Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board

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Youngster Dan 03-30-2013 04:37 PM

Tank shut down - Victoria
Well, sadly I will be shutting my aquarium down as I am moving out East at the end of the month. The livestock will have to go first, and then I will part out a couple of the dry goods. Which I will mention here, and post again at the dry goods section of the forum.


Ocellaris clown (pair) - $40
Sailfin tang (small) - $60
Boxfish - $30
Talbot damsel - $2
Yellow Chromis - $2
Flame Angel - $70

Corals (I will grab some photos later)

Green frogspawn - $30
SPS frags - $10 each
Torch - $40
Bubble tip anemone (nicest colour ever) - $70
Green Stag - $25
Cyphastrea - $35
Large Candy Cane - $30
Large zoanthid colony - $40


Cleaner shrimp pair $30
Halloween Urchin - $15
Halloween hermits - $5 each

Snails hermits - free if you buy something else (I don't have many though)

I'm more than happy to bring this stuff to the store, so if it doesn't sell right away I'm not too concerned.

I'm available in the morning, and evenings every day - and have Saturdays and Tuesdays off.

As for a sneak peak at dry goods. The stand which holds a tank with a footprint 4' x 2' will cost a six pack of beer and a high five. It needs some TLC, and help out the door.

Black sand is free, also needs a decent rinse.

Youngster Dan 03-30-2013 04:39 PM

Oh and rock. $6 per pound, I'm guesstimating there is around 70lbs.

windcoast reefs 03-30-2013 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by Youngster Dan (Post 807101)
Oh and rock. $6 per pound, I'm guesstimating there is around 70lbs.

Hey I'm interested in some of the corals

reeferfulton 03-30-2013 07:21 PM


addicted2reef's 03-30-2013 07:32 PM

i am very interested in you sps frag when can i come take a look you can text or call at 2502179199 nigel

Nuttyreefer 03-30-2013 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by Youngster Dan (Post 807099)
Well, sadly I will be shutting my aquarium down as I am moving out East at the end of the month. The livestock will have to go first, and then I will part out a couple of the dry goods. Which I will mention here, and post again at the dry goods section of the forum.


Ocellaris clown (pair) - $40
Sailfin tang (small) - $60
Boxfish - $30
Talbot damsel - $2
Yellow Chromis - $2
Flame Angel - $70

Corals (I will grab some photos later)

Green frogspawn - $30
SPS frags - $10 each
Torch - $40
Bubble tip anemone (nicest colour ever) - $70
Green Stag - $25
Cyphastrea - $35
Large Candy Cane - $30
Large zoanthid colony - $40


Cleaner shrimp pair $30
Halloween Urchin - $15
Halloween hermits - $5 each

Snails hermits - free if you buy something else (I don't have many though)

I'm more than happy to bring this stuff to the store, so if it doesn't sell right away I'm not too concerned.

I'm available in the morning, and evenings every day - and have Saturdays and Tuesdays off.

As for a sneak peak at dry goods. The stand which holds a tank with a footprint 4' x 2' will cost a six pack of beer and a high five. It needs some TLC, and help out the door.

Black sand is free, also needs a decent rinse.

Hi I am interested in sps pm me thanks :lol:

Youngster Dan 03-31-2013 04:11 PM

I have had lots of interest in the corals, and I can see things have the potential to be very complicated. I have had at least 10 people pm me, text me, e-mail me etc. Some even talking about taking it all.

So, to keep things fair and easy - I will be selling corals on a first come first serve basis. I have made a lot of friends here, and I owe favors to pretty much everyone so I'm sorry if I'm not able to hold a coral.

Some of the coral is encrusted on live rock and depending on the case, the coral is the price I have listed, plus the weight of the rock.

If I haven't gotten back to you yet, I will later in the day. Unfortunately Easter is crazy with the family in town and all.

I will be home for a couple hours at 3:30 today for my initial "showing", and then will be available again later tomorrow evening.

Youngster Dan 03-31-2013 07:29 PM

Also to add to the list.

Sandsifting seastar - $10
Tomini tang - $40

Youngster Dan 04-01-2013 05:01 AM

I really need the rock gone first, so if someone is interested in some well established rock now is your chance! If you buy the rock I will throw in free corals.


Ocellaris clown (pair) - $40
Sailfin tang (small) - $60
Boxfish - $30
Talbot damsel - $2
Yellow Chromis - $2
Flame Angel - SOLD
Tomini tang - SOLD

Corals (I will grab some photos later)

Green frogspawn - $30
SPS frags - $10 each
Torch - SOLD
Bubble tip anemone (nicest colour ever) - SOLD
Green Stag - $25
Cyphastrea - $35 SOLD (except for one green one that must come with rock)
Large Candy Cane - $30
Large zoanthid colony - SOLD


Cleaner shrimp pair $30 SOLD
Halloween Urchin - $15 SOLD
Halloween hermits - $5 each (One left)
Sandsifting seastar SOLD

pinkreef 04-01-2013 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Youngster Dan (Post 807372)
Also to add to the list.

Sandsifting seastar - $10
Tomini tang - $40

can i buy the sandsifter seastar Dan - can i pick up in the store on friday

Youngster Dan 04-01-2013 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by pinkreef (Post 807553)
can i buy the sandsifter seastar Dan - can i pick up in the store on friday

Hi Barb, unfortunately the sandsifter is spoken for.

Bump for rock! Need the rock gone ASAP, make me an offer.

Youngster Dan 04-04-2013 04:55 AM

Bump to the top!

I am going to be available this Saturday. After that, I'm bringing everything to Blue World on Tuesday.

Youngster Dan 04-09-2013 05:00 AM

All livestock and rock accounted for. Cheers everyone :biggrin:

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