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red halo
http://www.blueworldaquatic.com/pict...lopebetter.jpg red hornet http://www.blueworldaquatic.com/pict.../redhornet.jpg rusty spoons http://www.blueworldaquatic.com/pict...ustyspoons.jpg scarface yellows http://www.blueworldaquatic.com/pict...aceyellows.jpg simpson donuts http://www.blueworldaquatic.com/pict...psondonuts.jpg space monsters http://www.blueworldaquatic.com/pict...cemonsters.jpg space queens http://www.blueworldaquatic.com/pict...pacequeens.jpg sunny ds http://www.blueworldaquatic.com/pict...13/sunnyds.jpg targets http://www.blueworldaquatic.com/pict...13/targets.jpg tequilasunrise http://www.blueworldaquatic.com/pict...ilasunrise.jpg tinkerbells http://www.blueworldaquatic.com/pict...inkerbells.jpg toxic halloweens http://www.blueworldaquatic.com/pict...halloweens.jpg twisted agaves http://www.blueworldaquatic.com/pict...stedagaves.jpg utter chaos http://www.blueworldaquatic.com/pict...utterchaos.jpg whack pink n golds http://www.blueworldaquatic.com/pict...pinkngolds.jpg wizard paly http://www.blueworldaquatic.com/pict...wizardpaly.jpg |
I call dibbs on a small frag of Jack n Cokes please
Sweet stuff Ken! |
Pm me the prices when u get them ken please
You can add me to that list for prices also. I saw alot that i liked.:biggrin:
Me me me :biggrin:
hopefully coming to a parking lot near me! (again)
I am scared to ask for the price list after the last round knocked a big hole in my salty account.
The coral mistress is a skilled pick pocket me thinks.:razz:
I actually am planning a trip monthly out there, as I volunteered my company van to the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society (http://www.aarcs.ca) to collect donations for them in Edmonton, and once a month I will be making a trip to Calgary to deliver the donations. |
Prices will be fair as always.
I just want to see some amazing stuff at the next Frag Fest. |
Wow, if you come to Calgary, I'd be interested in a few of these!!
Put me down for Green giants and see you next week...
:shocked!::biggrin:Price list please
shoot me a price for the LOT of them Ken.
Hey Ken,
Any updates on my order? I am not sure if you received my emails. Let me know so I can arrange the groupbuy. Thanks |
Would love to get the price list and shipping costs to Ontario?
Are we still able to order?
I havent heard back from them for awhile.
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