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lastlight 02-22-2013 02:36 PM

lastlight's 93
Figured I'd better put my new end-table to good use!

I started with a pico tank but had a few leaks on account of it having no end pane and nothing but tape holding it together:

I then picked up a new tank and Concept Aquatics Aquariums was kind enough to void all warranties by drilling a few holes in the back. I glued my failed pico in place:

Cured overnight and voila my end-table has been transformed =)

Aquattro 02-22-2013 02:38 PM

You're insane.

Parker 02-22-2013 02:47 PM

Along for the ride....... Again :D

lastlight 02-22-2013 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Parker (Post 795519)
Along for the ride....... Again :D

If I give many more rides I've been told to just buy a bus (to sleep in).

wayner 02-22-2013 02:58 PM

I knew it - Too funny - dimensions of cube please - who made the stand

phi delt reefer 02-22-2013 03:10 PM

whatever happened to the 404....

lastlight 02-22-2013 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by wayner (Post 795524)
I knew it - Too funny - dimensions of cube please - who made the stand

Like I tell my wife it *could* be hookers and blow... so stand back and let me do this LOL.

The tank is a stock Marineland 93. Those clowns advertise the footprint as 30x30 but that is trim to trim. The tank itself measures 29x29x24 I think.

The stand is another quick lastlight special. I have Rona make all the cuts to the plywood then slap it together in the kitchen and add my trim.

sphelps 02-22-2013 03:10 PM

So how many big gulps is that exactly?

lastlight 02-22-2013 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by phi delt reefer (Post 795532)
whatever happened to the 404....

It's 20 feet from my office right where I left it. My buddy is still getting his basement ready to receive the glass (which still needs to be cut apart).

lastlight 02-22-2013 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 795534)
So how many big gulps is that exactly?

You're the engineer and I'm the dropout engineer. Don't get caught asking me =)

kien 02-22-2013 03:21 PM


JDigital 02-22-2013 03:22 PM

Plumbing looks a bit tight in the rear...

kien 02-22-2013 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 795542)
Plumbing looks a bit tight in the rear...

I didn't want to be the one to officially derail his new build but since you brought it up.. oh nevermind!

lastlight 02-22-2013 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 795542)
Plumbing looks a bit tight in the rear...

My plumbing's been working out. Thanks for noticing =)

Coralgurl 02-22-2013 03:34 PM

Like a crack addiction, just can't stay away!!! Looks like a great size tank to work with, tagging along!

wayner 02-22-2013 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 795533)
Like I tell my wife it *could* be hookers and blow... so stand back and let me do this LOL.

I once told the wife the same and she asked me what was cheaper :lol:

Good luck with it and don't forget to croos out the 28 at the bottom unless your keeping it

lastlight 02-22-2013 03:39 PM

Yeah I'm really looking forward to having a sump/skimmer again and the ability to grow sticks. Some can grow them nicely in nanos without skimmers but I've had no such luck. I'll be putting the sump on an elevated rack next to the 404 laundry tub. A really squat stand and an elevated basement sump should mean my head losses won't be too bad at all.

As for crossing out the 28... can't do that until she's empty lol.

Seriak 02-22-2013 03:46 PM

Following along!

wayner 02-22-2013 03:47 PM

Lets talk lighting - 1 400W or 250W Radium supplemented with t5's or are you doing the LED thing like a Mitras?

lastlight 02-22-2013 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by wayner (Post 795554)
Lets talk lighting - 1 400W or 250W Radium supplemented with t5's or are you doing the LED thing like a Mitras?

Single black Mitras. Never even seen one before but I can do that when it finally arrives :lol: Sounds like that could be a month or more. It's got as little disco as you can get and the spread that a canon styled pendant can't give you. If my tank had been shallower I'd consider a 2x2 grid of the Kessil a150 I already have but I'd like the ability to tune the colours a bit too. I've come to want just a touch more blue.

sphelps 02-22-2013 04:00 PM

You could always check out mine, you can explain your gulp theory at the same time. I don't think that teach that in Saskatoon.

Good choice btw :biggrin:

Goatman 02-22-2013 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 795556)
Single black Mitras. Never even seen one before but I can do that when it finally arrives :lol: Sounds like that could be a month or more. It's got as little disco as you can get and the spread that a canon styled pendant can't give you. If my tank had been shallower I'd consider a 2x2 grid of the Kessil a150 I already have but I'd like the ability to tune the colours a bit too. I've come to want just a touch more blue.

What about Orpheks?

i have crabs 02-22-2013 05:20 PM

Looks good except all that glass on the back wall needs some kind of decorating, if only there was something you could put on it

Lance 02-23-2013 02:18 AM

How did you make the 93 in your signature look like a tank with no water?

The Grizz 02-23-2013 02:37 AM

Good god and I thought I went through tanks more then anyone. Where's the sump dude? I wanna see some plumbing, a skimmer and return pump ASAP.

gregzz4 02-23-2013 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 795533)
I have Rona make all the cuts to the plywood then slap it together in the kitchen and add my trim.

Nice job on the stand
Looking forward to the rest

We all knew you couldn't stick with a tank you could lift when full by yourself :razz:

duncangweller 02-23-2013 05:22 AM

I really like that stand. Now you have made me want one of those. Damn you reefers and your nice setups

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

lastlight 02-23-2013 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 795771)
Good god and I thought I went through tanks more then anyone. Where's the sump dude? I wanna see some plumbing, a skimmer and return pump ASAP.

Well I have the sump but no room to setup the damn thing lol. The 404 and its sump are hogging up a great deal of my basement! Return pump and skimmer are back ordered so yell at Denny if you want lol.


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 795773)
Nice job on the stand
Looking forward to the rest

We all knew you couldn't stick with a tank you could lift when full by yourself :razz:

Aha there's a method to the madness maybe? I'm glad someone thinks so. My condition baffles me more than anyone trust me :biggrin:

Stones 02-24-2013 05:59 PM

Good to see you are going to be back on the SPS bandwagon shortly. Nice job on the stand. You always seem to be able to pull off very modern and elegant looking stands but I guess you've had some serious practice by now!

fishoholic 02-24-2013 06:24 PM

Love the stand and the dimensions of the tank, cubes rock!

Delphinus 02-24-2013 06:40 PM

Can we start a pool for when it will be shutdown? Or is it too soon to make jokes like that?

Er, I mean, nice new tank, and stuff! Enjoy the ride..

(PS. I call June/July BTW ........ (too soon?) )

lastlight 02-25-2013 12:57 AM

Thx guys. I can do stands with my eyes closed. If you saw some of the joints and how much wood filler they ate you might think I *do* build them that way!

Tony it's never too soon :) additionally, shut the frag up lol. My back is on fire. Spent all day cutting rocks for the back wall %#*^!

lastlight 02-25-2013 06:59 PM

Before I mounted my rock background I attached these anchors underneath my overflow box. These will stabilize the rock work which is going to cantilever out a fair bit I think. They're large enough to fish a few long zip ties through them. An additional anchor will likely be place at the foot of the rock tower to keep the bottom from sliding around.

Cory (i have crabs) was generous enough to lend me his chop saw with masonry blade. I spent a few hours frolicking about in a white cloud of pulverized reef rock on my front steps. The method I used to attach the rocks was silicone-putty-silicone. I have tried prying off one of the pieces and can't even wiggle it. Now that I have the tank flipped off it's back I can go in and identify which gaps can be seen at normal viewing angles and fill them in better.

Bonus points to anyone that can tell me where my mp10s are going to go =)

A little bit of insurance until I have sand in.

sphelps 02-25-2013 07:09 PM

Your level of patience and persistence never ceases to amaze me. That looks like a jig saw puzzle from hell which you nailed by the way.

kien 02-25-2013 07:15 PM

^what Fabio said.

Seriosuly, I'm not typically a fan of rock walls but you actually made it look really good. It suits that tank's dimensions.

FishyFishy! 02-25-2013 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 796620)
Bonus points to anyone that can tell me where my mp10s are going to go =)

They are mounting to the bottom of the tank pointing upwards right??? I heard it was going to be a sandstorm tank :twised:

Those 2 eye holes on the rock wall will be great for viewing the tank from the back.

lockrookie 02-25-2013 08:38 PM

I too wish to say it looks great can't wait to see it all covered. I do want to caution to tho cleaning wise the corners will be hard to scrape the junk out with the rock close to it I made that mistake on my 50. Just want you to keep that in mind... Following as always

lastlight 02-25-2013 08:59 PM

Thanks guys.

I purposely used my thinnest pieces near the edge to minimize the work involved with cleaning the glass. I've actually come to prefer using a blade completely hand-held and just zipping across each pane so getting to these won't be bad at all.

Stones 02-25-2013 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by FishyFishy! (Post 796646)
Those 2 eye holes on the rock wall will be great for viewing the tank from the back.

Whenever I need a good laugh, I usually don't have to look much farther than your thread Brett:biggrin:

That rock wall looks pretty slick and will only look better once it starts to get covered with coralline alage. FYI a recipricating saw with a metal blade also works great for mutilating up live rock but I'm guessing you wanted the flattest cut possible for your intended purpose.

I'm a bit confused by the means in which you stuck the rock to the glass.

Silicone - putty - silicone isn't quite as self explanatory as it would seem....

Did you putty the center of the rocks and then put a bead of silicone around the putty? That's what it kinda looks like in the pics but all I can really see is the putty.

Zoaelite 02-26-2013 12:12 AM

We need a Canreef TOTmM (Tank of the multiple moments) for your amalgamation of tanks :razz:.

Can't wait to see this thing filled, do you know the glass thickness on that puppy? I did a quick online search but couldn't source it for the 93, if its 3/8" your good to go but ifs its 1/2" your MP10s won't work.

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