Reef Pilot |
02-18-2013 09:36 PM |
Well, should be no shortage of opinions, based on past discussion on this subject. I have mostly stayed out of these in the past, but what the heck, it's a slack day for me today...
I bought my first 3 Radions just over a year ago for my 6 ft 100 g tank. Unlike some others, mine have worked flawlessly. The only challenges I had early on was with the software. But that has been mostly fixed with new versions and firmware. My lights are inside a canopy, 8 inches above the water. The fan cools well inside (and the canopy is vented) exhausting out the sides of the fixture. The big power supplies with the heat sinks have a long cord and are mounted outside, so don't add any heat inside my canopy. I was also able to set up a DIY rail system allowing for some positioning flexibility and easy removal for cleaning and inspection. The AI Sols would not have worked inside my canopy, so were not an option.
All in all, I have been very happy with the Radions. The lighting is very nice, and good for coral growth. I like the software too, and the ability to control all aspects of your lighting over time.
Then last year, I set up a 2nd 6 foot tank downstairs, so I bought 3 more Radions. These are the newer Gen 2's. They are 20 - 40% more powerful than my original Gen 1s, and it is quite noticeable. I understand they also have a better fan which is more reliable. I moved the Gen 1's downstairs to my new tank, and replaced them with the new Gen 2s. Because they are so powerful, I still have not been able to ramp them past 90% and only for a short peak time at that intensity. I now have SPS corals, and they are growing very well under this light. I have had to move some corals lower down and to partially shaded areas to prevent bleaching.
I also have a QT/frag tank, so bought another Gen 1 Radion (now have 7 altogether) for that too. But that one doesn't need more than 20% intensity at this time. What is nice too, is that all the Radions communicate wireless with each other, and you only have to connect one fixture to your laptop, to program all the rest, even though they are in different areas in your house.
So, while I can't speak much about the others, I do have to say that I am very pleased with my Radions. They are not cheap, but they do the job for me, and very well.