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globaldesigns 03-05-2013 04:35 PM

HELP with Reef Octopus sss-3000int
So I got a Reef Octopus sss-3000int from Concept Last November, to this day I have not been able to get any consistant foam production out of this thing.

Tried recommended water depths, changing them, adding a water outlet muffler as it is noisy with water splashing, taking it off... Moving it in the sump, turning it... Bashing my head against a wall.

Coralvue, sent me a new impeller, but no change... Anyone have any experience with these? Otherwise I will be removing from system and putting my old Hydor in, as it does work.

You all are my last resort... Jeremy @ coralvue didn't even respond to my last email 2 weeks ago, so I think he has given up on me. Concept will test for me, but I want one last ditch effort before I take this piece of crap to them.

Thanks for any/all info that can be offered.

mseepman 03-05-2013 04:48 PM

Have you checked out the Reef Specialty forum on RC. They are big retailers of Coralvue and a lot of people post questions and answers on there. I have an XP-5000 Int and it's only been in my new tank for a week so I don't have much to compare it's production against.

Coralgurl 03-05-2013 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by globaldesigns (Post 799138)
So I got a Reef Octopus sss-3000int from Concept Last November, to this day I have not been able to get any consistant foam production out of this thing.

Tried recommended water depths, changing them, adding a water outlet muffler as it is noisy with water splashing, taking it off... Moving it in the sump, turning it... Bashing my head against a wall.

Coralvue, sent me a new impeller, but no change... Anyone have any experience with these? Otherwise I will be removing from system and putting my old Hydor in, as it does work.

You all are my last resort... Jeremy @ coralvue didn't even respond to my last email 2 weeks ago, so I think he has given up on me. Concept will test for me, but I want one last ditch effort before I take this piece of crap to them.

Thanks for any/all info that can be offered.

I have the same skimmer but the 5000. I did raise mine for water level, but dropped it back down again, found if i turn the skimmer so the out water is pushed to the side of the sump, it deals with the noise. As for foam production, mine doesn't constantly overflow into the cup, as it seems to do this as needed, but it is always foaming. I don't have a heavy bioload in the tank so what I see seems acceptable to me. This skimmer hasn't given me any grief at all, but hopefully Concept will be able to help determine what is going on.

globaldesigns 03-05-2013 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 799160)
I have the same skimmer but the 5000. I did raise mine for water level, but dropped it back down again, found if i turn the skimmer so the out water is pushed to the side of the sump, it deals with the noise. As for foam production, mine doesn't constantly overflow into the cup, as it seems to do this as needed, but it is always foaming. I don't have a heavy bioload in the tank so what I see seems acceptable to me. This skimmer hasn't given me any grief at all, but hopefully Concept will be able to help determine what is going on.

Is your gate valve closed so much that the output water rockets out of the skimmer? I have to use a muffler, which I think is causing problems, but if I don't use it, then I can't quite it down either, as the force of the water is huge, splashing everywhere. Just another problem on top of no foam.

Seriak 03-05-2013 06:54 PM

I have had the 1000SSS and my current one is the new diablo series.

With my 1000SSS my gate valve was almost all the way closed. With my Diablo it is also almost all the way closed and I had to install an elbow on the end of the output as the water was shooting out making a lot of noise.

Not sure if any of this will help.

mseepman 03-05-2013 07:08 PM

I have put a nylon filter sock on the end of the output, it has completely stopped the splashing and I didn't notice change in the foam head. I'm still dialing it in though so YMMV.

Coralgurl 03-05-2013 09:59 PM

I'll check the gate valve when I get home. It does shoot out water, but I don't find it noisy or annoying but its not in my living space either. When the skimmer is turned so the output is towards the middle of my sump, I find its noisy, but I've got it angled to bounce of the side of the sump and it definitely helps.

Tangled Knot 03-06-2013 12:31 AM

I have the Reef Octopus Diablo DCS 250 Internal 10". The thing skims like mad but it can be fussy if you don't set it up per spec. Once it's dialed in it's set and forget. You mentioned you made a muffler. This is probably your issue.

H2o2 03-06-2013 02:21 AM

just thinking if you have to turn gate valve down so it is shooting out maybe put the skimmer deeper then the water level internally will be higher and u wont have to turn it down as much and it is a bit harder to pull air down through water column so slightly less air less noise and make a bigger air filter ie muffler but just thinking

RDNanoGuy 03-06-2013 03:21 AM

If the water is shooting out its not set up right. Open the gate valve all the way and drop the skimmer so the output is 3/4 under the waters surface. Take off the cup. Open the air restrictor all the way then close the gate valve until the foam is just about to spill over the top of the skimmer body. Then put the cup back on. If you are getting micro bubbles escaping the reaction chamber, close the air restrictor a little bit and adjust the gate to keep the foam head at the same level.

Also let the skimmer run for an hour after each change. Skimmers don't like constant fiddling. A properly sized skimmer will not produce skimmate constantly. It will produce only when there is enough DOC's for the foam head to reach the top of the neck. After the levels of DOC's in the water column fall past a certain point the skimmate will stop flowing into the cup until the levels of DOC's rise again. If your skimmer is skimming constantly it is too small for you bioload.

Hope that helps.

Coralgurl 03-06-2013 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by RDNanoGuy (Post 799361)
If the water is shooting out its not set up right. Open the gate valve all the way and drop the skimmer so the output is 3/4 under the waters surface. Take off the cup. Open the air restrictor all the way then close the gate valve until the foam is just about to spill over the top of the skimmer body. Then put the cup back on. If you are getting micro bubbles escaping the reaction chamber, close the air restrictor a little bit and adjust the gate to keep the foam head at the same level.

Also let the skimmer run for an hour after each change. Skimmers don't like constant fiddling. A properly sized skimmer will not produce skimmate constantly. It will produce only when there is enough DOC's for the foam head to reach the top of the neck. After the levels of DOC's in the water column fall past a certain point the skimmate will stop flowing into the cup until the levels of DOC's rise again. If your skimmer is skimming constantly it is too small for you bioload.

Hope that helps.

I checked and my gate valve is not closed, its a couple of turns open. +1 on the above, this is how I have mine set up. My water level is set to just under the gate valve. I don't get alot of microbubbles and what I do get is caught by the baffles in the sump and not an issue in the DT.

globaldesigns 03-06-2013 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by RDNanoGuy (Post 799361)
If the water is shooting out its not set up right. Open the gate valve all the way and drop the skimmer so the output is 3/4 under the waters surface. Take off the cup. Open the air restrictor all the way then close the gate valve until the foam is just about to spill over the top of the skimmer body. Then put the cup back on. If you are getting micro bubbles escaping the reaction chamber, close the air restrictor a little bit and adjust the gate to keep the foam head at the same level.

Also let the skimmer run for an hour after each change. Skimmers don't like constant fiddling. A properly sized skimmer will not produce skimmate constantly. It will produce only when there is enough DOC's for the foam head to reach the top of the neck. After the levels of DOC's in the water column fall past a certain point the skimmate will stop flowing into the cup until the levels of DOC's rise again. If your skimmer is skimming constantly it is too small for you bioload.

Hope that helps.

This is a great help, thanks... Also thanks to everyone so far with their help.

I will try what everyone has suggested. If there is anything new to add, please feel free to let me know. Thanks again all!!!

Ryan-b 03-06-2013 10:53 PM

I have the SRO 3000-int not the sss model not sure if there is that much of a difference but for the noise I added this to the output, no noise at all now

Its just a piece of electrical pvc, its not a perfect fit but it works. I think the size of the output is metric so I had to use the closest thing I could find. as the noise was driving me crazy as well.

globaldesigns 03-07-2013 04:38 PM

Gotta say this thing has been a pain for the past 4 months, hasn't really skimmed anything, now I have cyano, algae, etc. Never had any of this prior to this skimmer.

So I had setup as per you guys, It is noisy from water splashing, but I will ignore this for the time being. However I woke up last night about 4-5am to major water jets going off... This has happened in the previous months with fiddling with this thing, but again it happened. Basically it is like the pump goes into overdrive and is pumping much more water that before, thus overflowing and alot of water jetting out of the output. If I unplug the pump and replug it resumes normally.

I have lowered the water a bit more, so the sump level is covering about 50% of the water exhaust now. Thinking that the air injection isn't sufficient due to too high of water in the sump/skimmer body. What do you all think? The sump water level is about 1/4 inch above the bubble plate of the skimmer now.

Boy I am really starting to hate Reef Octopus!!! This skimmer sure isn't a set it and forget it model!

Coralgurl 03-07-2013 05:15 PM

That doesn't sound right at all. I will take some pics of mine toight for you and post. I've never experienced what you are having troubles with. I unplug mine for water changes, it starts up with no issues, never have to readjust.

globaldesigns 03-07-2013 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 799798)
That doesn't sound right at all. I will take some pics of mine toight for you and post. I've never experienced what you are having troubles with. I unplug mine for water changes, it starts up with no issues, never have to readjust.

Thanks a bunch!!!

I think the pump is bad, but Jeremy @ coralvue says it can't be, that the technology in it will shut it down if not functioning optimally. He even sent a new impeller, said the magnet might have a dead spot, but this new impeller just did what the old one did.

There is foam producing right now... If this thing would just stay stable, then it would work. I think.

phi delt reefer 03-07-2013 05:25 PM

i dont have this skimmer but i had a similar "water jet" issue with mine.

Check the volute and air line. If its plugged at all the skimmer will suck in more water than its usual mix or water and air and cause the "water jet".

I found my volute was mucked up with acrylic shavings from the manufacturing processing. I had to shove a jewelers screw driver into the hole to clean up the shavings.

globaldesigns 03-07-2013 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by phi delt reefer (Post 799801)
i dont have this skimmer but i had a similar "water jet" issue with mine.

Check the volute and air line. If its plugged at all the skimmer will suck in more water than its usual mix or water and air and cause the "water jet".

I found my volute was mucked up with acrylic shavings from the manufacturing processing. I had to shove a jewelers screw driver into the hole to clean up the shavings.

Already thought of that, thanks though... All is clean. But as you stated, I also had to previously clean out the innner air chamber of the venturi.

KPG007 03-07-2013 05:54 PM

I have the sss2000 model, and I had a similar issue when I first got it. I could not get the thing dialed in. First way too much skimmate, and it would over flow, I'd dial it back just a touch, then nothing, no skimmate. Everytime I'd empty the cup, I'd turn off the skimmer. After a few months of this I plugged the skimmer back in and it never started back up. I eventually got a new pump from the manufacturer and it was like night and day. The new pump was (and is) perfect. Easy to dial in, shuts down and starts up without issue, no problems. Get a new pump and your problems will be over.

globaldesigns 03-07-2013 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by KPG007 (Post 799808)
I have the sss2000 model, and I had a similar issue when I first got it. I could not get the thing dialed in. First way too much skimmate, and it would over flow, I'd dial it back just a touch, then nothing, no skimmate. Everytime I'd empty the cup, I'd turn off the skimmer. After a few months of this I plugged the skimmer back in and it never started back up. I eventually got a new pump from the manufacturer and it was like night and day. The new pump was (and is) perfect. Easy to dial in, shuts down and starts up without issue, no problems. Get a new pump and your problems will be over.

Thanks for posting this, I kept telling the manufacturer that I think the pump is bad, but they are stating that the pump would shut down if it was bad. I have sent another email to ask them again. I too think this pump is flakey!!!

globaldesigns 03-07-2013 07:03 PM

Well the manufacturer has offered to test it, so I would have to ship it back to them at my cost (insured) and if they deem all is fine, they will just ship it back.

I am at my wits end here, do I spend the $$$$ on this, or call it quits and put that money towards something new? Selling this one and taking a loss also? Either way, there is a $$$$ loss, which I hate!

The manufacturer has been ok, but it has been 4 months of this, I have sent multiple pic's of performance, setup, etc... 4 months too long. Some advice, but many emails with questions, unanswered, or only answered after I keep re-asking. Thanks to you all that are offering me help now.

The LFS were I bought it, offered to test it, but again should I? The manufacturer won't give a new pump, unless it is shipped to them and they test, so this I feel would be a waste of time. The LFS do not stock the skimmer pump as a stock item, so they probably won't take on the cost of buying the replacement, nor shipping to the manufacturer.

HMMMMM... What to do? I guess I will see if lowering the sump level a bit helps the stability. There is great foam coming out of this thing after 1-2 hours, the most I have seen ever!!! But will the water level in the unit stay stable? If so, this thing could rock!!! But I really have my doubts.

globaldesigns 03-07-2013 07:55 PM

OMG!!!! This thing is almost going to go flying out the window.

Raises 3-4 inches, drops 4-6 inches or more... And nothing was added to water or changed on the skimmer. I think the old Hydor will need to go back in! I am ready to toss in the towel.

Seriak 03-07-2013 08:03 PM

If you bought it at Concept, I would just have them test it. They are really good about making your experience positive.

globaldesigns 03-07-2013 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Seriak (Post 799877)
If you bought it at Concept, I would just have them test it. They are really good about making your experience positive.

Actually, I am in the process of setting up my old skimmer, so I can take it in to them. Thanks.

Dave/Denny, be prepared to see if you can get this thing working. Thanks guys!!!

reefwars 03-07-2013 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by globaldesigns (Post 799840)
Well the manufacturer has offered to test it, so I would have to ship it back to them at my cost (insured) and if they deem all is fine, they will just ship it back.

The LFS were I bought it, offered to test it, but again should I

this makes no sense to sorry but ive been saying for two months to bring it in to the store , shipping it out doesnt make any sense when we can test it here for you and have it back to you in like a couple i missing something?


concept aquatics

reefwars 03-07-2013 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by globaldesigns (Post 799878)
Actually, I am in the process of setting up my old skimmer, so I can take it in to them. Thanks.

Dave/Denny, be prepared to see if you can get this thing working. Thanks guys!!!

i would have brought it here long ago buddy lol

bring it over ill throw it on a system and let me fiddle with it for a few days, ill know if its not working right within a short time;)

globaldesigns 03-07-2013 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 799883)
i would have brought it here long ago buddy lol

bring it over ill throw it on a system and let me fiddle with it for a few days, ill know if its not working right within a short time;)

You know me I am stubborn, but I give up... Already talked to Dave, will see you guys later.

I am trying to get the manufacturer to say they will replace the pump if need be. They haven't replied, but I guess you guys will stand by it, so you will have it shortly. Thanks again.

The old Hydor is already pulling skimmate out, good boy, good ole boy!

Coralgurl 03-08-2013 01:57 AM

I know you've already pulled out the skimmer but here's the pics

globaldesigns 03-08-2013 04:04 PM


Mine doesn't look the same.. You have a different venturi and body, but thanks for the pic's... My body looks like a euroreef old style, with a slight cone on top, not as much as yours. Also my venturi looks cheap, and shorter than yours.

Let's see what Dave/Denny can do with this... Also the manufacturer now is agreeing to send a pump out. I have asked them to confirm this shipment, as I already gave the unit to the LFS. Still waiting on a reply.

Denny/Dave, I might have a new pump coming for this, will keep you posted.

Coralgurl 03-08-2013 04:56 PM

Hope everything gets sorted out, sounds like you are making progress!! Keep us posted on how things go!

RuGlu6 03-10-2013 07:43 AM

I didn't read through the whole thread just 1st page, but did anyone mentioned that you need steady water level in the sump?
If you don't have auto water top off, the sump level will fluctuate and you will have to constantly adjust skimmer level.
I have Reef Octopus bubble Blaster 3000 pump in my skimmer (Not SRO)and it is tremulously powerful and quiet skimmer.
But you need constant water level for sure.

globaldesigns 03-11-2013 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by RuGlu6 (Post 800740)
I didn't read through the whole thread just 1st page, but did anyone mentioned that you need steady water level in the sump?
If you don't have auto water top off, the sump level will fluctuate and you will have to constantly adjust skimmer level.
I have Reef Octopus bubble Blaster 3000 pump in my skimmer (Not SRO)and it is tremulously powerful and quiet skimmer.
But you need constant water level for sure.

Yup, no worries there, have always run the Tunze ATO

Got it back in the sump, not working great, but have to leave it for a bit to see what happens.

RuGlu6 03-11-2013 06:45 PM

Have you checked for skimmer internal leaks? If the skimmer does not hold water level steady enough the internal water level in the skimmer will fluctuate.
Could it be that something is leaking? valve, water passing out of the skimmer through the fitting, cracked chamber, loose plastic screws?

Anything intermittently blocking the water output from skimmer?

Other then that check the amps of the pump with clamp on Amp meter when it changes the level to see if Amp reading will fluctuate when water level changes.
See if there is any blockage or debris in the pump volute or impeller body or shaft.

You may be right though to suspect the pump. Because they do have internal "SMART" circuit that is not so smart.

globaldesigns 03-13-2013 04:14 AM

Well tried to run this thing as Denny did, but tonight it screwed up again, continually rising, until I had to unplug it to reset it. Once plugged back in it seems fine again. Fine being, stable water level in unit, but overall still not much skimmate, but again if this can't stay stable, then I can understand no skimmate production.

Have contacted LFS and manufacturer, this just won't due anymore. Hopefully something can be done.

RuGlu6 03-13-2013 08:32 PM

It does sound frustrating for sure.

Let’s try something else.

By looking at the pictures it looks like you don’t have any air intake control on your skimmer, but one thing comes to mind, try to get a restrictor for the air intake line.

I know, it sounds counterproductive however sometimes skimmers have larger pumps then needed in order to satisfy nova day’s market demands for more air intake.

Bubble Blaster 3000 pulls 1200-1400L of air per hour, if skimmer contact chamber is too small it will not produce stable foaming. Also you may want to try to stabilize foam by inserting a tight ball of plastic netting inside the skimmer it will not reduce water flow through but will brake larger bubbles in to smaller ones as well as reduce turbulence.

The finer the adjustments the better in terms of air control valve.

So back to air control: Try restricting the air flow it might make it more stable. It will also make bubbles smaller and foam denser. It will also make the pump to push more water through the skimmer so prepare for higher level or remove skimmer waste collection cup and then adjust. If pump will stay stable then with finer bubbles you will get better skimmate.

Nevertheless if pump is fine after power down and then fluctuates again it is indeed sounds like a malfunction.

globaldesigns 03-13-2013 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by RuGlu6 (Post 801919)
It does sound frustrating for sure.

Let’s try something else.

By looking at the pictures it looks like you don’t have any air intake control on your skimmer, but one thing comes to mind, try to get a restrictor for the air intake line.

I know, it sounds counterproductive however sometimes skimmers have larger pumps then needed in order to satisfy nova day’s market demands for more air intake.

Bubble Blaster 3000 pulls 1200-1400L of air per hour, if skimmer contact chamber is too small it will not produce stable foaming. Also you may want to try to stabilize foam by inserting a tight ball of plastic netting inside the skimmer it will not reduce water flow through but will brake larger bubbles in to smaller ones as well as reduce turbulence.

The finer the adjustments the better in terms of air control valve.

So back to air control: Try restricting the air flow it might make it more stable. It will also make bubbles smaller and foam denser. It will also make the pump to push more water through the skimmer so prepare for higher level or remove skimmer waste collection cup and then adjust. If pump will stay stable then with finer bubbles you will get better skimmate.

Nevertheless if pump is fine after power down and then fluctuates again it is indeed sounds like a malfunction.

Actually I did have one on there, I added it to make fine adjustments. Removed as the manufacturere stated not to do this. It however didn't help the instability of water volume/flow of skimmer, when I had it on.

LFS won't do anything, unless manufacturer will ok a pump swap. This is becuase it has been 4 months. Not fun, since this has been a problem from the get go... So I am trying to get Coralvue to ok the swap from LFS, or send me a new pump.

globaldesigns 03-13-2013 10:33 PM

Finally found a video of my actual model on youtube:

This video shows the agressiveness of the internal water. Within the skimmer cup column you will notice it is like rapids, instead of a nice bubble head rising to the top. Is this what I should be doing?

If this is the case, maybe I am tuning this thing wrong. So I have put it back in the sump as the video shows, and how others here explained. I will let it settle, and eventually it will go crazy like the video, I will then adjust accordingly. Then I will see if it can hold this level and aggressiveness.

If this is the case, boy this skimmer functions totally different to any skimmer I had before.

globaldesigns 03-14-2013 07:58 PM

Well, went to LFS to get new pump, but of course the new one is slightly different than what I had for mounting.

Jeremy from Coralvue, called me while I was in the store. I went home to take a picture of my venturi, as I always had a feeling it was that. I have included the image I sent.

Jeremy's comments: "That is definitely your issue. I am surprised it was working at all."

Problem is that the air nozzle is going into the inner chamber, and is pretty close to the inner wall. This probably causing poor air flow, especially if things like salt, snails, debris plug it up. This causing my up and down inconsistancies and poor bubble head and no skimmate. When I unplug, it probably backflushes it clean, until it happens again. Even if it didn't plug up, skimming abilities probably would always be next to nothing, like I have been experiencing.

So I am glad to finally figure things out. Looking forward to having a new skimmer that works properly. YIPPPPEEEE!!!

I do want to thank Jeremy from Coralvue, also Dave and Denny at Concepts. They all were probably very frustrated with my persistence, but I am glad to finally get a resolution, and thanks to you all!!!

Now I wait for the new part.

lastlight 03-14-2013 08:03 PM

even if we did suspect the chaps were on a little tight... there's no denying that's a real issue! glad you sorted it out... i would have probably run it over by now lol.

globaldesigns 03-14-2013 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 802313)
even if we did suspect the chaps were on a little tight... there's no denying that's a real issue! glad you sorted it out... i would have probably run it over by now lol.

Oh believe me... I was ready to do many things to this thing, was even measuring and looking at Bubble Kings, etc. Hopefully things work as they should.

And I DON'T wear chaps anymore. JEEEEEZZZZ, I will never live that down will I. :redface:

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