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Anybody here keep spiders?
Long story short I am thinking about getting a tarantula to get over my irrational fear of spiders. I figure if I have to take care of one it will force me to interact with them. My long term goal is to eventually become more accustomed to them and not freak out, screaming bloody murder when I encounter a spider in my house or while out for a walk. I want to be comfortable holding it eventually. I'd like a *gentle* type of tarantula that is friendly and relatively easy to care for.
Anyway who here keeps spiders and what do you like/what don't you like about them? Any tips for a beginner spider enthusiast and where to get one? |
What's wrong with irrational fears?
Haha I'm like you too. I'm just gonna keep on stepping on them though. Your braver than I.
I do not keep nor fear spiders but I do have an irrational fear of slugs..
Turns out you are braver than I. I put cups over them and let my man deal with them when he gets home. I can't handle the squishing of bugs. The crunchy noise creeps me out. |
Its not irrational. Spiders are freaking creepy. Useful but creepy as hell.
Crabs are equally as freaky. Even when combined behind glass they creep me out. So no. Sorry. I don't keep spiders. But share the fear. |
way back in the day i had one of these
http://www.tarantulaguide.com/tarant...air-tarantula/ Really easy to care for and great for a beginner and most pet stores have them. I think you can get them as spiderlings so it may feel less intimidating. |
Thanks for the tip. |
Rosey's would be your best bet... unless you really want to challenge yourself and get a Goliath bird eater!! HAHAHA! Seriously though, the bird eaters are great tarantulas... but they get VERY big... like the size of a dinner plate for a large female. (sorry if I just arranged for your nightmare tonight) I had the luxury of learning from a spider expert when I worked at a fish/reptile/spider store in Calgary. As with anything, you relly need to do your reserch and make sure that you end up with something condusive to your world. I unknowingly handled both the most agressive (cobalt blue) and the most venomous (baboon) spiders that are comonly available in the pet trade while I was trying to get used to spiders... much like you're doing. On top of that, I accidentally killed a spider by holding it the wrong way and dropping it. Good luck! |
I used to have many tarantulas. A Rosie is a perfect starter, cheap, calm readily available. Pink toes were my favorite and can be kept in groups. I think they are great pets and would still have lots except for the stupid crickets.
I've had 2 in the past, a Chilean Rose Hair and a Salmon Pink Birdeater. You'll want to go with a Rosehair but make sure it's a female. Both mine were males and they'll typically only last for about 5 years where as a female will live much longer--possibly 20-30 years. I was able to handle my rosy but be very careful of their hairy abdomens. When threatened, they'll kick off these hairs which will cause great discomfort if they get lodged in your skin and you don't want them in your eyes. Do your research and you'll do fine. I too was terrified of spiders but not not anymore.
www.tarantulacanada.ca/ has a huge selection of arachnids... owned and operated by a couple of morticians of course....some people like to have greate fun by put these pets in their mouths and blow out bubbles.
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