We are hoping for some maxima soon and maybe crocea in a few months. Would you like to be added to our waitlist for them?


Maybe uninformed employee or maybe they've figured out a way around it?

The Grizz 04-19-2013 10:44 PM

I have heard that clam will only be able to be imported once a yr. and this was directly from a whole seller / importer.

gobytron 04-19-2013 10:55 PM

I wonder what the logic behind that is...

Proteus 04-19-2013 10:58 PM

gobytron 04-19-2013 11:06 PM

That's the one...
Thank you.

denny_CC 04-20-2013 12:45 AM

yeah its once a year depending on types and locations to my knowledge.

we have the tahitian ultra maximas coming in may sometime , ive been told its the only one ill see this year:)



daniella3d 04-20-2013 03:38 AM

Curiosly, many of our local stores receive them still. I bought one last week and they had received many beautiful ultra crocea and maxima!

They still seem to be coming in and the prices are still normal. I paid 40$ for my new 3" ultra crocea:

saltcreep 04-20-2013 03:58 AM

The issue with T. maxima and T. crocea is a result of the new Health of Animals Regulations that are overseen by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. These molluscs are on the susceptible species list due to the fact that they can carry Perkinsus olseni.

The new regulations require an import permit (separate from CITES) from a country of origin that has a negotiated agreement with the Canadian government. All imports will require the import permit as well as a health certificate from the approved country of origin.

This still means that the two species of clams are available for import. Just now it requires a little bit more work.

howdy20012002 04-20-2013 04:46 AM

Btw, Saltcreep(Kyle) is a voice of authority being that he was involved in the process of the new regulations.

realistically the only place we will be getting clams through anywhere in the near future is the USA (as the other places that have the agreement don't typically export clams in the first place).

From the states, we can get whatever is available, from where ever they are from. the only restriction is what they actually have in stock, not what kind it is.

Unfortunately, not only more work to get them - but more costs for the paperwork and the extra middleman in the USA.

I don't think that there is anything about once a year stipulation that I have heard of.
maybe Kyle can clarify that point.

Palmer 04-20-2013 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by saltcreep (Post 813017)
The issue with T. maxima and T. crocea is a result of the new Health of Animals Regulations that are overseen by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. These molluscs are on the susceptible species list due to the fact that they can carry Perkinsus olseni.

The new regulations require an import permit (separate from CITES) from a country of origin that has a negotiated agreement with the Canadian government. All imports will require the import permit as well as a health certificate from the approved country of origin.

This still means that the two species of clams are available for import. Just now it requires a little bit more work.

Out of curiosity who is the seperate import permit from? The Canadian food inspection agency? I am pretty sure CITES would require an import permit for these as well.

saltcreep 04-20-2013 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Palmer (Post 813112)
Out of curiosity who is the seperate import permit from? The Canadian food inspection agency? I am pretty sure CITES would require an import permit for these as well.

Sorry for the confusion. CFIA regulates and issues import permits under the new regulations. These are issued with requirements that are specific to the agreement with the exporting country. Each exporting country may have distinct requirements based on risk. I do not have a complete updated list of countries that have negotiated agreements with Canada at this point.

Both species of clams are CITES Appendix II listed which means that only export permits are required. The importing country does not require import permits to be issued prior to import.

The requirements for shipments out of the US are different from other areas. Specific to the clams, the one requirement is that they would have to be tanked for a period of seven days prior to being able to be shipped into Canada.

gobytron 11-29-2013 09:29 PM

Sure seems like no stores are bringing these in anymore.
When these changes were first made to importation policies, so many vendors were telling me this was not the end of clams in Canada...

I have not seem any Maxima or Crocea since this change was implemented...

Anyone else?

xenon 11-29-2013 09:35 PM

Clams are still available but much more expensive now that they are imported from the US.

We have some ultra grade maximas in stock.

I just finished taking pictures of the small and medium sized clams and now I need to take pics of the large ones. They are very difficult to photograph. They move a lot and their coloration always looks better in person. It's hard to capture that glow!

denny_C 11-29-2013 10:22 PM

i have clams on the way:)

maxima and derasa

permits are pricey so prob not all stores want to go through the extra hassle:)

Delphinus 11-29-2013 10:29 PM


gobytron 12-04-2013 07:46 PM

Anyone locally?

MMAX 12-06-2013 01:37 PM

That's a shame. Just lost my ultra Cook Island Maxima from Ken's order a couple of years back. Bristle worms got him.

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