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Hairytank 03-02-2013 03:31 AM

Cycling issue
So after four years away from reefing I am getting back in... my wife actually was the one who suggested it...but I am have a weird thing happen while cycling my old rock.

Background: Bleached and acid washed my old dry rock and have been cycling it in a Rubber maid container for just over three weeks. There are several pumps maintaining a high flow rate. Using Coralife Marine salt mix to cycle the rock. The temp is 79, specific gravity 1.025, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, and Nitrate 5 ppm.

Issue: Three days after weekly water changes a significant number of small white particles are floating on the surface (not alive/swimming) and there is a mildew/musty odor.. I had a marine tank for over 10 years prior to shutting it down and never had anything like this..

Any thoughts?

subman 03-02-2013 03:57 AM

Could it possibly be left over dead organisms from deep inside the rock?

Hairytank 03-02-2013 04:29 AM

Given the extensive bleach and acid treatment it shouldn't be any organics, but anything is possible I guess.

Evilweevil 03-02-2013 05:13 AM

Is the water churning enough ? Even with good flow a film can develop on the water sometimes ? Are you filtering or running a skimmer or anything

ckmullin 03-02-2013 05:18 AM

How long was the acid treatment for a batch of rock?

albert_dao 03-02-2013 05:18 AM

SKim it with a net and rock it like nothing's wrong. Problem: Solution :D

asylumdown 03-02-2013 05:03 PM

Are you adding any sort of an ammonia source for the cycle? Putting rock that's been purged of all it's organics in to salty water won't cycle it. The cycle requires a source of ammonia (and if you want to speed it up, a source of organic carbon) to get the bacterial populations established. Trying to cycle without an ammonia source is like trying to grow a forest in a desert.

Hairytank 03-02-2013 06:34 PM

The acid bath was for 2 hours and bleaching was done for 4 days. Treated bleached rock with Prime and dried out.

There is plenty of flow. Koralia 2, Maxijet 1200, Maxijet 400, and my sump pump pushing water horizontally. The 1200 is pushing water up so that the surface is getting a fair amount of flow.

I have not started skimming yet as there is no room in the Rubber Maid to place my skimmer.

To start the cycle, I chucked in a couple of 1/2" pieces of fresh salmon. Also added MicroBacter by Brightwell Aquatics to aid in the cycling process.

Was wondering if it could be a diatom bloom..

Could just skim the stuff off the top with a net, but to my thinking that would only be treating the symptom..:wink:

I would hate to place this rock in my new Concept cube that is coming in a week or two and have it mess things up from the start.

Evilweevil 03-02-2013 11:30 PM

Hmmm how new old is the Rubbermaid container ? I have a couple big Rubbermaid bins for my r.o water and salt mixing that even after I rinsed and scrubbed them smelled funny for awhile ?

Zoaelite 03-02-2013 11:31 PM

Photos please :)?

asylumdown 03-03-2013 02:50 PM

If you put in fish that has since rotted, it could just be a biofilm. Our tanks would have one if they weren't being surface skimmed all the time. It honestly doesn't sound like something I would worry about too much

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